Hello. :D


New Member
OOC First Name
Seyoung Kim
Name: Seyoung Kim
Heritage: South Korean
Blood status: Unknown, because of her somewhat paranoid parents
Likes: cakes, strawberries, pocky, caring people, and cute things/animals (although animals tend to hate her)
Dislikes: unappreciative/cruel people in general (w/in valid reason), recklessness, and thoughtlessness
Talents:potions, Charms, Tranfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts
Weaknesses: Diviniation, Astronomy, and Magical Care for Magical Creatures

Life: Seyoung had a muggle life with her parents and raised like a muggle. However that may be, her parents are rather paranoid for some reason and are overprotective of their only daughter. Seyoung has noticed their paranoia through her years of life and tries to please them in order for them to calm down. Due to this reason, Seyoung has turned anti-social and refrains from talking with others that seem cruel and want to harm her for the sake of her parents.

Personality: Even though seemingly expressionless, Seyoung considers others before herself, loyal to those she thinks that truly care about her. Therefore, Seyoung has a mentality to help others, which means to help herself in some areas of perspective

Ex: Seyoung works very hard in academics, even though she may not be talented at the subject. She then tests herself and gauges her ability to help others and either does or doesn't depending on her ability to do so.

Because of her anti-social like personality, she is a little eccentric even though she keeps to herself. Also, she tries to help others in her own way.
Hi there,

It looks like you've created a little biography for your character (which is pretty impressive for your first post on the board), but I would suggest you post that in the Character Development section for some helpful feedback.
This area is meant to be out of character - where we can welcome you, the roleplayer who just joined the site.

So, welcome! :D I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I'd be happy to help you get settled on the board. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send me a PM.

All the best,

Hey there! Welcome to HNZ!
Welcome, from someone who never knows if she's on or off.

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