Hi... Again

Hiria's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh. That is so freaky. My first 'vision' was, well, I heard laughing, as if someone was happy. And I saw the colour green. and it sounded like there was more than one person there. You don't think it could be to do with what you saw, could it?" Hiria said, still in shock.
((I'm still writing the application in a word document... Should finish today or tomorrow.))

Vanessa still didn't believe she was a Seer. She would have found out already, right? "Maybe..." She put the whole thing together. Fighting and then laughing after the color green... It didn't sound good.
Hiria's eyes opened even wider when she realised what else the vision could mean. "Oh my gosh!!!!" Hiria exclaimed, positivley startled. "Fighting, then laughing after the colour Green? Someone could be going to hit by Avada Kedavra!!! Someone could be going to die!" Hiria said almost in tears.
Vanessa put her hands on Hiria's shoulders. "It's okay," she said, calmly. "Let's not jump to conclusions. The color green could mean anything, really. And our visions might not have anything to do with each other." She thought of what could have been happening. Maybe someone had squirted green mist out of their wand or something?
"Maybe it had something to do with someone from Slytherin?" Hiria asked unsurely,Seeming as green was the Slytherin house colour, it could be likely.
"Hmmm.... could be." Hiria said. "Or maybe two people in their house had a fight, then made up?" she said. "Either way, should we go and tell one of the Divination teachers that there is another Seer in the school? I mean, since I already told my astronomy teacher." Hiria added.
"Maybe you could also tell them I'm one?" Hiria said.
"Nope. Unless you're secretly an Animagus?" Hiria joked, trying to lighten the mood.
"Nope. Unless you're secretly an Animagus?" Hiria joked, trying to lighten the mood.

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