Hi Everyone

Paul Skullebrew

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Wow! This place is pretty schnazzy. I'm liking it A LOT.
So, can anyone tell me how I get started perhaps? I'm a tad bit confused as to what to do. :p

Anyways! My name is Tim. I live in Wyoming. Which is in the USA. (Used to live in Quebec)
I'm 15 almost 16. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Any questions? Please help me get started!
Hi there Tim. :) Welcome to HNZ!
I'm Nick one of the admin here, and I'm from Canada (Ontario, specifically).
If you have any specific questions or concerns feel free to send me a PM or post in the FAQ forum. Otherwise, our Site Documentation explains much of what our site is about, all our rules, and how to get started.
There's also a topic in the announcements forum about getting sorted. ^_^
Hey welcome to the site :)
Welcome, Timmeh! :hug:
I'm Claire, nice to meet you ^_^
Ello :D I'm Pheebz, Claire's sister -points up- :p Welcome to HNZ :D
Welcome to HNZ! :hug:
I'm Jessye, and when you get more settled we definitely need to RP sometime!
Welcome to the site. I'm Annie and if you want I can Rp with you once you get sorted.
(I have Rebecca here that needs Rp's) Glad your liking the site, :)
Hi there Tim! My name is Donna, I'm from good ole' New Zealand ^_^ I hope know you'll have a fantastic time around here ^_^
Paul Skullebrew said:
Ya'll so awesome!
Truer words were never spoken typed.

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