Hi everybody!

Ulric Beaumont

New Member
OOC First Name
Hi there, im a noob, if you couldnt tell already. Name's Shay, and I'd like to just tell you all I can't wait to start rping with you all. I have a few questions though. 1. Where do I go from here XD 2. Can I start as a professor, or do I need to do though graduation and all that first? and 3. How are you all?
Yo Shy (I deem this your nickname :D )

Welcome to HNZ, which is what us lovely house dwellers have nicknamed this site.

I love it when new people join our board, but I am sorry to tell you that you have missed sorting, so you will have to wait to have a studnet for a while longer. But Adult characters, Beuaxbatons characters, Durmie's and scotwardians, are all accepted on this board as well, and they basically can go anywhere (Except the hogwarts grounds of course ^_^ )
So feel free to make anyone of those if you so wish and I would like to say that I look forward to rping with you in future.

Also our forum moderators are found here should you ever need to contact them.
I would also like to direct you to the Site documentation to clear up any questions you may have.
Otherwise I look forward to possibly chatting with you here.

Happy lurking :p

btw to answer your questions. From here you may start developing you character in the Character and Roleplay development forum, where you can post a character development where people can ask you questions and help you develop your characters further.
You can start as a Professor but as our Professors have alot of work to do, I would not reccommend it. But if you think you can handle it, then by all means apply for a position ;)
And also I am fine and you?
Thanks for the info. Im gonna think over the professor thing. I wanted to do it for the rp, and I think I can handle the work, but then again, I havnt seen how much work there is O.O So, ill look at some rp's and if I can, Ill take it on :) And I'm doing good. Thanks again.

-Shy o_O
Hi there Shayde!

We were all noobs once, so don't you worry about that at all :p
I'm Cyndi by the way. It looks like Teigan has already answered questions 1 and 2, so I think I'll take a shot at #3 :D

Before I do, I'd just like to add that if you are thinking of being an HNZ professor, you do have to fill out the application :)
I'm doing pretty good, eagerly waiting to head to the movies to see HP7 Pt 1 in a few days :woot:
How about you?

Hope to see you around the site :)

Welcome Shay!

Dont worry after a few RPs you will feel like you have always been here :) its really that fun ;) anyway Cyndi and Teigan have basically done everything but I do love saying hello to new people so Hello! Im Tenile and I consider myself a tadish new still as sometimes Im still clueless xD
Happy RPing, oh this is Aussie :p please ignore him xD

~Tenile. :woot:
Woah. Colour abuse from Tenile. @_@

My blindness aside - welcome to the community, Shayde! :)
I hope you enjoy your time on the board. I guess I should introduce myself - I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and you can contact me if you come up with any further questions or concerns about the site.
Otherwise, I'll see you around the board! :) You can get to know our community in our Off Topic Board. ^_^

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