hi :)

Trix Cunning

New Member
OOC First Name
12" holly dragon
So, hi, I'm new.

I thought this site looked really cool so I have joined :D

I haven't been sorted yet but I hope in hufflepuff or ravenclaw. :p
Hi there, Robyn! :) Welcome to HNZ.
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I hope you enjoy your time on our board.
Our Site Documentation page is generally pretty helpful in getting started on the board - but if you find yourself with any more questions or concerns, feel free to contact me via PM or just post a topic in the FAQ forum (where any member can try to help you out).
Unfortunately, sorting is closed right now and won't open again for a little while -but in the interim you'll have plenty of time to develop this character and use it in the "Unsorted Roleplaying" section - or you can begin your journey on HNZ with another adult character and just have a student sorted once that time comes. ^_^

Welcome once more, and see you around!
Hey Robyn!

That's totally cool. It's good to know that you're enjoying! So, anyways, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw `eh? You probably might be in Ravenclaw. The Ravenclaws are winning for the House Cup [again]. Shucks. :(

So, have a nice time! :woot:

Arty xx
Welcome to HNZ, Robyn!

I'm Cyndi, the other admin. I'm glad that you've decided to join and I hope that you enjoy your time here on the site :)
Welcome to HNZ! :hug:
I'm Jessye, I reallly hope you enjoy your time here and I hope to see you around the board. Don't be shy to PM me if you ever wanna roleplay or anything! :woot:

- Jessye
Hey there!
My name is Donna, welcome to our lovely site ^_^
See you around! :wub: :donna:

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