Hello World!


New Member
Hey everyone this forum looks epic. It's nice to finally be here.
Hey welcome to the board! My names Madz, one of the oldest members here. Glad you stumble upon this epic site :D btw I ♥ Eminem XP if you have any questions, I'm sure staffs can help you out with anything. Till than have fun exploring the site :D
Thanks and I'll try it's pretty overwhelming atm.
Well there's a site document link to the top main page. You pretty much want to read that through, and its a PG 13 (I think) site, so you might want to clean up your signature and not link any other site on it. That's been an old rule for ages, though I'm sure you'll find out sooner or later! :D

Here it is :)
Hi there, Karrit! Welcome to the site. ^_^
The link that Maddiie gave you should pretty much tell you everything you need to know about the board. xD

See you around. :)

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