Open Hanging Around

Ivy Ashworth

📕Magic Researcher | Headstrong | 1/4 Veela💅
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Flynn)
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Cypress Wand with Veela Hair Core
12/2039 (23)
Open after Clara posts with Emori

The more tutoring sessions Ivy had, the more excited she was about Hogwarts. The girl had just been picked up by her dad from her latest session, and was now waiting in the park while he shopped for a few things in town for her mother. Ivy knew the shopping would be boring, so she preferred to sit on the swing in the park and wait for her dad to pick her up again so they could go home. She was reading through one of her books on magical theory, going over the things she had learned over the past few weeks. Ivy knew she would be one of the best prepared students at Hogwarts next year, and she was excited to show off all her knowledge. The girl swayed a little on the swing as she read on about basic defensive spells, kicking her feet slightly as she read.
The time for her to go to school with her sisters was closer, and Emori couldn't wait. She was really looking forward to seeing what Hogwarts was all about, and she felt a little impatient because she wanted to learn anything and everything, and explore all the places that her sisters kept telling her about - especially Artemis. She was feeling more restless each week, which was saying something because she was usually an energetic kid. So Octavia had decided that she needed to be out more, and Em wasn't going to refuse. Her sister told her that she would leave her at the park, and come back in a bit while she ran some errands. She wasn't going to complain, she didn't mind some down time. As she walked in the park, she noticed another girl, and Emori, the sociable bee that she was, approached her, settling on the other swing next to the girl. "What are you reading?" she asked bluntly. The girl didn't know boundaries half the time.
Stefan was hanging around the park. Nothing to do, the boy decided to climb the monkey bars and observed the people from there. From his high position, he could see everyone and everything. The swing set was close to where he was. There was a girl around his age reading a book, nothing special there. Bored, he hooked his legs and dropped upside down, his face facing the swing. What caught his eye was a second girl approaching the reading girl. He cocked his head as if it was possible and watched them.​
Ivy looked up as a girl sat down on the other swing, giving her a bright smile. "I'm reading a book about magic." She said proudly, holding it up. "It's about defensive spells and how they work." She said with a smile. "It's very interesting." She added, hoping the girl would think it was cool as well. "But I already read what I'm supposed to read for tomorrow, so I can chat for a bit instead." Ivy added, closing the book and placing it on her lap. "What's your name?" She asked, figuring that was a good place to start. The girl looked around her age, and Ivy hoped she would be one of her classmates at Hogwarts soon. She didn't pay much attention to the boy on the monkey bars, hardly noticing him for now.
Emori nodded her head, "Oh cool!" she said, returning the smile that was given to her. "What do you know so far?" she asked, hoping the girl would give her some knowledge too, considering Em didn't have a magical book with her, and the ones Tav got for her were at home. Emori wasn't allowed to read them until she was at Hogwarts, apparently she wasn't trustworthy enough not to try the spells herself as soon as she got a wand, before the academic year started. She wondered what the girl meant when she said she'd read everything she needed to for tomorrow, Em hadn't missed anything important had she? No, she couldn't have. She was usually the first one who knew the ongoings around her in her family. "I'm Emori, but you can call me Em if you like. What's yours? Are you going to Hogwarts too?" she asked. She figured the girl was magical otherwise why else would she be reading about spells. She only then noticed the boy. Creepy. The girl didn't like lurkers, so she turned to him. "Oi, what are you doing up there?" she called to him. He seemed to be watching them and Emori folded her arms expectantly.
Emori. That was her name. The second girl. Cute. Stefan shook his head at his thoughts. What was he thinking? They were talking about magic which meant he would be going together with them. He was spacing out until a loud voice spooked him. His eyes focused and was startled that the second girl, Emori, was looking at him. Really at him. This starled him further that his grip slipped, casuing him to fall. "Ow....", he groaned, sitting up and rubbing a spot on his head. "Well, I am not up there anymore.", he grumbled.
Ivy grinned at the girl as she said it was cool, but didn't want to give away all her secrets. She gave her a secretive smile and shrugged. "Too much to tell you quickly." She said, which was true. "Tutoring is pretty intense." She said with a slight air of superiority. "I'm Ivy. Emori is a strange name." She told the girl. "I can see why you'd go with Em." She scoffed a bit at her question. "Of course I am." Ivy jumped a bit in surprise as the girl suddenly yelled at a boy, and he fell. "Are you okay?" Ivy called from her position on the swing, though she made no attempts to get up and check on him. She figured he was okay if he could still talk and wasn't crying.
Emori kept the grin on her face when the other girl seemed so mysterious about what she was learning. Apparently, she knew too much to tell her about it right now, as it took time, but Emori didn’t push her to tell her what she knew. She wasn’t going to scare her away...not just yet. Besides, the girl was nice. She mentioned tutoring, and it all made sense. The textbook, and the fact that she knew so much. Maybe she was pressured to do well from the start and to Em it wouldn’t do well to her schooling experience. One foster family she used to live with had tried to push her, to be the best in the class, but Emori had had none of it. "I can only imagine," she said in agreement about tutoring being intense. She laughed. "Yeah, it’s strange, but it’s unique, and even though it’s not the easiest to remember at least it’s not a common name so people know who I am without comparing me to someone else. And I have yet to meet one person who shares my name," she paused for breath. "Em is just easier for some people," she shrugged with a smile. The girl heard a thud and she turned back around to the boy, who was no longer on the monkey bars...whoops. She gave him a guilty look. "Oh, I’m sorry," she apologised.​
"What were you doing lurking from up there anyway?"

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