
OOC First Name
Hello, Ben here. Joined the website because some very good friends invited me (subsitute forced me :p) to have a look around and register. I will probably be roleplaying with them but I will always be sure to talk to others :)
Hello Ben.
It is nice to see new people join. Just a guess but is this friend who asked/forced you to come ash? Anyway. I am Mia if you have any problems feel free to shoot me a pm or you could ask your friend. To get started you should have a read through the site documentation (it's up the top of the page in the link that looks like a book)
I should also introduce you to our awesome admins nick (Nicholas king) and cyndi (cyndi Kingsley). And our great global moderators, pat, kaitlyn Donna and kait (Patricia Styx, haden hensel, Riley sparkles and Keira Kingsley respectively)
I hope to see you around
Welcome to the site, Ben!
Oh, we forced you, did we? :p
You just wanted to stalk me, Benny. :r
Hey there Ben!
Welcome to the board. :) I hope you enjoy your time here and I look forward to seeing you around.

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