
Zara Larkins

Active Member
OOC First Name
Hello all :)

Thought I would drop in and say hello to you all and introduce myself! I'm Marie and I'm from the UK :) I'm originally from South London but have moved over to Wales to go to University (I'm studying geography) so am enjoying their wonderful accent at the moment (if you don't know it you would love it I'm sure!)

Anyway, I am very much looking forward to getting started on this site and role playing with Zara - it's all rather exciting!


(P.S I'm a rather excitable, smiley person so be prepared for many of these faces :)!)
Hey there, Marie! Welcome to HNZ!
You're the second person I know who is doing or did a degree in geography in the UK. Is that a popular field over there? It seems that nobody majors in Geography over here.

At any rate! I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I'm from Canada. I just finished doing my B.A. in Dramatic Art and will be starting a M. Div. program come the fall.

You're in good company on HNZ using emoticons - I probably over use them most of the time. xD But I used to be a lot worse. So progress is good!

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at any time. Otherwise, I hope that you enjoy your time on the board and I'll see you around!
Hi Nick, nice to meet you :)

Geography is very popular over here! It seems everybody wants to learn more about the world (I'm a huge geography geek so obviously I could be very bias in this respect!)

Thanks for the lovely welcome :)
Hi Marie! Is that pronounced same as Mary?

Welcome to HNZ! The admins and GMs are super cool and everything is so organized. I joined the site last August and its been pretty exciting.

I am Khushi. I am from Tanzania but am currently in India for holidays and waiting for results which will come out soon. Hopefully then I will start my Uni and study Pharmacy.

You can PM me if you have any questions or want to roleplay. Happy Roleplaying :D
Hey there Khushi :)

Wow, I've always wanted to go to India! Hope you're having an awesome time and good luck with your results!

Marie is 'muh-ree', only a bit different from Mary!

Thanks for the lovely welcome :)
Hey Marie!

I loved Geography in school. I was sort of annoyed that I didn't do it further than High School. I study Social Sciences instead. Which oddly enough at my uni, does not include Geography.

Anyway, I'm Emily, or Emzies, I'm from Scotland. A very warm welcome to you to HNZ! It's a super fantastic site, I know you'll love it! Feel free to PM me, with any questions you may have, or if you just want a general chat!
Hopefully we'll be able to RP at some point in the near future!

Again, A very warm welcome to you!
Hi Emzie, nice to meet you!

Can't beat a bit of geography! Hope your studies are going well :)

Looking forward to RP'ing with you soon!

Thanks for the warm welcome :)
Hello Marie! ^_^

My name's Tenile, and I'm from Australia. Honestly, geography has never been a subject I have excelled easily at, but I'm not exactly horrible at it. I no-longer have to do it anymore, so yeah. :lol: And it's never too bad to be smiley!
Anyway, I hope you decide to stay with us, it is a lot of fun here (which is probably why people have been on here for years) I hope to see you around the board! If you ever want to RP or something, just send a PM!
Hi Tenile :)

Thanks for the warm welcome! Hopefully we can RP soon, especially as Zara and Samual are both Gryffindors :)
Hi Marie!

Welcome to HNZ! I'm Cyndi, the other admin on the site, and I'm from the United States. I hope that you enjoy your time on the site and feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any questions. I hope to see you around the site often. :)

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