Hello Everyone

Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
Well as I posted my leaving in the absence forum I better post my return here then.
For all of you who have been extremely supportive over the past few months, please know that I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
It's been a harrowing ordeal, first losing Mom and then having to let my father go into a home recently.
He isn't suffering from Alzheimers at all thank God but is clinically depressed at the loss of my Mom, his wife and bestfriend for many years. I guess I can't blame him for that.

I'm still uber busy with RL but have managed to sort myself and prioritise as much as possible, so over the next couple of weeks I will attempt to get Andy up to scratch in her classes and sort out a rp which will explain her return to Hogwarts.

I've missed you all terribly and thank the day that I ever discovered this site.
You've all been amazing and I feel lucky and proud to call you my friends. :wub: :glomp2: :hug:
:woot: Whew Andy, when RL sorts out, and you come back, we are all going to <:p PARTAY <:p :p, well hope everything sorts its self out, and you'll be back soon enough :)

See you hopefully soon,

*flying tackle glomp* ANDY I KNEW YOU COULDN'T LEAVE ME FOREVER! Zazuka was depressed for days after your last letter. She will give you the worlds biggest glomp when you get back to the school! I'm glad everything is getting a little better. I know how you feel I just lost my dad a month ago but My mom and I have been getting closer to each other as a result. I'm so happy you back Linda! :hug: :glomp2: :hug: :glomp2:
YAYE!!! I'm glad that things are getting a bit better, heres hoping it'll get a lot better :glomp2:
Nina wont know Andy has left but Aiden will probably hear about it, so I am going to steal my brothers account once more and we are going to get a rp together...when you get all settled etc :D

I'm sorry about all you've had to deal with, but completely selfishly, it's great to see you back and I'm looking forward to you coming back properly. :)
I second Violet's statement!

I truly hope that you are doing well and I can't wait to see you back. We've all missed you! :lol:

Yaye!! I've been missed - well I have totally missed you all.
Really and if anyone sees Cecily, I read yesterdays spam and let her know that I miss her too. =-/

It is great to be back but have so much work to catch up on.
Potions down, the rest to go... :wacko:

Hey Zuka, not officially back at Hogwarts till Y6 so hence why I wrote that letter as I didn't know exactly when I could make it back. This feels like the ultimate bonus being back sooner than anticipated though.

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