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Elijah Edogawa

mahjong expert🀄avid reader🀄sideliner
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 12 Inch Rigid Mahogany Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
*set after first year flying lesson four

Elijah was seething, his brother knew better than this and yet here he was making an absolute mess of himself, and apparently putting other people in danger, kaachan would never accept this if she knew and apparently it was down to Eli to put a stop to it. Touchan had said he needed to talk to his brother, well, he was going to talk. As they exited the Quidditch pitch after the lesson, Eli grabbed Jonah roughly by the hair and pulled his brother under the stands. "What the f#ck are you doing," he yells, his fists clenching. Was Jonah trying to actually get someone killed? Was he that upset about them not being in the same classes that he felt like this was a good idea? He had half of a mind to tell the professor that it was Jonah's fault the girl had fallen, but he still, despite everything, felt that he needed to keep his stupid brother safe. He didn't know what to do with him, was telling touchan the correct thing? He wanted to try and talk to him first, maybe Jonah genuinely didn't understand how his behaviour and attitude was affecting other people, but had he not seen Rose? That was her roommate, she'd been so worried! "You have exactly one minute to tell me what the f#ck is going on before I drag you by the hair to touchan!"
Hina was planning to watch Flying class but she must have woken up late since everyone was already leaving.
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She went back just to make sure her siblings had really left. Yep, they’d left.
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For once, Jonah did not leave Flying class nearly vibrating with frustration. Racing with Sayuri had helped a lot to calm the raw edges of negative emotions that have been burning in him since entering Hogwarts. His friends had helped to keep him distracted from the fact that he hadn’t been speaking to his siblings. Maybe he interacted with them during classes, but even that was minimal. Well he managed to spend time with Rose on Halloween and she didn’t seem to hate him for the attempt to sneak into the Gryffindor Common Room and losing her house forty points. Or she just didn’t know. Eli he hadn’t spoken with since Sorting and that ached something fierce because he didn’t know how to fix it and it grated. He was distracted as he started to walk away which was why he did not expect being grabbed by the hair and dragged under the stands by Eli of all people. Eli who was yelling at him when they hadn’t even talked in months.And drag him to Tou-chan?! For what?! “I haven’t even done anything!” He yelled back because he hadn’t!
Eli ignored his sister wandering about in his peripherals and kept his attention squarely on his brother. There was clearly something wrong with him, perhaps he had hit him too many times on the head, because he was apparently deficient in multiple ways if this was what he was doing. He knew better, and Eli was having a really hard time getting past that point. He glared at Jonah, arms crossed, though his hand twitched to hit his brother again. "Usotsuki! You keep getting into trouble and yet they never give you detention even when you deserve it!" And the irritating thing about that, apart from the fact he lost points and then nothing else, was the fact that he probably would have stepped in at times to avoid detention for his brother, just like he had in the Great Hall, clearly he'd accidentally set a precedent he now had to oversee, because no one else seemed to be seeing the same things that he was. "You've done too much, I heard about the stunt with your Gryffindor friends! Rose told me!" she hadn't meant to admittedly, because whilst Eli protected him from professors when he could, Rose protected him from Eli, since they both knew Eli would come to this point. "And I saw you just now, up on your broom. You should have been more careful, you know most of the other students haven't been flying as long as we have, Jonah, Victoria could have been seriously hurt," he was just lucky the girl had the sense to stay low to the ground.
Jonah could feel himself getting angry because why was Elijah yelling at him when he hasn’t done anything. Elijah hasn’t even spoken to him in months. He wasn’t a liar. Elijah’s saying that he keeps getting into trouble but that was stupid because he’s only been in trouble once that was his fault and he’d been punished for it unfairly. They weren’t even really in trouble on Sorting night, how was Jonah supposed to know they weren’t allowed to leave? They hadn’t even been given a rulebook yet at that point! The Headmaster’s office break-in wasn’t trouble either, because the headmaster said so! As long as Jonah didn’t do it again! The Gryffindor break-in was entirely on accident since he’d been running from a stalker professor! Where else were Felix and Will going to hide him?! Besides, Will said that there was no proof they were sneaking him in there! “We didn’t even do anything then! We were being chased when we were doing nothing!” he defended his friends. Because Jonah hadn’t done anything before the professor started chasing him around. And he and Felix and Will hadn’t done anything before the weird ghost was chasing them around. And then the Gryffindor Head of House caught them trying to escape. Flying. Flying was just unfair. He understood getting in trouble during hovering, and even the lost points. But to give Jonah a failing grade? That was unfair. He got graded a fail for knowing something other students didn’t. And everything he did in the last two lessons have been within the rules but just like the professor, Elijah was changing the rules on him! What did they want from him?! “I have been careful! I avoided everyone and flew within the rules! It’s not my fault she let go of her broom!” Because he’d seen stupid Tori let go of her broom. Why was he getting blamed for this?!
