Hello everone :)

Kenya Lierman

OOC First Name
Anna Singley
Hi everyone,

I'm a little new to this particular site but thanks to the wonders of the Internet i have stumbled upon your good selves.
I have done some role-playing in the past and am quite familiar with the board rules ect, But i was wondering if anyone would be up for an RP?
Looking forwards to getting to know as many of you as possible :)
Hello Anna
It is great to see you have found us. new people are always great to see. I am Mia and I've been round here for a while. If you do have any questions feel free to shoot me, or any of the admin here a pm (they are all great people), though i am more likely to pick them up on my main account "Briar Rowan" than this on.
I have seen you have replied to one of my RP's and i will get to replying now.
hope to see you around for a while to come
Mia :hug:
Hey there, Anna! Welcome to HNZ. :)

I'm glad you were able to find our community and I truly hope that you enjoy your stay on the board.
Unfortunately, as you'd likely have learned soon enough anyway, I very seldom find myself with time to roleplay so I'll leave you to others who can offer you a better first roleplaying experience on the site.

That said, I hope to get to know you in the out of character areas of the site.
Hello there!

Welcome to HNZ Anna! :) Hope to see you around and get to know you more xD Just shoot me a PM if you want to RP sometime :)
Hey Anna!
Welcome to the site! I hope you'll enjoy it here! Hehe
Oh and I have a 10 year old girl who I'm willing to RP with you. ^_^ Bump me with a PM if you're interested!

Arty x
Welcome to the site, Anna!
Welcome Anna! :woot:

You can call me Tenilee, and I'd love to roleplay with you some time. If you're ever interested, just send me a PM and I'll see what I can do. I hope you enjoy yourself here and stick around. I'm sure you'll have loads of fun!

~Tenilee ^_^

Thanks to all for such a warm welcome :D
Would love to RP with any of you, got to say you guys are the nicest I've ever come across on any RP site.
I'm stuck on bed-rest with toncilitus at the moment so if anyone has a spare moment and would like to brighten my day feel free to PM me for an RP :)

I normally forget to this...
But hey there Anna, welcome aboard. If you need anything, toss me a message. I'll be sure to help out! I might have someone young your character can associate with.
I hope you have a good time here, it is fairly addicting. ^_^

~ Kaitlyn
Welcome to HNZ Anna:hug:

I'm Johanna but you can call me Hanna, Jo, whatever you like :r I'd love to rp with your sometime. Just send me a Pm and I'm sure we'll sort something out ^_^

Hope you enjoy the site!


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