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Edward Neill

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
14" Maple Wood Wand Essence of Pheonix Dust
Hey everyone! Mr. Neill over here needs some friends and such.
I kinda just wanna start out with friends, because on a few other RPG Forums i've been on, I asked for EVERYTHING and that was WAY to much.
So I'm asking for the following type of friends.

Just Friends
Best Friends
(He's widowed too...wink wink)

Thanks! :) I can't wait to start roleplaying. I'm actually sorta kinda maybe eh...good at it? What I mean to say is I can keep a conversation going and not make it a BORING roleplay.

I have two older adult characters that he could be friend with you, The first is Raziel Black he is an auror for the ministry currently and just recently had his first son. He was from a wealthly family in the US but they were recently massacred (which was approved by the admin.).

The second would be Elizabeth Wang she is about twevle years older but she is like oprah and knows everyone who is well connected. Lol she is single if you are into the older woman young guy scene =))
I think I'll start with Raziel xD
As for older...Thats a bit.. too old :r

I'll start a roleplay?
Jaylisa here is a Brazilian Auror who has moved to New Zealand not too long ago and is looking for friends too. She's an honerable woman so we can see how they RP and move see if they move on from there. For now friends would be a good :D
(He's widowed too...wink wink)

seeing as no one else seemed to have pounced on this most blatant hint xD then I will...

This here is Corinne, she has never had the time for a relationship and the one man she had been ready to push aside her career for to make that precious time ended up falling madly in love with someone else. (Nicolas King and Sakura Gemini) :r

anyhow, she has always been all about her career but she does not want to end up a spinister either. She is sweet, gentle, kind and considerate but as petite as she may look she is stronger than she appears, mentally and emotionally anyhow. She needs to be in her profession.
English by birth, she has only been a resident of New Zealand for the last three years now. So still feels a tad lost about the place as she usually only goes from her home to work etc.
if interested great ;) if not no worries <_< ( xD )

Poor Linda has alerted me to the fact that Edward here is single, so naturally I'm going to sink Ylva's claws in if I can, seeing as she's at a very good age for it ;)

Ylva Kvalheim won't reveal her age, but I can tell you that she is currently forty-six years old and doing her absolute best to find a man at the moment. She is a Death Eater (and a man-eater) but she has no time for just messing around and dating anymore when what she needs is a little girl.
It's part of her family tradition that the matriarchs of the Kvalheim line must produce a female child to carry on the name. Obviously, she's left it a bit late and is looking for people to prey on
However, I thought it would be simply smashing if Ylva discovered she'd become attached to one of the poor unfortunate souls that she tries to take advantage of. She wants a child, but she doesn't want a husband, and if she likes Edward and decides to go for him, it could be a very interesting and hilarious plot. I want her to mellow in the presence of a man.
Can you imagine her trying to rope Edward in and falling for him, instead? He could think of her as just a friend, or a fling, or whatever he pleases, but she'll be in over her head in no time.

Like it? Hate it? Lemme know.
Corinne Kolpeck said:
(He's widowed too...wink wink)

seeing as no one else seemed to have pounced on this most blatant hint xD then I will...
And so the contest begins. I took the hint but considering Jaylisa's personality she would have to really know have any sort of feelings for him other than friends. I was kinda hoping that it would turn out that way though :p
Everyone: I'll just roleplay with you all to see which one would be like friend like and who would be the best match for Eddie.

Sooo Lin, I'll start a rp with oyu and Kelsey I'll start another with you? Ok?

Ana, so true so true :p
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