Harri help me

Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Zazuka bit her lips hoping that Harri would get here soon. She had a box in her hands decorated with stars and moons but it had holes in it. The two pigmy puffs needed air ofter all. Small chirping sounds came up of the box and she shushed then gently. "Don't worry little ones, your knew mother is comeing soon." She sure hoped that Harri would like the two little red and blue puffs. She also had a bad of food for them attached to the box wraped in a candy gift bag. Zazuka bounced on the balls of her heels as she waited for her friend.
It was five minutes after the time that Harri was supposed to meet Zuka, and yet she was still running around the dorm, pulling on odd coloured convereses and a cardigan. The christmas present she had bought for Zuka lay wrapped in electric blue wrapping paper with a big silver bow on it. The present also had a label attatched
I hope you get loads of use out of this... and luck! Love Harri x
She laughed as she read over it, she had meerly been passing through Florish and Blotts when she had seen a new addition to their sheleves, '10 Fail-Safe Ways To Get Any Wizard!' she had known at once she should buy it for Zuka, but even now she couldn't help but feel nervous about whether she would like it or not. Carefully she picked up the present and scrambled out to meet her friend. "Zuka!" she called grinning and running over to her, giving her the best hug possible due to the fact Zuka was holding a box and Harri the book. "How was your christmas?" she asked.
Zazuka gave Harri a one armed hug and smiled. "Absolutly awesome I love the Paramore family!" She said. "This is for you." She said holding the holie box out to her. "Oh and guess what Andrew broke up with Kirsty so he my boyfriend now!" She said hopping up and down. She was so exsited and felt like her heart was full to bursting whenever she thought about that. "How was you christmas then?" She asked finally.
Harri laughed "Sounds fun!" she said grinning, "Ahh wow!" She said excitedly, "Thats fantastic!" she said hugging Zuka again. "And this is for you," she said exchaning gifts with Zuka, she heard a small snuffling from inside and carefully unwrapped the present, seeing two pigmy puffs, "Thanks Zuka! There awesome!" she said happily, she had seen these before and always wanted one, and now she had two! "Yeah twas okay," she shrugged dismissivly "I mean Caysi's birthday and everything was fantastic!" she said, though not seeing Kevin had put a dampner on the holidays she smiled convinvingly.
Zazuka unwraped her gift and grined. "I love it. If I ever need to find get myself a wizard this will be the first thing I turn to." She said laughing. Zazuka thought it would be useful but also thought it a bit of a joke. She love it though. She looked at Harri's eyes and turned her head. "Caysi's birthday sounds fun but are you telling me everything?" She asked with one raised eyebrow.
Harri grinned "I guess you don't need it now you got Andrew!" she said laughing, "Well...." she pondered for a moment looking up at Zuka, while her feet shuffled on the floor. "It'll just sound stupid," she said self conciously, her hands and feet both shuffling nervously, "I, I didn't get to see Kevin," she sighed, knowing she probably sounded completly stupid.
Zazuka wanted to skip at mention of Andrew's name but she knew better than to. "Aww that sucks. What happend could he not get away?" She asked wondering what could have kept Kevin away from Harri.
"Ahh I don't know," Harri sighed, "Anyway enough about me, when did all this happen with Andrew?" she asked, hoping Zuka would take the change of subject, she didn't really want to talk about Kevin, she knew nothing herself but she didn't want anyone else to know that.
Zazuka turned the color of Weasly hair. "Well after the Yule ball um... Ah... I got my first kiss from Andrew and he said that he was going to brake up with Kirsty before that because he told me he liked me and then I got a letter from Andrew and this." She said taking a strling sliver butterfly pendent out from her color. Along the wings where where small purple stones. The very one she had been eyeing in the jewelry store but could not afford.
"Oh wow!" Harri said grinning, "And that necklace is stunning!" she said admiring it, "And that sounds fantastic! Was it really special?" she asked.
Zazuka grined like the Chesha cat. "Define special." She said looking up with an innocent look in her eyes.
Harri grinned, "I knew it would be!" she said "How did Kirsty take it though? Is she still speaking to you?" she asked, the last part more as a joke.
Zazuka looked up in wonder. "Well Andrew said she took it well and I talked to her out on the lake earlyer this week. To be honest I think she maybe a robot or something but that's impossible since electronics don't work inside school walls." She said going off on a something she had thought about. Zazuka hadn't even seen a sign of mild dislike from Kirsty. It was a good thing but it had made her wonder a bit about her.
Harri supressed a giggle as Zuka told her abou her robot theory, "How comes?" she asked curious, "I mean no offence here," she paused wondernig whether to go on "But if it was me, and my boyfriend dumped me for you I would be a bit mad at you!" she said, deeply under exaggerating, she would be more then a little mad, though from Zuka it sounded like Kirsty didn't really mind!
Zazuka shook her head. "Don't know. Maybe she felt that Andrew was just a friend to her or something like that. Oh come on, who in thier right mind would dump you for me?" She asked as a joke. "But really though I really just think that she may be a quite girl and that's why she didn't make a big deal about Andrew and I. Though I don't think she know's about the kiss so sush about that." She said again wondering but a bit worryed too.
"Oh shush, plenty of boys would," Harri said playfully nudging Zuka. "Maybe, I suppose its good, you wouldn't want it to be a messy brake up!" she said nodding, "Are you and her and her and Andrew still friends?" she asked.
Zazuka shugged looking up in wonder after tilting a bit from the nudg. "I guess so. Kirsty will be just fine. I was worryed there for a second that she would come at me like raw!" She said acting out a comicly scary leap "And I would have to go yeep!" She said hiding her face again as a joke.
Harri laughed "No! You could easily take Kirsty!" she joked laughing, "But mightn' it get a little awkward for you two? Like being friends and all?" she asked.
Zazuka looked up then around. "No not really. I mean we don't really meet up all that often. I talked to her once on the lake then never again. I don't really see us talking much in the future. Really I think it's the kind if situation that if I say out of her way she will stay out of mine I think. It's good thing though. I was the one that made Mike show up to exams in a skirt so I sudder to think what I would think of doing to her." She said laughing. She really wouldn't have that kind of malice in her. Or at leasst she didn't think.
"Yeah I suppose, it'll work out better that way," Harri said nodding in agreement, then she laughed hard, "A skirt?!?" she asked gulping for air, "I think Kirsty had a lucky escape!" she siad grining.
Zazuka laughed into her hand. "Didn't you see? I sliped him Gender Fudge in a cupcake and had to remain a girl for about three days. I said sorry truly and then he asked me to the Ball for some reason but that turned out alright." She said still giggling a bit.
Harri laughed even harder at this "No I think I was ignoring him at this point!" she said "Ahh I wish I had seen that!" she said disappionted though laughing at this discovery.
Zazuka shook her head. "You that's what happens when your not alert to you sarroundings. Anyway I have given up pranking Mike. It's really for the best that we are friends again." She said with a warm smile.
Harri laughed "I know, I was probably off in my little world!" she said grinning, "Atleast you can be friends, he's being really weird with me. I mean fair enough I kinda, sorta shouted at him in the common room but we sorted that, and now hes just being," she paused not sure of the right word "I guess hes just being a boy!" she said laughing.
Zazuka laughed. "Yeah because I don't think he made a good girl!" She said laughing into her hands. Zazuka was happy now that things seemed to sort themselves out. She still had very intetion of writing to Andy but other than that things seemed ok.

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