
OOC First Name
Hello I am Jeffrey and I am 15 years old.
I come from the Netherlands and Milan and Tamara brought me here.
My English is not that great, just say I kinda fail at it...
So if it becomes unreadable please contact me!
I love the Harry Potter saga a lot and my greatest interest is Herbology!
Hi Jeffrey.

Welcome to HNZ. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact myself or any of the other GMs and Admins!

If you are wanting to have a student sorting is still open! Good luck :)

Have fun and see you around the board! ^_^
- Pat :hug:
Welcome to HNZ!
Hope to see you around the board sometime! :hug:
Hey there Jeffrey!
Welcome to HNZ. :)
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns on the board.
Hey Jeffrey!

Leuk dat je er ook bent!

(Nice to have you here)

Welcome to HNZ, and I can and will teach you the English part if you like.
Hello Jeffery!

Welcome to HNZ. My name is Tenile and it's great to have you here. Don't worry about your English, it's quite fine from what I've seen. Not everyone here has English as their first language, so you're not alone!

Anyway, I hope you've been enjoying yourself and I hope I'll see you 'round the board some time! ^_^

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