Closed Here comes the end

Jacob Kingsley

HNZ Alum | Gryffindor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Rigid Larch Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Taking place after this

Jacob got to work cleaning right away. He tossed his clipboard on the ground, facedown, though he had a feeling that anyone who tried to peek wouldn't be able to read his writing. His mother had called it 'chicken scratch' once and he had no idea what she'd meant by that until he'd gone to a farm and seen it for himself. It was a pretty accurate statement.
He barely looked over at the two teammates he'd asked to stay behind, only trusting that they were helping him to clean. Slamming the practice trunk shut, Jacob made it hover and then began walking away to the shed.
Sierra had been proud of herself for her try outs. Of course, the team had already seen her play, and even though she hadn't won for them, she had done really well in practices before, and she thought she was a pretty good player. Sierra just wanted another chance to prove herself. Jacob had called the practice to an end, and Sierra was keen to hit the showers and eat some food, but then Kingsley asked her and Lysander to stay behind. She looked at the boy, and shrugged her shoulders, not sure what they had done. Sierra moved to help clean up as well, following suit in making the spare brooms hover, and following behind the captain to the shed.
Lysander had initially been happy to be asked to stay behind and help clean up. The cleaning up part of it didn't sound exciting at all, but the fact that the captain wanted his help made him feel important, and he enjoyed that. Though, as Sierra gave him a shrug, and Jacob didn't really pay them much more attention, he began to wonder if it was bad. The boy bundled up some of the protective gear strawn across the lawn, and hurried beside Sierra as they walked back to the shed. "Do you think he's gonna kick us off the team for jumping on his mum's couches?" He whispered. He didn't think so, or he didn't want to think so, but they'd both gotten into trouble at the end of the last year, and he wondered if Kingsley had told him off and said they couldn't play anymore.​
Jacob was busy trying to word things in his head, knowing that sometimes he spoke before he thought and his thoughts would come out a jumbled mess. He didn't realize how awkward that might seem to his two teammates, and it wasn't until he'd set his things down in the shed that he broke the silence. "Thanks for helping me. Good tryouts today, right?" He asked them with a smile. He was excited about all of the talent that had come through. "I...I've been doing a lot of thinking. It's my last year, you know" Jacob added before pausing. "Yeah so I've been doing a lot of thinking of who can lead this team after me,'s you two. What do you say?" he asked. "I know it's early" he rushed on, "but I figure it would be good to know now so you can start practicing like a captain and maybe it'll be easier to transition next year." Jacob realized he was assuming a lot here. "I don't need an answer now, of course. You can take your time and think about it." Jacob forced himself to stop talking or they'd be here all day.
Sierra inhaled sharply at Lysander's comment, surprised by what he said. She had completely forgotten they had even done that, but it had resulted in them getting a trampoline, so shouldn't they be getting thanked? Was that even the reason they got a trampoline? Sierra wasn't sure anymore. When Jacob started speaking, she nodded her head slowly, wondering if he was being kind so that they wouldn't cry when they were kicked out. But then he said he wanted the two of them to lead the team, and Sierra's mouth dropped open. She let out a small squeal before racing at Jacob and enveloping him in a hug, making a motion with one of her arms for Lysander to come and join the group hug!
Lysander had gotten himself too wrapped up in the idea that they were getting kicked off the team, and could only stare dumbly at Jacob while he talked, waiting for the eventual bad news. "Haha, yeah..." He chuckled nervously. They had been good tryouts. His favourite so far, since more of his friends were there, and he couldn't bear the thought of having to give it all up. He'd already got an earful for the common room thing from his dad, and Kida would be so disappointed if he was kicked off the team. It almost didn't register when Jacob instead told them the complete opposite thing. "Both of us? Really?" He said, immediately brightening back up. It was hard to believe it. Him, of all the people on the team, even the older boys like Sully or Noel. He ran up to join Sierra in the group hug, wrapping his arms around the both of them. He couldn't say no to that! "I don't need to think about it! We'll do it, right Sierra?" He grinned, giving his future co-captain a playful nudge. This was the best news ever! He could have jumped for joy, only...maybe not on Kingsley's couches, this time. "Thank you! We're not gonna let you down!" He continued. He didn't have any idea how to be a captain, but he was definitely going to do his best to learn.​

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