

New Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
7 inches, Springy, Eye of Newt Core, Beech Wood
hi im kayla and im new here
ive done hprp previously and ive missed it a lot and i found myself stumbling onto this site and whoops here i am

im 21 yrs old, i dont know if thats considered young or old around here. living in an apt with my amazing boyf and work at ford - its not that great

s-so yeah, um.... im very friendly and i hope to see you all around :)
G'day Kayla!
Welcome to HNZed, it's great to see you here. I think 21 is roughly around the age of most people here, I'm turning 20 in a couple months, but a couple of us are in the mid-to-late's, a couple are in their teens - the age is rather sprinkled!

Anyhoo, you may call m Tenilee! I don't know to what extent you've lurked around, but this here's where you can find the list of the Site Staff. They're all very friendly and helpful, and always happy to answer any questions you may have. This here's the portal, where you can keep up-to-date with recent events, there's a lot of useful little links there. The Site Docs is a great read, and will give you all the information you need to know about the setting of the board, and get you to applications and whatnot. You can always come and hang out in Green eggs and SPAM to have a chat and whatnot with anyone that happens to be on! If you ever want to have a chat, or plot, you can always PM me, and I'd be happy to reply.

Hope I haven't overloaded you with links. xD I look forward to seeing you around the board! ^_^

Hello! Welcome to HNZ ^_^
I'm Donna, one of the Admins, feel free to PM me if you have any questions! :)
Hey Kayla! Welcome to HNZ! But I'm just warning you that it gets addictive :r
If you wish to RP with one of my characters feel free to PM me, I'm always up for new plots ^_^

I hope you enjoy your stay here :wub:
Helloo Kayla, and welcome! :hug: You are more than welcome to shoot me a PM if you have any questions or would like to roleplay, also ^_^ Hope to see you around!!
Welcome to HNZ, Kayla! It's good to have you here, and I hope to see you around often. :)
Hiya Kayla, good to have you here at HNZ! Hope you make yourself comfortable and enjoy your stay!
Heyoooooo :)

Nice to meetcha Kayla! I'm Tee, also relatively new around here. Not doing much till sorting but if you wanna chat or work out something for the future, I'm all for PMs! Hope to see you around :claire:
Heeeey Kayla, wonderful to see lots of new faces around, it's a pleasure to meet you ^_^ Tenilee's given you lots of useful links and information that might help, but do remember that my PM door is always open for anything (well, within reason :r :p ). Anyway, I'm James, welcome again :)
Hello, Kayla

Welcome to HNZ, the most wonderful place on earth ... for me, though. Anyway, enjoy our little humble place and Welcome again :D


(PS: If you ever want to RP, I have tons of IC *except Teigan has more* :teehee: )

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