
Jane McGee

OOC First Name
Hello everyone, my name is Katherine, and I'm new to this. I apologize in advanced for all the mistakes to come in my writing.
Welcome to HNZ Katherine! ^_^

No need to apologize for your mistakes! We all make them ;)
My name is Donna, I'm one of the Global Mods here.
If you have any questions, feel free to check out our Site Documentation, or PM myself, any of the other GM's or one of our Admin (they aren't that scary!

Hope you enjoy your time! Looking forward to seeing you around the site and getting to know you better.
Donna :donna:
Hi, Katherine

Welcome to HNZ ... Feel free to PM if you want to roleplay or just chat :) Have fun here!
Hey there, welcome to the board. ^_^
Welcome to HNZ, Katherine!!
Welcome to the site, Katherine!
I hope you enjoy your time here. :)
Hey Katherine!

Welcome to HNZ and if you wanna RP just PM me :D or you can post a topic Here and you will get plenty of people to thread with :D

Enjoy ^_^

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