Hi-Ho, Away We Go

Artemis Tuuri

Well-Known Member
Art stood at the edge of the abyss that was the Forbidden Forest at twelve am. She clutched her Sienna tightly to her tiny chest and squinted, trying to see into the gloom. The Forest was dark enough in the day time, but this sort of night seemed almost impenetrable. Art knew her way to her forest nook back to front by now. Darkness was not a problem; up until that one point. After that, she was on her own. This, to Art, was a test of willpower. How much did she want to see her brother? How far was she willing to go to make sure he was safe again? From what she had heard, there was a handsome but disheveled man roaming the streets, sleeping either in alleys or in the room of a kind innkeeper. One even said that he was ill – to her dismay, she knew it must be Gregory. She must find him.

It was now or never. I will brave these forest beasties and find him. she thought as she gripped her broom harder. The sensitive wood bucked in her grip, and she almost lost her hold.
“Fool...” she hissed to herself as she swung her leg over it with difficulty. Flying was hard for the little part-goblin. There Art hovered for a moment, scanning the tree line. Letting go of the broom, she searched in her robes and pulled out her faithful wand. “Point me,” whispered Art as the wand swiveled in her grasp. There was north. Well then...

“Tally-ho,” said Art with a frown of anticipation. With that, she kicked off from the ground.
The night always made Kalif rather relaxed, more so than the daytime. However, there was something not quite right with this night. As the professor graded essays his fourth years turned in early, some were not as pleasant as he thought that they would be. Judgments based on past experiences. Putting the papers away, he stood up and waved his hand. The desk was neatly cleaned and Kalif was satisfied. Opening the door to his office, Kalif stepped into the chilling night air. Deciding a trip to the forest would be best, Kalif headed into it. Though he did not use lumos to light his way. Though the forest was as dark as can be, Kalif knew his way around. He was out of sight, and he lifted the sleeve of his left arm. The Dark Mark revealed pleasantly. Casting a charm to render it invisible for the next twenty-four hours, he put the sleeve back down.

Kalif's head turned sharply toward the entrance of the forest. He heard a voice, a voice of a child out of bed and out after curfew. Kalif rolled his soulless eyes as he paced back to the entrance, when he stopped just short of it. He glanced overhead to see a small child flying a broom. Kalif at first had no idea what to think. However, it occurred to him that no child would be flying a broom, over a forest, just for enjoyment. She had to be escaping. Pointing his wand at the girl on the broom, he cast Impedimentia nonverbally, and then Descendo. One would make the girl stop or slow down at least, and the other would lower her down, to be right in front of him, actually. If both succeeded.
All of a sudden, her broom was slowing. That could only mean one thing. The alarm bells were flashing, and she gripped her broom tightly with both hands. “Steady, steady,” she whispered. It was no good.
“Urgh!” she cried out in frustration. This was just too much! Not even ten meters she had flown before being caught. What terrible luck! Soon the broom lowered itself and however a foot above the ground. Art leapt off it instinctively, and turned to face her adversary.

Oh no, she thought.
“Oh no.” she said.

Well, run and hide weren’t options anymore. What was? Staring like a trapped rabbit wasn’t helping. Just take your broom, straighten your face and look mean. Art managed the first two quite well, but she was too shocked at the present moment. She stared up at Professor Styx, trying not to look guilty instead. She was only waiting for the anger to hit- ahh, there it was. She had a good scowl going. It was slightly strange coming from the tiny girl, but her temper was up as she had been foiled so quickly, and she was angling for a good fight. Let’s not be rash, she though to herself sternly. Wait to hear what he has to say.
Kalif watched as both spells hit, and the broom lowered itself. However, it was a little unnerving to see who it was. He half expected someone to utterly hate school to be escaping from it. Ms. Blackmoore-Yearling... he mused in his mind. She was so small compared to the almost seven foot man. His glowered down at her, his arms folded over his chest slowly, his wand still in his gloved hand. Very rarely someone could sneak by Professor Styx while he was out and about at night. She happened to be the unfortunate one and chose this night of all the others when he wouldn't be up and in the forest.

