
Theta Smith

New Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand, 12 1/2, Essence of Wood Rose
Heya, I'm Jasmine (also known as Jammy). I'm from New Zealand and stumbled across HNZ and figured I'd give it a go. I've been RP'ing for a few years now, a range of different RP's. I can't wait to get started RP'ing here!
hello Jammy.
Welcome to HNZ :hug: . It is alway awesome to see new members around and you picked a perfect time to join as sorting is open if you want a student. I am Mia and i come from Australia.
before you begine it is a good idea to have a read through the site documentation if you havent already. that should hopefully answer any questions tht you have. if not the staff are great at answering question you have. our Admins are Nick (Nicholas King) and Cyndi (Professor Cyndi kingsley) and we have awesome global moderators too Kiera Potter, Hadan Hensel, Patricia Styx, Riley Sparkles, and Stefan Archer (kait, kaitlyn, pat, donna and emzies respectively). or if all that purple is looking a little scary feel free to shoot me a pm on this account or my main one Briar Rowan if you need help, want to chat or want to rp or anything else.
Hope to see you around
Mia :mia:
Welcome to HNZ Jasmine! :hug:

Yaye for new members! Anywhoodles, My name is Jessye and I'm from the United States! You're from New Zealand? That's pretty cool! You chose to join at the perfect time as sorting as just started, and we have all this awesome birthday stuff going on! You should really check them both out when you have the time! :D

I hope to see you around the board! Don't be shy to send a message my way if you'd like to roleplay or anything!

Hey Jasmine! :)
Welcome to HNZ. I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at any time.

I'm glad you found our little corner of the Internet and hope you enjoy your time on the board. ^_^
Hi Jasmine!
Like Mia said, I am one of the GMs called Kaitlyn, and I hope to see you around the board!

By the way, congratulations on being in Ravenclaw! (I am not the Head of that House, but anything is better than Gryffindor) :r :wub: I'm kidding. xD
Welcome Jammy!!​

I'm Marga and I'm from the Philippines and welcome to the site!!

Congratulations on being sorted to Ravenclaw! <SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">(I get Hufflepuff most of the time.. :p ) You'll have loads of fun here!!

Oh well, feel free to send me a PM if you want to roleplay with me and my small range of characters.. xD

See you around!!

<COLOR color="#ee4a2d">~Marga​
</i><FONT font="Monaco"><I>
Welcome to the Site! :D

I hope you enjoy rping with all the wonderful people around the site. I'm Stephanie, but on here I go by Steph. You'll love Ravenclaw, full of wonderful students like one of my characters Bituin San Buenaventura :)

See you around the site!
Steph :)
Hey there! Welcome to HNZ Jasmine! :trolol:
You remind me of another Jasmine, also a member of the board and who's from NZ. :r Anyway! I'm Mintzy and I hope to RP with you soon! Hope you'll enjoy your stay with us! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun!Shoot me a PM if you ever wanna RP, it'll be amazeballs! ♥
Welcome to the site, Jasmine! I hope you enjoy your time here. ^_^

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