Hello, Sweetie

Missy Benson

Well-Known Member
Missy Benson was walking from storefront to storefront. She had been along this road many times today, but she had yet to find the appropriate gift for her mother. She did love her mother very much, as any child would, but the woman was terribly hard to buy anything for. Never-the-less, Missy was giving her all. Today she was supposed to be with Mark, but seeing as he was doing something with his work,he was unable to attend. Unfortunately this was a common occurrence and it was leading Missy to think that he was lying and was not actually as busy as he liked to make out. It wasn't too much of a problem though, seeing as she was used to it and had lately actually started to predict it. All in all, Missy was in rather a good mood and as she practically skipped along the path, ducking in and out of shops and smiling and waving at the passers by.In another week, she would be in Paris. It was all so surreal. She was incredibly happy about the direction her life was going and had plans to increase her outcome with regards to her designs. Branching out was a scary thought, she had only ever been such a small time deal, now that there was the chance to do this, she was a little apprehensive. Of course Missy often told herself that she didn't want to have any regrets, but this was all such a big decision, she had to take some time, which was exactly why she was taking this week off from everything, before making her was to Paris to meet with the Directors. It was all completely up to her and she was mostly free to do what she wanted, but there were some conditions as one would expect. These conditions of course were nothing of any major consequence, at least not from what she could see, but there was always the chance, which was why she had her father go over it with a fine toothed comb. As a Lawyer, he knew exactly what he was looking for and it really helped Missy get by.

Missy nodded to herself as she realised that her Parents really would do anything for her, as she would for them. It was reason, in part, that she was doing this for her mother. Most of the time her mother knew exactly what she was getting, because Mark or Missy would actually ask her, not really knowing what she would want. Sighing and biting her lip as she came out of yet another store, Missy sighed quite heavily. Her mother basically had everything she could want, so what did you get the woman who seemed to have everything? Missy thought about it for a while, but she was coming up empty. As she was about to turn down another street, the appearance of a child made her stop. He was only little, maybe three or four years old. She couldn't see the front of him. Had someone lost their child? That was terrible! There was obviously a mother looking worriedly around for her child right now. Slowly approaching the child, Missy touched him on the shoulder and knelt in front of him. It was only from his angle that she noticed he must have been older then his height would show. "Hello, Sweetie. Are you okay?" Missy asked, searching his face for any sign of loss, worry or hurt. The poor little thing looked like he was trying to hold it in, but she couldn't be sure, he was very good at hiding his emotions, or rather, he was very good at making everyone think he could hide his emotions. It was a little obvious that the child was depressed. Missy smiled comfortingly and moved her hand from his shoulder in case he felt weird. She held her hands up to placate him. "Do you need anything? Help maybe?"
Evander had only meant to go a little distance from his mother. She was buying ladies' underwear, what was he supposed to do? Help her carry the stuff? Ew! He was not touching a bra or anything like that, that was just so icky and gross. The small boy could not think of anything worse than that! It was stuff that could - no, would - fuel his nightmares for the rest of his life. He had to get out of here, because she plotted on making him touch any of the girl stuff. He hadn't signed up for this, he was only here because he had to be. he would rather be with one of his cousins - like Jaskai. He liked Jaskai. He would rather get into mischief with Jaskai in New Zealand than be ladies' underwear shopping with his mother. So, Evander did what he thought most boys his age would do. He ran for it.

Evander turned around when someone touched his shoulder, and instinctively covered his eyes before the woman saw them. He was in a muggle area, he couldn't let her see them. His mother would kill him. He had to admit, this wasn't his greatest plan. Because, now he was staring into the eyes of a stranger, and had no idea where his mother was. "Umm... I can't find my mum," he explained, trying to sound young. She was probably a muggle, and he was used to lying to muggles. He and his cousins did it all the time.

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