
Stanene Wolfhausen

New Member
Hello all, I joined here a long time ago and never got active. Now I'm back and I guess I'll try to be more active this time!

Love the Harry Potter books and have read them a number of times, so I think I'll enjoy it here.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone, I suppose I'll see you all around the forums over the coming days/weeks/months!
Hi there nameless person! :) I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I'd like to welcome you to HNZ!
I'm glad you've decided to try to stick it out with us here. It takes some getting used to, but once you do HNZ is amazingly awesome (oh, I'm not modest at all, by the way ;) ).

So if you run in to any problems, or have any questions or concerns, just shoot me a PM. :)

See you around the board! ^_^

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