Eli couldn't believe he was still trying to defend himself, after everything. He still just didn't get it? He really just didn't know what he was supposed to do to get his brother to understand that he couldn't just do what he wanted at the school, he was giving them all a bad name, and did he not remember that they had the same face? If people started mixing them up he really would be upset. He honestly just didn't really believe a single word coming out of his brothers mouth, not for nothing, but Jonah was a terrible liar, always had been, and yet here he was, lying but not lying at the same time. It seemed that Jonah truly believed a lot of what he was saying which was honestly just worse because it meant that Eli was yelling at him for being too stupid, and maybe he shouldn't be yelling at stupid people but how else were they going to learn if he didn't yell at them? "You know better, Jonah," he said, in English, because maybe that was the problem. "What would kaachan say if she'd seen you?"
Jonah could not believe his brother was still at this. And using English when he knew Jonah would have to take a second to switch languages. Jonah already knew he was stupid and that Elijah was smart. He didn’t have to keep rubbing it in every time! It was always like this with Elijah, he seemed to enjoy lording his superiority over him and Jonah would let him because Elijah was the older one, the smarter one, the better one. But Elijah hadn’t talked to him since he joined Ravenclaw where all the smart kids were because now he’s too good to hang out with Jonah. Just like what Jonah knew would happen when they all got sorted into different houses. Now apparently it was only acceptable to talk to Jonah when it was to yell at him even when he hadn’t done anything! And now he was bringing his parents into this?! Like his parents cared. He’d asked Kaa-chan to take him home and here he still was! And he knew Tou-chan and Elijah hung out a lot so obviously Tou-chan would be on Elijah’s side! “No! No I don’t know better cause you always know better! You like telling me I’m stupid and now I’m supposed to know better! Make up your mind Elijah! Am I stupid or am I supposed to know better?!” he yells back at his brother. “And how am I supposed to know what kaa-chan would say, she’s not here!”
Elijah stepped back slightly, his face contorting into annoyance. He couldn't speak to Jonah like this, because he wasn't being reasonable or rational which were two things he didn't often associate with his brother anyway, but that didn't mean he didn't think he should still be practicing the sentiment. He knew Jonah knew better than this because they all did. They knew how to be careful in the air especially around others and sure, it's been a long time since any of them have been around people who didn't know how to fly since they didn't know how to fly themselves but that didn't mean his brother couldn't be respectful. If kaachan got wind of this she would kill them both, fly them up and drop them off a broom just to prove her point. Eli knew it, Rose knew it and so did Jonah. "I can't with you, you're being ridiculous, especially like this," he said, gesturing vaguely to his brother and how unreasonable he was being. "You know damn well kaachan has always taught us to be careful of the sky when we're up there to be careful of other people, you know how to dodge and weave in and out of people which is what you should have been doing. But no, you have to be Jonah and just ignore the rest of the world around you and hope everyone else gets the hell out of your way! You ignored the professor in at least two classes and your Head of House tries to help you and you push him away! I don't know how to bloody deal with you!"
Jonah can’t. He just can’t. Of course it was his fault. It was always Jonah’s fault. Well at least in Elijah’s world it was. Because even when he hasn’t done anything, it was his fault. No wonder he should have been used to the Flying professor changing the rules on him. Elijah was the same. Jonah could be acting the same exact way in two different days and be good one day and utter awful the next. That’s just how it worked. He could be perfectly within the rules and he’d still be breaking some boundary Elijah had set up without Jonah knowing. He didn’t even know why he was still standing there. Oh yeah. Right. Because he missed Elijah. But Jonah didn’t really think being berated like this was something worth staying for. Elijah obviously didn’t think he was worth the time of day since joining up with his Ravenclaw buddies. Why should Jonah when all he would get from his brother was a yelling when he’d been missing Eli like a limb for months. It was just so unfair. “Then don’t!” he yells back and he wants to cry but he wasn’t going to cry because Elijah would just use that against him too. “It’s not like you care! You just care because you have the same face as me! So as long as we don’t look alike it’s fine right?!” he was probably getting a little hysterical. But he knew it was true. He needed to go to Felix. Or Will. They’ll know what to do to change how Jonah looks probably then Elijah would stop getting on his case. There was no use arguing about dodging Tori. Elijah would always think it’s his fault anyways even if she never should have let go of her broom in the first place.
