Open He Has Left His Mark

Lauren Carter

Healing | Me time | Traveling around the world
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
[Adminapproval= ID#87341]
Continued from here

The blonde walked towards the hospital wing together with her head of house. She didn't said any word in the walk towards there just looked in front her and felt emotional. She tried to hide her cry face for the others as she walked and than after coming in the hospital wing she lyed down on the bed and was glad to see she was alone here. Looking at her head of house as she now felt it was time to say something. '' I don't blame you for not telling the headmistress. But how long did you knew?'' She than asked him directly and wiped an tear away from her face. Lauren felt it was not fear of the headmistress to be irritated about not telling her before, she wanted people not too. '' I'm glad you never told her. Because I would not have trusted you than or anyone.'' The blonde than opened the zipper of her jacket and put it out so that her arms were free and her shirt with short sleeves was on. It felt strange of just walking with this. It was long time ago now that her father had touched her for the last time, but the bruises on her arm and back and front were still visable. They were older, but her body still hurted more than she would admit. She put an blanket and covered it until there would be an nurse to help her out, so that she could quickly go away here.
Landon could feel his heart beating strongly against his chest as he walked alongside Lauren to the hospital wing. He was glad to be out of the Headmistress' office but he still felt a massive burden upon himself even just walking with her. He had done something wrong by not speaking up sooner, he knew it, and now he had to repay Lauren by just being beside her, which he hoped he could do without messing up. The man led her inside, watching as she made her way onto the bed. At her question, he balled his hands into fists again to stop them from shaking. "I uhhh..." he stammered, trying to figure out the best way to say it. "I just had a feeling. You were different to everyone else. Much more quieter and reserved." Landon knew he had very good observation skills, and he knew he should've trusted his instinct. He will never not regret his actions, especially since it had taken such a toll on the girl. "You're glad I didn't tell her?" The man was shocked, his eyes widening at her. He couldn't believe how forgiving she was. "But it would've stopped all of this sooner if I had just expressed my suspicions. I hate that I put you through this." he told her quietly. He watched as she took off her jacket, her marks exposing themselves as she waited for the nurse. She definitely didn't seem as insecure about it as he thought she would.
Lauren didn't knew what was happening right now. Before she was so scared of changing that she always waited and was the last of her roommates. But now she knew she needed help and her body needed as well. Although the bruises were an bit older, she had for example pain her right foot. And it felt like it was broken or something an tiny bone, but Lauren had walked along with it. She put the blanket over her an bit it was not that warm also. When she watched her head of house she felt for him, and that she had put him in this situation. She was different than everyone else. She had heard that tons of times from her parents, that she was different and not good enough. The blonde nodded than. '' Hmm. I've never been myself I think. At first when I joined I was an bit.'' She than said and reflected back. She didn't even knew who she was, ar had been. There was an time she was more happy, and that was the day she joined here. But after that year everything changed. The man seemed to be suprised by what she said. But no one would ever understood her. It sounded crazy perhaps and ofcourse she wished this would have ended earlier, but she was not brave than. '' It's not that simple. You know.. not to throw anyone under the bus. But in an lesson of Styx about boggarts my dad appeared in front of me. '' Lauren than explained. She had hated that day. Sighting she continued. '' Styx can read minds or something so he knew. And he confronted me. But I was so mad, it was not right to look into my mind. He wanted to tell, but I became so mad and he hasn't told anyone gladly. Because I didn't trusted people, and especially adults. '' Lauren than explained. She went sitting straight and looked at Landon again. '' It's not your fault. I should have been braver, but I wasn't. I was and still are afraid of my parents getting away with this.. And I figured no one would believe me. He made me not tell anyone, and warned me for what would happen if I would tell.. '' Lauren than said feeling her voice shaking an bit more towards the end. '' If you have told the headmistress earlier, perhaps it could have ended earlier, but than I would never trust anyone again. And that is even more painfull.'' Lauren than said. She believed what she said.
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Landon nodded in agreement as Lauren said she had never been herself. He really wanted to get to know her now that everything was going to be better. She only had a couple of years left at Hogwarts, but he was determined to still get to know her. The man listened as she explained the lesson she had with Professor Styx a couple of years ago. It was what had started making everything better, and it made Landon have more respect for the man. He knew it wasn't the most ideal situation, but Kalif had done the right thing. He was a good professor, and despite the fact he looked into Lauren's mind and invaded her privacy, he did it with the best intent. As she began saying she wasn't brave, Landon was quick to intervene. "No Lauren, you are the bravest person that I know! I don't know many people that can talk to the Headmistress about something like this, and I certainly don't know that many people that can show their scars to another while still keeping themselves together." he reassured her, hoping that his words were helping her. The nurse was due to see them soon and Lauren didn't look too nervous at all, and he hoped it would stay that way.
Lauren watched her head of house listening as she spoke. How could she ever had know that there were also good male persons in the world like Landon. She was glad that he had proved her wrong and all that she had known. And when he complimented her and said she was brave an smile appeared on her face. No one had ever said such an thing to her before. '' Thanks Professor.'' She than replied at first and let her emotions guide her. Hugging the man as she came at him. This was an big step for her, and she had missed those stuff and when she had control of it herself, she wasn't that scared. She hold him for an while and than went sitting again. '' I'm still not very comfertable with it. And it has been taking a lot of time. But thanks for all.'' She than said with an small smile. Seeing the nurse coming also, made her an bit more nervous. Before she had been telling so many lies about bruises or pains. Now she could just be honest about what she felt. She wasn't all relaxed about the situation and tried to forget about the long process and the fact that her sisters would never look at her again perhaps.. at least June who was for sure an copy of her dad in a way. After all she was the one who was breaking up the family..

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