Hello HNZ World!

Margo Liddell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
Hello everyone! (well, everyone who reads this).

I'm Amy, and I am new to your little world. I've been on some RP sites before, but unfortunately had some less than pleasant experiences :( . However, you seem like a nice group of people ( I have been stalking the site for a few days :r ) and I sincerely hope I can add a little something.

It would seem I have joined at precisely the wrong time to be sorted, but no matter, hopefully that will give me time to get to know the site better and make some new friends. If anyone has any suggestions or helpful hints I'd love to hear them.

Please please please, anyone feel free to message me! I'm desperate to get to know you so when my time comes I have people to RP with!

Also, how do you make those clever banner thingys?

Well, I think that's all for now, I look forward to hearing from you! (yes you reading this right now)

Ta for now!

~ Amy

Hey Amy! ^_^
I'm Jessye! To get you started you should check out the awesome Site Documentation to help you get started! It has tonnes of useful information for you to lurk! If you have any other questions feel free to contact one of the Global Moderators or Admins as I'm sure they'd love to help!

Sorting is still actually open Here so if you'f like to be sorting, you should check that out! And lastly, about the banner things, if you have a graphics progam like gimp or photoshop you can make one yourself. If not go Here and fill in a request and I'm sure someone would love to make one for you!

Glad to have you here! If you'd ever like to RP or would just like to chat or something, my PM box is always open! Hope you enjoy your time here!

♥ Jessye
Sorting is still open, Amy! ^_^ So, feel free to head there now and get yourself sorted.
:x Well goodness, now I feel a bit silly, but that is excellent news, so I'm glad to feel silly. Thanks for all the info, much appreciated! :) I'll have to get on that right away.
Hi Amy!

Welcome to the site! Like Jessye said, there's all the information :) Feel free to pm me if you have any questions or want to roleplay. I'm going quiet for a bit due to exams, but I'm sure we can arrange something after January or have a topic between us - it would move quite slowly though so sorry!
Anyway, let me know ^_^

Oh, also, is there some kind of format I should follow for my character background, or do I just kind of wing it? I've been reading the site info, but haven't found that yet.
Here is where all the Character Developments and Biographies are kept. When you are sorted, you can make a student biography, and a character development. You can find the forms in either of the forums... and an introduction into making them. If you are waiting to be sorted, you could always plan it and then post it when you're done!

Hey there Amy, welcome to HNZ! :)

I hope you enjoy your time on the board and have nothing but good experiences. ^_^
Hello and Welcome to HNZ

It's been less than a month since I joined this site and so far I have loved it.I'm sure you will too love it too.

Here is where you should post a topic if you are looking for RPs and you will get many people to thread with you soon :D

I hope you have fun on board ^_^

Thank you all for the warm welcome and all the help ^_^ If this is anything to go by I'm sure that my time here will be quite wonderful! Very excited.
Hey, hey, hey!!!

<SIZE size="150">That's it... I'm way too energetic again... :r ... xD

Anyways.... Hi there, Amy.. I'm Marga and yeah, haven't been too long on this site either...

Welcome, welcome to HNZ.. You're going to have a heck of a good time here... ^_^

So.. Feel free to shoot me a PM for RPs or just a simple conversation.. ^_^

Again, Welcome!!

<FONT font="Monaco"><COLOR color="Purple"><I>
Welcome to the site Amy!
I am Khushi and I am one of two people currently on this site from the whole of African continent! (the second being my sister ,Payal)
Hope you have fun RPing and doing community stuff :)
Welcome to HNZ Amy ^_^ Enjoy your timeee!
Donna :donna:

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