Heyy Y'all

Erin Walsh

OOC First Name
Hi, I'm Erin! My character has the same first name as me. I'm from North Carolina, I like to read, hang out with friends, and listen to music. Oh, and I'm sometimes addicted to tumblr. I've had an account here before, but I had to stop playing because of schoolwork. Hopefully I'm back for good!
Hi Erin,
Nice to have you back :)
ZOMG...same state as me!! *squee* Welcome to the site :D Hope you enjoy it!! Lurk into Spam sometime and chit chat with us!!
Welcome back to the site Erin! :)
Lots of welcome topics these days. ^_^ I approve. :p

Welcome (back), Erin. :)
Hey! My character's name is Erin, too! :D And they are in the same year! :woot: Such an exciting concept.

Anyhoo, my name is Meghan. Welcome back to HNZ! xD
Hehe, no one can stay away from HNZ forever :p Welcome back! Hope to see you around Spam and such ^_^

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