
Luce Stewart

Hi everyone! I am Lucy, and I am from the Philippines. I really love Harry Potter since I am younger. oh, and this place is awesome and fascinating!!! :cool: !! x
Hello Lucy!

I am Zach, and I hail from the land down under. :r

It's a pleasure to have you here, and I'm glad I can be the first to welcome you here. ^_^

Firstly, I feel I should direct you to the Site Documentary, the FAQ Forum, and the Board Rules. Feel free to read them at your leisure.

So, if you have any questions, either contact a member of the Site Staff or post up a topic here. If you would like to make a suggestion, do it here.

Here on HNZ, (and probably on other boards), we have a 'spam' topic, where the members of the site can socialise and talk about basically anything and everything (at the same time :r ). This is found, here. Be sure to check the latest post to know what the conversation is about, or start your own!

Once again, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your time here! (I know I do. ^_^ )

- Zach.
Hi there, Lucy! :)
Welcome to HNZ! There seem to be quite a few members from the Phillipines here.

Zach seems to have given you most of the information you need. :D If you have any further questions or concerns, just send me a PM! :)
Hey Lucy ^_^
My name is Donna, I hail from the land down under too :tut:
Welcome, and I hope you enjoy yourself! (Which you totally will ;) )
I say, I am really enjoying here!! It is a very wonderful site and you know, I have told my friends to visit this site, too!! They told me it is very nice.. :shifty:
I almost forgot to tell you, well, it is a pleasure meeting you Zach, Nicholas and Donna! Thanks for welcoming me! :cyndi:
Hey Lucy!

I am Marscia, by the way.

So, you're a Filipina? Well that's great!!! I am a Filipina too...

Hope you have a great time here!!

Love lots,
Welcome Lucy! ^_^ Have a nice time here!

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