hi,. ^_^

Kish Mavie

New Member
hi everyone,. I'm Kish Mavie,. I'm hoping to have more friends here in NZ,. :) :) I heard you're all friendly and nice :p people,.
Hi Kish

Welcome to HNZ, which is what us lovely house dwellers have nicknamed this site. First off, thankyou for calling us friendly, and it is very true, we are very open and friendly and if you need any help, just ask anyone, and they will attempt to point you in the right direction ^_^

I love it when new people join our board, but I am sorry to tell you that you have missed sorting, so you will have to wait to have a studnet for a while longer. But Adult characters, Beuaxbatons characters, Durmie's and scotwardians, are all accepted on this board as well, and they basically can go anywhere (Except the hogwarts grounds of course ^_^ )
So feel free to make anyone of those if you so wish and I would like to say that I look forward to rping with you in future.

Also our forum moderators are found here should you ever need to contact them.
I would also like to direct you to the Site documentation to clear up any questions you may have.
Otherwise I look forward to possibly chatting with you here.

Happy lurking :p
Hi Kish!
We're all hoping to be your friend too ^_^
Welcome to HNZ, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me, any of the Moderators/Admins ^_^
!!Hey Kish!!
Yes we are very friendly and very nice people :D I think :p
Hope to see you around RPing with your character :) you will get the hang of it in no time.
Anyway I nearly forgot

To HNZ... :p
Welcome to the board, Kish! :)

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