
Daisy Clark

New Member
OOC First Name
12" Holly/Cedar, Dragon-Heartstring
Hello everyone my real name is chloe and i'm 14 years old i absolutely love harry potter!! my life depends on it ;) i hope i will make some great pootterhead friends on here thanks for reading xD
Welcome to HNZ Chloe! :hug:

My name is Jessye! I'm sure you will make plenty of friends here! ♥ To get yourself started you should lurk the Site Documentation! There is all kinds of stuff there that can help you out with the site! You can always contact the Admins or Global Mods if you have any other questions. They are an awesome bunch so don't be afraid to shoot them a PM if you need some help! I hope you enjoy your time here, it'd be awesome if we could roleplay or chat in spam sometime!

♥ Jessye
Hey Chloe! Welcome to HNZ. :)
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to send me a PM and I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as I can.
You'll definitely find some great "potterhead friends" on HNZ, and be a great addition to the community. =]
Enjoy your time on the board!

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