Help with your son.

Odette Prinze

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Odie chucked her bag on the floor next to her and sat on the bench. Her feet were killing her and she was incredibly tired. She hadn't slept in weeks. All she could think of was the meeting she had had with her babies father-Eddie. She loathed him right now. How could he be such a heartless pig?? She slouched slightly and put her hand on her stomach where she could feel the baby kicking. She still hadn't thought of a name for him but knew she would have to do it soon.
Edward had been looking for Odie everywhere. He had red streaks down his face, obviously from crying. His baby brothers' funeral was three days ago, he had been looking for her ever since. It was then he saw her, sitting on a bench, holding her stomach. "Odie." He whispered her name and stood in front of her. Eddie hoped he would be forgiven for his behaviour before. Since then he had realised family was important, it took the death of his brother to make him see it but he finally had. His child wouldn't grow up without him.
Odie looked up when she heard a familiar voice. She pushed herself up and narrowed her eyes at him. "I don't want to see you. Go away. You've abandoned me and pretended I don't exist. You're also pretending you don't have a son. You're a pig and I hate you." She hit his chest and picked her bag up before trying to walk away.
"Odie." He spoke, he didn't want to say it, not having said it properly since it happened, but he knew it would be the only thing to make her turn back and speak to him. "My little brother died." He choked on the last word, no-one had said it since it had happened, no-one wanted to believe it had. They definitely didn't want to believe how it had happened. He had been found speared to a wall.
Odie stopped in her tracks. She was upset because of her uncle dying. Eddie was probably worse. Ana was the person Odie was closest to after all. She turned around and noticed the tear stains on his face. She didn't know how she had missed them befor. "I'm sorry." She looked at the floor. "My uncle died as well." Odie's mood swings weren't doing anyone good at the moment but she wished she could just go and rest somewhere. She didn't want to be here.
Eddie sighed and sat where she had been previously. "He was killed. It was, disgusting." He was choking on his words more than he had. He hadn't spoken of it to anyone, he didn't have any close friends and he definitely didn't have a girlfriend. He had been one of the people to be called when they found his brother, of course they hadn't moved anything because it was considered a murder scene. He had thrown up when he saw the body of his Zeke.
Odie sat next to him. She was suddenly feeling a huge wave of sympathy for him. She knew what it was like to have to identify a dead body. She had to do it for her parents and she had ended up fainting after seeing the burnt coarpses. "It must be hard for you. I know what you're going through." She put her hand back on her stomach. "This baby is very energetic. He doesn't stop kicking." She smiled as she tried to lighten the mood.
Eddie looked up, forgetting about his brother for a second. "He? We're having a boy?" He smiled, imagining his little boy, their little boy. "What's he called?" He knew that, as he had been a d!ck, he had no right to name him. It was all up to her.
Odie shrugged. "I don't know." She leant back against the back of the bench. "I haven't thought about any names yet. Ana's been trying to help me but nothing has really interested me yet."
Eddie had an idea, the perfect way to remember his brother. "How about Zeke, like, for a middle name or something?" He hoped she would say yes, Zeke was the favourite of his two brothers.
Odie smiled. She liked the name. It was simple yet nice. "Yeah. I like it. Why did you think of that name??" She was just curious and thought she might as well ask the question. No harm could come from it.
Eddie sighed. "It's, was, my brothers' name. Ezekiel Newton. He was twelve." A tear ran down his cheek, his brother didn't even know he was bisexual. Kristoph did but Zeke had never caught on.
She smiled. "He must have been an amazing boy to have so much out of you." She put her hand up to his cheek and wiped away the tear that was running down it. She loved him. He had been so kind to her and hadn't judged her.
Eddie sighed. "Yeah he was. He was a ladies man, only less than myself." A thought struck him. "Sh!t, no-one's told his girlfriend." He shook his head, that could be up to someone else. "Look, I came to find you because, well, the incident with Zeke has shown me family is important. He ain't growing up without me." He spoke firmly, no longer choking his words out. He was ready to be a dad.
"I would offer to do it but I expect she'll want to hear it from someone she knows." Odie smiled when she heard what he said next. She had tears of happiness running from her eyes. She hugged him and rested her head on his shoulder. "Thank you." She was overjoyed by the help and she didn't know why. Her guess was hormones. "You have no idea how happy I am."
Eddie stiffened slightly when he was hugged, not used to female physical contact unless it lead to something more which he doubted from the pregnant woman hugging him. "Umm, well, it's my pleasure?" He had never been in a situation remotely like this and had no idea what was meant to happen or what he was meant to say.
"Why were you acting so stupid before though??" Odie couldn't understand why anybody would want to leave their son to be fatherless. "I mean, you didn't even remember my name." She knew she was starting to sound like some weird hormonal pregnant woman but she wanted to know the answer.
Eddie had to suppress a grin. "I'm a player. I didn't remember you're name, I sleep with a different girl each day." He didn't mind talking about it now, he would admit he was a player, he wasn't any more. "I'm over it now, it was a phase. Just had to grow up and... seeing Zeke... like that. Well, it did the job."
"What do you mean by 'seeing zeke like that'??" Odie wasn't exactly happy with the last way she had seen Dervish but she still didn't understand what he meant. "I saw Dervish dead and I had to identify my parents when they had been burnt to basically bones but still..."
Eddie gulped, he hadn't wanted to repeat the way he was found but, well he had to at some point. "He was speared through the chest into a wall. He was found bled out and slumped over the metal spear." He spoke, determined not to choke this time. He had to be strong, so he had been the one to find him, he had to feel for the girl. She had to watch him die and then, the medical people who checked her over, said she had been tortured, almost scared to death.
Odie gasped and her hand shot over her mouth. Suddenly what she had walked into seemed like nothing. "That sounds horrible." She had to force herself not to gag when she had the image in her mind. "I had to identify the bodies of my parents when I was ten. They had been burnt to nothing. I fainted the minute I saw them." Odie now had a tear sliding down her cheek. She missed her parents every day and wished she could kill the muggles who did it.
Eddie nodded. "Yeah. He was found in Bleak street. There was a girl with him. I feel really sorry for her. At least he died quickly." He was crying again, he had barely managed to stop it in the past three days. It was more how he died than that he did, the fact there were people who would to that made the bile churn in his stomach.
"She must have been terrified." Odie smiled. "Let's change the subject. We probably look like a pair of depressed weirdos sat here crying." She laughed slightly. "We still need a first name for him." She put her hand on her stomach again. "And is he going to be Newton, Prinze, Newton-Prinze or Prinze-Newton." She grinned at him as she said it. She personally had no idea.
Eddie laughed. "Oh Merlin, I hadn't even thought of that. Umm, I don't mind. One of the hyphened names, but which one? How about Connor?" He smiled, Connor was a nice name.

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