Elijah frowned. Was that really what he thought? Fine, if he wants to believe that, then so be it. Elijah wasn't here to babysit him, it wasn't his job. Touchan could take over that job because Eli did not want to deal with Jonah anymore. He'd been wishing for days that Jonah would come to his senses, just admit that he was doing all of this on purpose to get Eli's attention, but no, he just went about his day like it was nothing and all Eli could do was stare at him. Everyone knew they were brothers, it was obvious, they had the same bloody last name, changing his stupid face wouldn't have made a lick of difference and now Jonah didn't want to be associated with him? Fine, Eli didn't want to be associated with him either. He ground his teeth and stepped forward and pushed Jonah. He watched his brother tumble and then leaned over him. "You know what Jonah, I'm so sick of you. You get away with everything, and I know, you've just been trying to get my attention but instead of talking to me, you've done this," the hurt in his eyes and in his voice was unmistakeable, he couldn't have hidden it if he'd tried. "If you think I don't care about you, you go right ahead, because I don't want to deal with you anymore," he could just go on about his day and watch Jonah ignore him from the sidelines, he didn't need it thrown in his face that Jonah just enjoyed ignoring him. "You ignored me just as much, so go ahead and do whatever the hell you want because you're going to anyway." he said, stepping back and turning away from Jonah. Honestly? So what, Jonah wants to pretend he's the only one of them who hates the fact they're all in seperate houses? So be it, Eli has just been trying to make the most of it because he knew that nothing he did would change the house he was in. He'd taken to hanging out with Touchan just so he could have some kind of familiarity. The Ravenclaw tower was beautiful, but it didn't have Jonah and Rose or Sayuri, so what was he supposed to do? Break into the Headmaster's office and demand a resort? Yeah, like that would happen.
Jonah didn’t expect Elijah to actually push him which made him tumble and fall, landing on his wrist first as he cried out in surprise and pain. Elijah wasn’t entirely wrong. He had been trying to get Eli’s attention but nothing seemed to work because he was either ignoring him or glaring at him. He’d tried to sit with him in class a few times but that didn’t work either. He’d been trying his best in class and failing and still Elijah wouldn’t give him the time of day except to glare at him. And Jonah had gotten tired of it. He’d gotten tired of the whole school. He actually wanted to just run away and never come back, then his parents wouldn’t have to force him to go and Elijah would be rid of him. His perfect world didn’t seem to include Jonah anyway. No one’s did. Why would anyone need Jonah when he was a failed copy of picture perfect Elijah? He could do his best and he would still never be enough for Elijah. He’d always thought that his siblings needed him but Hogwarts had shown him differently. He’d done everything so he could be lumped together with his siblings when they wanted anything but and Jonah was tired. And so he got up, cradled his aching wrist, and walked away silently feeling strangely empty and exhausted.
Eli looked over at his sister, who was definitely not where she was supposed to be. "Neesan, what are you doing? Are you lost again?" he asked, heading over to where she was sort of just hanging around. He should probably follow Jonah but he was too angry at his brother, he didn't want toyed at him anymore, and if he turned around to follow him he knew that was what he would be doing, yelling at him. He din't know why Jonah had suddenly started to annoy him in this way, but there wasn't much he could do about it either, since he knew that Jonah wouldn't appreciate it right now. He just wished he understood what Jonah's problem was, but he didn't and that made it difficult. "Do you need help back to your common room?" So he was going to occupy himself with his big sister for now until he could figure out what to do about his twin brother.
Hinata looked up from where she was examining the grass for her wand, she knew that she'd just dropped it here somewhere. She turned and frowned only to see Eli still at the Pitch. "Eli," she said, flushing at the question. She wasn't that bad that she'd get lost in the middle of the Quidditch Pitch. It was a very big landmark, and she could easily see the castle as well so she wouldn't even get lost heading back. "No, no. I was going to watch you guys fly but I must have missed you and dropped my wand in this area," she said as she turns back to walking around and examining the grass before making a triumphant noise as she finally caught sight of her elusive wand. She brushes the dirt off of it and pockets it again before turning to her little brother. "I would appreciate it if you'd like to walk me back?" she offers, as she holds out her hand to him. "Why did you get left behind here anyway?" Hinata didn't think that her Ravenclaw brother would be prone to leaving anything behind in class, so it was unlikely he'd returned after leaving Flying class, so it really was weird that he was still here. Well, the triplets have been weird the whole semester, and it was a little bit worrying, especially with how her readings in Runes class were turning out.

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