Help! lol?

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Vadiken Shmit

Well-Known Member
12" Oak wand Essance of a Firebird Tail
Hello, some of you may know me. I'm Vadiken Shmit or Tim OOC

I'm in need of a few friends, a love life and also a Mentor.

What i most want is a Mentor.

A few friends guy or girl and maybe a love live? :wub:
I could be a friend? Maybe more
Okay, Where?
Would you like me to start it or do you want to?
I offered her up yesterday if your still intrested Judy could be a friend id you don't mind a rageing scardy cat. ^_^
It's ok I had to leave not too long afterwards.

Judy will get a backbone once the whole Kaleb thing is over in which James will try and hurt him for hurting his sister but for now she would be the one cowering behind everyone.

So where should they meet?
Judy Sherman said:
It's ok I had to leave not too long afterwards.

Judy will get a backbone once the whole Kaleb thing is over in which James will try and hurt him for hurting his sister but for now she would be the one cowering behind everyone.

So where should they meet?
how about the hufflepuff commons? I suck at starting topics, but i'll start it if you want...
I sort of picture Judy ending up with someone like Vadiken around third or fouth year actually.
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