Harri help me

Harri laughed, shaking her head "I never knew you had it in you Zuka," she said grinning, "Have you heard from Andy?" she asked.
Zazuka shugged. She was a bit surpised at what she had in her but was not going to say that. When the conversation turned to Andy she looked down. "I haven't written to her yet." She said sadly. Gods why was it so hard to make contact she had the adress and the school owls so what was stoping her?
"Oh okay," Harri said "Are you going too?" she asked. Wondering why Zuka hadn't wrtten before, "Do you have the adress and everything?" she asked.
Zauzka nodded. "I have everything but the curage. I don't know I mean what if she's forgotten me or what if I get a letter back saying that she never wants to talk to me again because she has better friends or something. But I am going to write to her. As soon as I can get quill to paper." She said bitting her lip.
Harri's mouth literally fell open "Don't be silly Zuka! Would Andy ever say that?" she said, "I mean she's probably waiting for your letter!" she said confidently.
Zazuka hung her head. "Then she will probobly tell me off for taking so long. But your right I have to get it over with and hope for the best." She said with a deep breath. God she hoped that Andy was not to mad at her that she took so long to write.
"No I'm sure she won't be angry!" Harri said confidently "Shes not going to have changed that much since she was here surely!" she said "Shes not going to go all mean all of a sudden!" she siad, "What school does she go to know?" she asked.
Zazuka shook her head. "You sure about that I mean she does go to Beauxbaton after all and they say that the freanch can be mean." She said as a bit of a joke but she did know that some girls over there could be catty.
"I think Andy is far from catty!" Harri said laughing "Get it catty?" she said grinning, "But seriously I doubt they would be able to change her!"" she said.
Zazuka laughed but the joke had new meaning for her. She didn't know if Harri knew Andy's secret so she didn't comment on that. "Your probobly right I mean Andy has aways been herself and to hell with anyone that doesn't like it right?" She said thinking about her bestest most best friend.
Harri laughed, knowing for certain Zuka would know Andys secret and finding the joke still amusing, "Exactly!" she siad grinning "And shes probably missing everyone like crazy!" she said confidently "So get writing!" she added.
Zazuka sighed. "Alright, alright. You know this why I have friends like you. You always know how to counter my crazy thories." She said with a bright smile. She gave Harri a hug carful not to crush the pigmy puffs.
"Aww thanks Zuka," Harri said hugging her back, with her piggmy puffs tucked safely under one arm, "I wonder what Jaspars going to be like with these guys!" she pondered aloud.
Zazuka looked up thinking. "Who is Jasper?" She asked but had a feeling it was eather a cat or something similer. Owls usually got the names of old wizards and greek or roman gods in her expirence.
"Are you serious? I haven't introduced you to Jaspar?" Harri siad shocked and aware that at the moment she was making him seem like a human. "Wait there, hes probably lurking in the common room somewhere, Ooh and Ima put these guys in the dorm while I'm there," she said grinning and patting the box, "I'll be two seconds!" she siad sprinting off, muttering the password and entering the dorm at the speed of light. She found a safe place for them and then went to the common room. "Come on boy," she called spotting the ginger cat lounging lazily on an armchair. She was out with Zuka again in a matter of minutes. "Zuka meet Jaspar," she said as the ginger cat turned the corner, he still had a real kitten look about him! Afterall he was only a few months old. She grinned as he purred and ran up to Zuka.
Zazuka grined brightely and petted Jasper softly. A soft tiger stiped head came up out of her book bag and the golden eyes of Jinx looked out to see the new cat. Zazuka sort of guessed that he had taken a ride in her book bag again but this time made no effort to get the cat to stay in the commonroom. "Looks like Jinx wanted to meet Jasper too." She said laughing and picking Jasper up. Jinx took one look at the other male cat then sank back into Zazuka's book bag as if not intrested.
Harri laughed as Jinx appeared completely uninterested in Jaspar, who was now bounding around as if trying to persuade Jinx to come out and play, "Well I think Jaspar liked Jinx, even if he didn't like Jaspar!" she said grinning as Jaspar miaowed impatiently.
Zazuka shook her head and reached into her bookbag. "He can be a bit mean sometimes sorry about that." She said taking out the aloof cat. Jinx gave her an indignet mew then looked down at where he was going to be put down. "Be nice." Zazuka said when she saw that impationt look that he was giving Jasper.
Harri laughed "You can't make them get on!" she said noticing Jinx's look. "Plus Jaspars a bit energetic," she siad laughing as the cat began pouncing around in a playful way, he was the animal form of herself! "Jinx is far too sensible for Jaspar," she said grinning and bending down to stroke Jinx.
Zazuka laughed. "It's not that. I believe I have spoiled Jinx rotten so he thinks he's king when he's just an ordenery cat." She said laughing. Jinx mewed then bent into Harri's hand. He liked to be petted most of all. "he can be a right fire ball when he wants to be." Zazuka said holding out one of her quills of her bookbag and held it out for Jasper to hunt.
Harri laughed "Spoilt rotten eeh?" she said stroking the Jinx who seemed to love it, when Zuka got the quill out for Jaspar she laughed as he began to stalk it, looking like a very immature inexperienced ginger cat pounced on it "Ooh I think he needs some lessons from the expert," she said meaning Jinx. "Go show him how its done," she siad gently nudging him in the direction.
Jinx shook and sliped out from Harri's hand. He bouned over to where Zazuka was playing with Jasper and started to paw at the quill showing Jasper how high he was sopped to go. "Now got to his vanitys." Zazuka said laughing and keeping the quill just out of reach from both of them.
Harri laughed "Well hes got to learn from someone!" she siad grinning as he took note of Jinx and attempted to shadow his movements.
Zazuka shook her head. "If I know Jinx he will have Jasper thinking he's a pince or something." She said and tried to keep the quill from them a bit longer. Jinx had other plans. He was a year old but he was still small and light so he pounced up onto Zazuka's book bag then made a quick swip at the qull, bringing it down for Jasper to play with once it hit the grown.
"And knowing Jaspar he'd probably fall for it!" Harri said laughing, then Jinx pounced up and got the feather and Jaspar began patting at it, playing immaturely with it and pouncing around, "How old is Jinx now?" she asked.

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