Hello Everyone!

OOC First Name
Dark Adzel
Made of Yew wood, 13 1/2 inches, Single Phoenix Feather, Yew is rebirth and death! >:)
Heya'yall! I am new to this website that seems a lot fun for the Roleplay, I am a big fan of RP myself. ^_^ I discovered this website because of trying to find a nice font of Harry Potter and came across your nice Website. :3 A little about me : I looooveee Harry Potter VERY much (Obviously, if I am here :p) I was born on the month March, means I am a HUGEEE fan of Roleplay. :p I am a French person and live in Thailand (Because France was too cold) for now 8 years. :p (Do I not use this ":p" face far way too much? Meh I don't care, ti's cute.) I have 1 sibling, known as Samuel. He is 12 years old and I am 15 and we live in a huge-freak house (Or mansion if you prefer. My grandparents were rich) I have seven kitties (Wait, what? ... I love kitties :p, not sure if this is nesessary but ) From Oldest to Youngest : Cherry, she is the mother of the 6 other kitties. Elite, she is the second mother of : Paffy, Woffle, Poffle and Obscuritas because Cherry doesn't want them anymore. She just hits them >.<. I have two big guardian doggies : Crocker and Tracker (Tracker is a real whinny little pup, but very defensive and protective) And Crocker is the leader :p Big, fat and fluffy (yep, a fluffy guardian dog, notice how I add alot of these () things...I love giving more details ..lulz ) I also have a garden full of beautiful flowers, roses, lily's of my mother with tons of butterflies around it. Tsk tsk...I hate when they just fly in my face when I try to play with my little brother. Ah hell I as well noticed..this is a long ash text we have here..meh I've got plenty more. :p One last thing, none of you might believe this, I get it a lot. But my name is Draco. Weird but my parents choosed that because they were/are huge dragon lovers, and we all know (I think) that Draco/Drago (That's how my name is spelt in English, in French it's Drago) means "Dragon" in Latin.

Character's Life/BIO:

(Dunno, just want to add this in, if it must not be here I don't mind, admins can remove it o_O )

Adzel Mallory Riddle, is a very smart, cunning, evil student, possibly worse then Tom Riddle, he is of course..a Slytherin. Adzel looks rather handsome with black hair and green round eyes, he is 19 years old and live alone in a castle that his Dark Royal family lived in, but since Adzel is cruel. He killed both his parents to irritate the place whole for himself, he as well is Tom Riddle's great grandson. He is a Parsel-Mouth and is Half-Blood. He has some secrets and some weak points tho : Hint hint (Cats, LMAO. I always used Adzel as my RP-self, sooo...you guys can't complain about it, because if some of you asks me to apply to become parselmouth...it will change my WHOLE story.. sorriiiiesss X.X
Hey Draco - welcome to HNZ! :)
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I'm from Canada.
I'm glad to hear that you love Harry Potter and roleplaying so much - you've definitely found the right place.

HNZ is a little different from other HP RPGs, so you should make sure to check out our Site Documentation, and feel free to contact me (or any other member of the site staff) if you have any questions or concerns.

Unfortunately, you will have to apply for Adzel to be a parselmouth, and you shouldn't do that until after your character is sorted. There's no point in us having rules about applying for things if people could just come to the site and say "I've used this character before so you can't make me change anything about them." - even if you don't get your character exactly as they've been before I think that's a good thing. Roleplaying should be an adventure, not a cookie-cutter story. More of my thoughts about this are here.
That all said: Fortunately, sorting opens very shortly! :) So you'll be able to be sorted and start figuring out your character from there (yes, including the necessary applications).

I look forward to seeing you around the site and getting to know you a little more.
Hello! ^_^
Welcome to HNZ!

My name's Tenilee and it's very nice to meet you. I hope you stick around and if you ever want to chat or rp or something, I'm always willing! Since sorting's starting pretty soon, you're in luck. :woot:

Anyway, I hope to see you around sometime.
Nicolas King said:
Hey Draco - welcome to HNZ! :)
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I'm from Canada.
I'm glad to hear that you love Harry Potter and roleplaying so much - you've definitely found the right place.

HNZ is a little different from other HP RPGs, so you should make sure to check out our Site Documentation, and feel free to contact me (or any other member of the site staff) if you have any questions or concerns.

Unfortunately, you will have to apply for Adzel to be a parselmouth, and you shouldn't do that until after your character is sorted. There's no point in us having rules about applying for things if people could just come to the site and say "I've used this character before so you can't make me change anything about them." - even if you don't get your character exactly as they've been before I think that's a good thing. Roleplaying should be an adventure, not a cookie-cutter story. More of my thoughts about this are here.
That all said: Fortunately, sorting opens very shortly! :) So you'll be able to be sorted and start figuring out your character from there (yes, including the necessary applications).

I look forward to seeing you around the site and getting to know you a little more.
Aww cheese face...ok meh. I will make a few changes to Adzel then, in an RP character BIO thingy or something. Like, changing his age to 11 so he gets sorted at right age, and then once he's sorted I'll apply for him to be Parselmouth. Mm'k..
Hey Draco! Cool name!

Hope you have alot of fun on the site. This character here is getting sorted too! :D I've head her since she was only a baby so I'm really excited. Hope to see you around!

Hello Draco and welcome to HNZ!!

If you really like roleplaying then I should say you're at the right place. I'm Liam and I also love roleplaying (well the writing concept generally). If you need anything like someone to shoot some randomness to your plots etc don't hesitate to pm me.

Hope you'll enjoy your time here. Have fun! :)

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