Hello All

James Setherland

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
The real name is Kyle, but my RPG name is James. I am currently 17 and live in Indiana. I love music, I am a senior, and I plan on going to college for something in music. So hello all, and I hope to have some fun here in this place we call a forum. :tut:
We have already met butttt I wanna post in here too ^.^
My name is Harleigh. I love animals and I have three dogs. I am 14 years old and live in Oklahoma, USA. I live with my dad and step mom and have been obsessed with Harry Potter for quite some time. I love to dress one of my dogs up (honey,yorkie poo) because he even likes it xD. I am a big fan of south park (thanks to my father :glare:) I have Wiccan beliefs and I am a very cool person ;) I am looking forward to being able to RP with you Kyle ^.^
Hi there, Kyle!
I'm Nick, one of the admin here - and welcome to HNZ. :D

What college/university are you thinking of going to?
Since you shared a bunch of info about yourself, here's a little about me:
I'm from Canada, and I'm currently attending university studying Dramatic Art. After my bachelor's degree I plan to go for a Masters in Divinity.

At any rate, I hope you have tonnes of fun on the forums, too. :) See you around!
Hey Kyle! Welcome to the board :D Hope to see you around!
Madz xx ^^
Hi Kyle,
I am fifteen as of yesterday :) I love music, but I am more of a listener. I live in Michigan and plan on being a English teacher. I hope to see you around the site.
Thanks for the welcomes. I'm thinking of going to Berklee or Julliard if I can get accepted int them. If not, then I plan on going to a private christian college that has a growing music program. Yuppers. Also you look nice Rena. Your cute ;D
Welcome kyle! I'm claire, nice to meet you, hopefully we can RP some time? :D
xx :hug:
Welcome to HNZ, Kyle! You will have fun here. :lol: Feel free to call me Amanda.

I'm from the US as well and going to college for Spanish. Berkley or Juilliard? That's pretty ambitious!
Yeah ik it is. I have a passion for music. I have been playing trumpet since 1st grade, and I am really good at it.
I'm Jessye, and I promise you will have a blast here. I live in Michigan, the very bottom of it actually, the border between Indiana is like a five minute drive from my house. xD Hoping to catch you around the board sometime.

- Jessye

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