Open Haunted Party

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Margo Fox

daily prophet reporter 🌸 old soul 🌸 '62 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2043 (20)
Margo was curious to see what the Halloween feast would be all about at Hogwarts. She had never really celebrated before and she was excited. Her costume wasn't anything too exciting just an old dress of her grandma's that made her feel like a princess. But she had arrived earlier than the rest of her friends and didn't feel like waiting before checking it out for herself. She was surprised by just how many decorations filled the hall, the carved pumpkins were especially exciting. She passed by the food and was headed towards the games when she noticed something moving above her. It looked like a spider and it was dropping right on top of her. Margo let out a yelp of surprise and covered her head with her hands. But when a moment passed and she felt nothing she looked up again and saw the spider rising. She let out a shaky laugh and felt rather silly she had let herself get scared by some of the decorations.
Isadora was thrilled about the Halloween Feast, it seemed like so much fun. She had put on a costume she knew her sister would hate, though she doubted it would win her any prizes as it was fairly simple. The decorations were awesome and Isadora spent a bit of time simply exploring the hall, looking at all the fun activities she wanted to do later. She then spotted Margo and beamed, rushing over to her friend. She laughed as she saw her get scared by one of the spiders. "Hey, you!" She said brightly. "You look so cute!"
Margo yelped again but this time it was because Isadora had suddenly appeared next to her. She relax when she realized it was just her friend but she felt a little embarrassed too. Isadora's giggles confirmed her earlier scare had witnesses. But she smiled at the compliment and tried to shrug off the rest of it. "Thanks!" she said and was able to get a better look at the other girl's costume. "What are you supposed to be?" she asked.
Isadora laughed and spun around as Margo asked her what she was dressed as, spreading her arms out. "Muggle school girl." She said, grinning. "My sister would hate it." She paused. "Though I doubt she'll even notice me." She said a little bitterly. But then she put on her bright smile again. "Have you seen Cameron? Don't tell me he's being grumpy and alone in somewhere in the dungeons."
Margo felt dumb for not picking up on the costume sooner. "Oh right, I see it now." she said nodding enthusiastically. "I don't think I even know what your sister looks like." she said when Isadora mentioned her sister. She had heard about Natalia a fair bit, mostly complaints, but she had never run into the older girl herself. "Well I think you look great." Margo said with a grin and looped her arm through her friends and started leading them towards one of the snack tables. She glanced up at the enchanted spider and wanted to get away from it. She rolled here eyes at the mention of Cameron but she also wondered where he was. "Probably. I feel like he would hate this. It's fun and he hates fun." she said sourly. But felt a little bad about being so harsh. Cameron had some good qualities, if you really looked for them.
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