His voice lined with ice spoke in a low, authoritative tone, "Is there any reason why you would be flying out after curfew above the forest, as if you were escaping the castle under my assumptions, Ms. Blackmoore-Yearling?" He waited for an answer, and hoped that this child would at least have enough common sense to tell him the truth and send her back to the Ravenclaw tower. Kalif was currently debating on sending her to her Head of House after he got a few answers if they were not obvious enough.
What on earth was she going to say now? “I’m-sorry-professor-Styx-I’m-trying-to-find-my-long-lost-brother-whose-missing-so-canyoupleaseletmegorightnow!” ? Unlikely.
There were a myriad of lies to tell.
She’d lost something near the forest but she didn’t have time to find it that day.
She was going off to visit a centaur.
She was gathering gurdy root.
She was practicing her flying but her broom malfunctioned and sent her into the forest.
She- Oh, forget it.
“Sir, my brother is missing.” said Art firmly, still quite miffed. “He’s sick and homeless and I must find him. There’s no way I could have gotten permission otherwise, and I am quite determined to find him.”
That would have to do. In her mind, Professor Styx had one minute to convince her not to try again, or she was going to be the largest thorn in everyone’s side until she found a way to get Gregory. She was going to try and try again until they locked her in the dungeons till holidays.
“Oh sod it, sir, do try and understand!”
Kalif continued to glare down at her, no expression flickered over his face. "I understand sibling relations far too well however," Kalif paused for a moment, "I will not allow you to leave school grounds without permission." His voice was stern, and there was no changing this Death Eater's mind. Kalif glanced in the direction of the school. He stated, "You are to report to your Head of House. Perhaps she might give you permission, but otherwise, you are to stay on school grounds." Kalif turned his icy gaze back upon the Ravenclaw girl. "Whether or not I need to escort you up there is debatable." Kalif waited for her response so he could head back to his office and wrap up a few things, and perhaps she could just return to her dorm.
This was what Art expected to hear, but not what she wanted. It was not good enough! The night was getting colder and the snow was falling on her poor brother.

Wrong answer.

"I'm not finished with this yet." she said, face turning red as her blood boiled. "Sorry to disrupt your evening." The broom groaned as hairline splinters ran ragged up the middle. Art didn't look it, but she was tremendously strong and, at this moment, incredibly angry.
"Is there not something we can do that is more immediate?" her voice came steady but not without fury. "I have resolved not to waste another minute."
Now she couldn't compete with magic, but she would drag Professor Styx to the headmistress' office to get permission that very minute if need be. "Can we make an arrangement?". Preferably something that didn't mean the destruction of her Sienna by means of battery against a certain someone.
Kalif stood still, not at all intimidated by her anger, when really he could just lift her by the collar of her shirt and drag her like a ragdoll. Kalif spoke, his voice becoming harsher with every growing moment, "You are wasting time just standing here arguing with me." Kalif would not by any means help a student out of his own way. It was not the type of person he was. He enforced the rules, and this girl was no exception. "I will not make an arrangement with you, unless that arrangement is what I suggested before. I don't want to have to drag you to the Headmistress because you are not getting your way. And I surely don't want to have to take away any house points by your foolish actions that don't even suit a Ravenclaw." Kalif tensed up slightly, just enough for it to remain unseen. He was thoroughly prepared for anything.
Stop. Reverse. Change tactics.
She would gain no sympathy points with Professor Styx. Crying and shouting weren't options. Art was generally intimidated by any person taller than her, which was everyone. Therefore she was stronger and more fierce when confronted. Styx was the most frightening person she knew, and so her brow furrowed with determination. This was a new challenge.

"I'll see you tomorrow night."

It was pig-headed to think that she would get any farther tomorrow or any night after that. But for people whom she could not move, the only course one could take would be to aggravate them into action. This plan was only as a last resort. Today she would seek audience with the Headmistress, or at least her Head of House. If all else failed, than all that was left was will-power. If she didn't find her brother within the next twenty-four hours, she would raise hell. Not getting my way, hm? My brother is dying and he wants to take away house points. Well then, let's see who wins out.
She swung her broom over her shoulder and walked right past him. Was he coming with her, or wasn't he? Either way, he wasn't getting any sleep tomorrow if her plan failed. No longer angry, she headed towards the castle. I will not cry. she thought. This is not over yet. Even so, she wondered how hard she would have to try to find Gregory. Perhaps the professor was right. Maybe she was wasting time. There had to be a better way.

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