Hey its you

Nadia Kaster

finding talent; hidden; retired journalist
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 14" Dragon Heartstring Core
It was that time of year again. Soon Nadia would again be undertaking exams, though she did wonder why they had to have exams now of all months, why not later. Though she figured that maybe they couldn't be at any time of year seeing as it was near the end of it. She sighed as she sat on a bench near the centre of the garden. It had been months since she had thought about her mother and siblings, but she was glad of it. Every second she spent thinking about them was time she could easily slip back into her Depression. However she had been in a good mood all day today and she was not about to just spoil it because she was dwelling on past grief. Instead Nadia stood up and started to explore the Garden completely. She'd not been there before and wanted to find out its secrets. If it'd had any.

xx Sorry its crap :doh:
Justin walked out onto the grounds, heading for the all too familar Hogwarts Garden. With his Prefects badge pinned to his chest, and his pride and eyes on the lookout, he would make sure nobody did something they weren't meant to. Although Justin has a more relaxed kind of person, he was able to get serious as soon as he was needed to get serious. Whether or not that happened straight away, or whether people decided not to mess around with him. He preferred not to give out punishments, and he just liked to have fun, but that didn't mean that he would slack off and let people do whatever the heck they wanted to do, especially when he was on the watch. Justin wasn't stupid, and he wouldn't have people think that he was, or ever would be. He knew what he was doing, and people seemed to think that he didn't. Well, he'd show them.

Justin spotted something outside that he hadn't expected to see. Somebody that he hadn't seen in a while, and she hadn't been in the best state of mind last time that they had been together. But, she seemed to be perfectly fine right now so of course Justin was going to go and talk to her! "Nadia! Hello!" Justin said, running over to her, prefects badge shining in the sunlight. "I've missed you." He said, hugging his younger sister-like figure. He hadn't seen her in a long time, this was definitely going to be a very interesting day now. He had to make sure that she was feeling as better as she could be feeling.
Nadia was jumping around like a crazy monkey and laughing her head off as she explored the Gardens. The last thing she was ever expecting to see was a prefect walking towards her. She quickly dropped her head and began to apologize for making a racket before she realised that it was infact her favorite brotherly figure Justin Cliffeton. She smiled cheekily as Justin hugged her. She then laughed "Justin! I thought that you were coming to yell at me or something. Don't ask me why, I was having a guilty moment." She laughed as she hugged him back. "I've not seen you in ages, where've you been this whole time?" She asked as she found another bench to sit on and tapped the space beside her indicating for him to sit.

"So what have you been doing lately without me for company?" She asked as she stuck her tongue out slightly, laughing as she did so.
Justin smiled when his favourite second year acknowledge him. He'd definitely missed her, and he was definitely going to be catching up with her, now. Justin definitely wouldn't change today for the world. Justin laughed at her, why would he yell at her? She wasn't doing anything wrong, was she? "Why would I come to yell at you? It's not like you were doing anything wrong, and I've even memorised the rule book." Justin said, smiling, noticing he just did exactly what he said that he wouldn't have done. Justin pointed to his Prefects badge to answer her next question. "You don't exactly get a whole lot of free time with this position. Though, I've heard Head Boy can be a lot worse!" He said, sighing at this. He knew that if he kept us as he was, he would probably have a pretty good chance of being chosen for Head Boy. He wasn't exactly sure if he wanted it yet, though. But he knew that if it happened it would happen, and he definitely wouldn't turn it down.

Justin didn't know how to answer her next one. "Well, there actually hasn't been much. I've been doing a lot of studying for my exams, and then I've had a lot of Prefects duties on top of that. In short, I've had a lot to do without you around. But I'm happy now that you're here for company, for sure." Justin said, smiling brightly. He'd definitely missed his favourite Ravenclaw.
Nadia shrugged when Justin asked why he would be yelling at her. She actually didn't know, she'd just seen the badge and BOOM, she thought she'd been doing something wrong. Now that she knew she wasn't she could relax. "I don't know, I just saw the badge and , yeah so anyway." She said as she laughed slightly. She was really happy to be seeing Justin again after so long. She then nodded at his statement as if she was agreeing with him. Ofcourse she would have no idea about it. "I can definitley see what you mean, I could imagine it would be hard to be Headboy or Headgirl." She said as she nodded. She smiled. "You know Justin, your such a goody-two-shoes, I wouldn't be surprised if you get Headboy" She said grinning. She knew that if he did end up Headboy she would have to tease him about it, in light of their discussion anyway, it would be funny.

Then she frowned slightly as he next spoke. "Well I feel so loved." She said as she turned her back. Then she laughed and turned back around. "Im so kidding, I'm glad you've had things to do without me, don't want you to get all lonely now do we?" She asked as she pulled her hair out of her face.

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