OK well high school was the best five years of my life so I dont mind recounting the last one for you
On the run up to my last year I, of course, expected it to be the hardest year so far for a number of reasons. Of course there were the exams. I sat exams which were called GCSEs and were the biggest exams that we had taken to date. I also expected it to be hard because it was five of the best years I had had up until that point and I was going to have to leave it behind for a whole new other school and teachers and friends etc. I also expected it to be a fun year with a lot of new responsibilities opening up for me, and oh boy was it everything I expected and more. The exams, of course, were hard but I managed to pull through with 7As & 2Bs, have to say I was rather proud of that

The choices I had to make that year did make things a little more difficult for me. Of course I had an idea of what I wanted to do with my life by this point but in a way my options were limited for my choice of career. I had many talks with career advisors and teachers who were all an amazing help for me and really made things a lot easier. Although it wasnt easy telling my Principal that I wasnt going to be returning to the school for the next two years, expect go to a technical college over 30 miles away instead

It was even harder when she rang me the morning of when my results were announced and she was ringing to congratulate me and try and get me to return, again
Responsibilities came in a number of ways. One, I was made one of the four Prefects in my whole year

Something I never thought would happen but I wore that badge with pride everyday. Also as the senior year we were all given one new student to look after for the whole year. It was a scheme that has been in the school for years and basically you are called a Cara which is Irish for friend. I remembered how nice my cara was to me when I was a first year so I made sure that tried my hardest and even though I had never met the girl before I had gotten really close with her and she ended up trusting me with some things that meant a big deal to me, four years on and we still talk if I ever see her

Another responsibility was when I got on to our formal committee so I was one of 8 people working closely with our years form teachers to make our formal the huge success that it was.
The best thing about my last year of high school? Thats a hard one to choose. I loved my last year but the best part would be finally making some bonds with people who I had been in school with for five years. I was never the most popular student or the most liked, I was actually bullied a lot in my younger years but it did die down after a while and in my last year I got friendly with people who I never thought I would become friendly with and got even closer to ones I already called friends. Some friendships have died since, unfortunately, but on the other hand some have gotten stronger than I could have ever imagined. One girl in particular who I
never got along with is actually someone fairly close to me now and over the past year or so weve gotten very close and had some great memories

Another thing I loved about that year was on the last day. While the last day was sad and full of tears there was a lot of laughter too. We all went around and signed our shirts/blouses with our names and little messages and we said our goodbyes to our teachers who had taken us through so much. I still have pictures of the last day if youd like I could provide some for you
The worst part of me year? Mmmm thats even harder. Im not too sure what the worst part of my last year was. It would probably be the exams

Some of them were hard and some were not but it was a lot of hard work and preparation. Not the best answer but I honestly cant think of any other bad things about that year.
I remember that year as an amazing year. I truly did love high school, despite its ups and downs. Ive always been like that and I still am, with just two years at one school I loved it and still keep in touch with people from there and even drop in and see the teachers every so often. Actually Im still like that with my high school. I would drop in every so often and visit my old teachers, which they love. I actually saw one of my teachers who retired in my 3rd(?) year and I just talked to her about things and of course she freaked out when I told her I was about to go into my second year of Uni

OK, back on track. I remember it as a great year with a lot of tears and laughter and a year where a lot of friendship were made
I didnt find it as stressful as most people did. In all honestly, while the exams were hard I didnt find them all that bad and some were surprisingly easy. The most stressful part would be trying to choose what I wanted to do after that year. I knew continuing in that school was out of the question as was any formal education. I wanted to go into Hospitality so the only choice for me was to go into a technical college, which I did. I had every intention to go into a Hospitality course but after talking with my careers advisor and my current Hospitality teacher I found out it wasnt the best option for me due to certain health reasons but they both helped me find a course which offered Hospitality as a unit throughout the twos years and I loved that course so much and its helped me get to where I am today in Uni
So yeah, hope this helped Mia. If you need any other information let me know and Ill be glad to help

Also, Im from Northern Ireland or the United Kingdom, whichever is easier for you to work with