
Aya Matrim

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11 Essence of Phoenix Feather
It's been years since I've been here but now that my roleplaying has improved as well as my commitment HI AGAIN
Welcome back to HNZ! :D
It's always nice to see somebody come back to us - lots has changed over the last few years so if you have any questions or concerns getting back in to things, just let me know!
Thanks guys! It's nice to feel welcomed again, so thank you <3 I can't wait to get back into the swing of things.
Welcome back Taylor!!! ^_^
PM me if you need any help. It's great to see you back on the site!
Welcome back, Taylor!
What other characters did you have before, if I may ask?
Oh god let's see if I remember. I know one was a Gryffindor and another a Ravenclaw, but that's of no use. ANNA LASTEN AND TALLY AMIS! Those were my characters from years past. I'd start them up again but I don't remember anything about what I wrote for them XD
Hey look at little me's writing. Tally isn't too bad...maybe I'll pick her up again.

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