Closed help

Jonah Edogawa

chaser • tiny steps everyday • struggling • 2nd
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
OOCOut of Character:
Set right after so help me and right before ridiculous

The walk back to the castle felt so long. Jonah hated it. Or well, at least he did. He didn't feel very much like anything right now except utterly awful. He'd thought that for once he had a fun Flying class when he and Sayuri had raced around the Pitch. He could've sworn that he won too. He wasn't targeted by the professor too so he'd thought that class was finally going great for him. Until Elijah grabbed him by the hair and pulled him underneath the stands just to yell at him. His scalp stung a little which he'd forgotten during the whole thing, but now it felt like he was getting a headache. He'd hurt his wrist too when Elijah pushed him down but he didn't really care. That one was throbbing but he thinks it's getting better because his fingers were getting slightly numb so he'd given up on cradling it and just let his arm hang limply on his side, his robes hiding what was probably a swollen wrist. That wasn't important though. What's important was finding Felix and Will, because Jonah was sure they could help him. He needed to change his face or something and maybe they could help him, because it was either that or run away and not come back. Thankfully, the two Gryffindors were right by the Entrance Hall. Jonah couldn't call out to them though, not with his throat seemingly clogged and his whole self seemingly drained of energy. And so he just sped up as much as he could until he was able to just grab one of them by their robes, he wasn't sure who. His vision was getting a little bit blurry. He wasn't crying. Elijah would call him a baby. He wasn't a baby. And what did it matter what Elijah thought anyway. He wasn't going to cry.
In truth, this semester, Felix had spent most of his time trying to avoid people. If it wasn’t his sister then it was his professors who always seemed to find something wrong with what he was doing, and if it wasn’t the professors it was the ghastly poltergeist that seemed to lurk around every corner ready to add to the scene. Felix had been stood outside the Great Hall for almost ten minutes waiting for a few people inside it to clear off by the time Will had caught him. He’d scared the life out of him when he’d shown up but it only confirmed his suspicions that being at this school wasn’t great for his health.

“So I don’t know, probably someone in a suit,” he was saying to his friend, still peering beyond the doors to the crowd inside. He felt another presence join them before he turned, and as he did so the first years eyebrows shot up when his eyes landed on a dazed Jonah tugging on William’s robes. He looked a dishevelled mess. Well, more dishevelled than usual. “What happened to you?” Felix asked, half in concern and half wondering whether he’d managed to get up to something he didn’t want the professors or his father to find out about. That was, until Felix realised it looked as though Jonah was about to cry. “Hey,” he added, tone changing as he realised things may have been a little more serious, “What’s going on?” he asked, moving an arm around Jonah to sandwich him between the Gryffindor boys so they could act as a shield for anyone passing by.
William nodded along with what Felix was saying, he had not long joined him in the entrance hall and the pair were now waited for the crowd inside to thin a little, William didn't mind the amount of people in the great hall but Felix didn't always seem that comfortable with big crowds so he was happy to accommodate his friend. He barely had time to take in what Felix was saying when they were joined by a third boy, Jonah, he appeared dishevelled and tugged on William's robes when he arrived and it was immediately clear that the Hufflepuff was not alright. "What happened?" William added as the two Gryffindors took positions at either side of Jonah to try and shield him from anyone else who might be passing by.
Jonah didn’t know how to tell both Felix and Will what had just happened between him and Elijah. They’d all just finished Flying class and the whole drama of Tori falling off her broom and Elijah blaming him for Tori falling off her broom. He didn’t hit anyone, he was sure of it. But Elijah had yelled at him and pulled his hair and pushed him. And now Jonah’s scalp was tinging and he was sure his hair was a mess. And his wrist hurt because he fell on it but that wasn’t important either. What’s important was he needed to change his face because then Elijah would stop yelling at him and blaming him for everything and he wouldn’t be such a failure then because everyone would have to stop comparing him with Elijah and people would stop mistaking Elijah for Jonah. And that. That was awful. Because Jonah loved being Elijah’s twin but Elijah hated it and now Jonah had to change his face. And he didn’t know how to tell all that to Felix and Will who were his best friends.I… I… I need to… I need to change my face,” he keens. “I don’t know how,” he says helplessly as the tears finally fell, but it wasn’t the sobs like he had done at the start of the year. They just fell and he was just tired and resigned.

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