Hey, Im New O:

Hi there Emma! :)
Welcome to HNZ. I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I hope you enjoy your time on the board.

Unfortunately, sorting is closed at the moment but will reopen near the end of July. It's a very easy and painless process, so I hope you stick around for it. ^_^ In the mean time, you can get to know our community and roleplay in the unsorted roleplaying section - or create an adult character. :)

If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to ask here, post in the FAQ section, or PM me directly - I'm always happy to help.
Hey Emma!
Welcome to HNZ! My name is Donna, I'm one of the Global Mods here. Feel free to give me a poke with any questions! ^_^
Welcome to HNZed! :woot:
My name is Tenile, but you can call me anything you want. (except Tenny :p ) I'm sure you'll have tons of fun, and Nick's right, sorting is very simple, and I hope you stick around for it and join in on the fun.

~Tenilee. ^_^

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