Healing a broken heart

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Lilith Patil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
As some of you have noticed I have been a bit spotty on coming on. My husband and I have had to deal with some heartbreaking events this past week. So any and all plots are going to have to wait for a while. I don't really wanna talking about it so if you really must know send me a pm or something. This effects. Eden, Lilith, Tohoru, Haruhi, Jared.

Sorry this is bit blunt but I just wanted to post this and get back to bed.

I love you lot.
:( The post is rather cryptic, but I fear I might know what it's about... maybe. xD

Anywho, whatever it is I'm sorry and I offer your my hugs. :console:
I don't intend to make you explain anything to me over PM, but if you want to talk - you know how to reach me.

I'll try to keep you in my prayers. =]

Feel better and take care Eden.

Hope everything turns out okay.

We'll miss you.
Take care Eden, and take your time.
Praying for you x
You told me what it was about Eds and know that you can take as long as you want to heal then come back shiny and new :D With all the love, your best friend since middle school Ana V. A.K.A Pinky :D
:hug: Eden, anything you want to talk about feel free to PM me. I don't know what it is but I think I have a (veryveryvery) vague idea. Take all the time you need ^_^
Take care, Eden. :hug:
I will pray for you, and if you need someone to talk to, you can catch me anywhere. :)
I'm sorry to hear this, I know were not particularly close or anything but if you ever need to chat I'll probably be free. I hope everything turns out alright for you in the end. ♥
Sorry to hear Eden. Hope everything goes well for you. Good luck!
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