Guilty Conscience

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Charlotte Bouvier

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hey guys,

So, I'm back, after being absent FOREVER, which I feel supremely guilty about. I left in the middle of several RPs and plots which I feel really bad about. So, to all you guys whom I left hanging, I'm really sorry :cry:

That being said, I would love it if a) you could post if we were RPing/were going to RP, just so I know who exactly I need to grovel to and b) It would be great if you could tell me where you stand on RPing with Charlotte or Sidda again. Don't want to RP again? That's fine. Want to keep going with what we had (revisiting archives, probably)? Sure. Want to start a new one? That's cool too. I'm open to anything, I'd just like to know what you guys think. I'm also open to people with whom I have not yet RPed wanting to try something out. I may say that I don't think it will work between our characters, but please don't take it personally. I just don't want to start roleplays which are useless. And I may say, "not yet, but in a little while, sure!" and that's just because I am human, can only do a certain number of things at a time, and don't want to leave you hanging.

That being said, here are my characters now and what I want to do with them!

Siddalee Simon is a 15 year old Gryffindor fifth year. She is brave, feisty, a little bit of a tomboy, and has a hot temper. She stands up for underdogs and is more likely to hang with the guys playing Quidditch than gossip or go shopping or whatever with the girls. She's kind of your typical fierce redhead with a hot temper, but she likes to help people and if she likes you, she'll be fun, a little bit teasing, protective and caring. She's smart, but not a nerd. She likes Quidditch, music, DADA and practical jokes.
For her, I'm always looking for guy friends, friends in general, enemies and people to 'rescue' from bullying or whatever. I'm also looking for a guy to come along, start out as a friend, and somehow crack through her tomboy shell to the sweet, caring girl inside. Basically, a romance. I think it's her time, don't you? :p

Charlotte Bouvier is 17, and does not go to school. She was homeschooled by her abusive father after he mother was killed, and he has died, making her an orphan. She refuses to talk, communicating instead through a notebook, in which she writes her thoughts. She has manny scars - both physical and emotional from her abusive past. She's shy, withdrawn, and emotionally unstable. She's not very trusting of people, and she's likely to be the quiet one in the corner with her head in a book. She likes ballet, books and poetry, and is a good ballerina and writer. She's smart, but doesn't show it off. She's fragile, and needs a few close friends to really cheer her up and take care of her, possibly a best friend of each gender, and a love interest who could help her through her issues. These people would need to be caring, gentle and protective, and willing to be a shoulder to cry on. She also needs probably one or two really nasty people to bully her. My plan for her is to gain some friends, and gain a bit of strength, although she still wouldn't talk. I then want a bully to attack her, and she just takes it and takes it (possibly some friends sticking up for her), and then finally, she just breaks and talks. Well, screams probably. She'll open up about her past, just how much she's been through, and she'll finally stand up for herself, with support from her friends. This event which I'm hoping for will a) get her talking and b) make her stronger and more open. She'll become her true self - caring, kind, smart, a bookworm, a little serious, a little shy, but quite bubbly and crazy and witty around her friends and people she trusts.

Yeah, I know, I've basically planned everything out for Charlotte, but hey, I'm open to suggestions, and my idea will probably change. That's just kind of how I envisage her transition from ugly duckling to beautiful swan.

My goodness, that was corny.

So, that's all folks! Suggest characters, plots, RPs, or even just comment on your day. I don't care!

Thanks yall,
Hannah :hug:

PS Sorry that was really long :shy:
Hey Hanna :hug:

Well I'm still up for James Peck and Charlotte with their love interest/final plot..bonding over music and what not.

Like you said about taking things slowly I'm pretty swamped with life and RPing right now so I'll over that and think about more in a while :)
Patricia Styx said:
Hey Hanna :hug:

Well I'm still up for James Peck and Charlotte with their love interest/final plot..bonding over music and what not.

Like you said about taking things slowly I'm pretty swamped with life and RPing right now so I'll over that and think about more in a while :)
That sounds awesome!! Thanks Pattycakes! :hug:

Would you like to start a new RP or continue with the one we were doing?
We could continue if you want but if we were to start a new one we could make like they've remained friends and are past the awkward 'getting to know you part'
Edward Allay said:
We could continue if you want but if we were to start a new one we could make like they've remained friends and are past the awkward 'getting to know you part'
Past the awkward phase sounds good to me. You want to start or moi?

Plus, love the look of the new character!
hey hannah, good to see you back
well I have Briar rowan who i believe was pretty close firends with Siddalee before you went MIA, if you can remember they ae pretty similar, they both love quidditch (briar want to go pro when she finnishes school) they will both help younger students if they are being picked on, and they are both pretty firey and will stick up for what they believe. and they pulled a prank on Elvera at the halloween feast one year.

this leads me nicely on to Elvera Le Fey. she could be friends with charlotte. She graduated last year and is a seer and co-owns the inner eye along with her mother. they could both defiantly help Charlotte. even though she is technically of age now, I am sure morgan will take her under her wing and look after her, if she needs it.
Tara Sitara said:
hey hannah, good to see you back
well I have Briar rowan who i believe was pretty close firends with Siddalee before you went MIA, if you can remember they ae pretty similar, they both love quidditch (briar want to go pro when she finnishes school) they will both help younger students if they are being picked on, and they are both pretty firey and will stick up for what they believe. and they pulled a prank on Elvera at the halloween feast one year.

this leads me nicely on to Elvera Le Fey. she could be friends with charlotte. She graduated last year and is a seer and co-owns the inner eye along with her mother. they could both defiantly help Charlotte. even though she is technically of age now, I am sure morgan will take her under her wing and look after her, if she needs it.
Hey Mia

Hahaha! Mia, MIA...sorry. Just me being random.

Anyway, I definitely think that Bri and Sid were an awesome pair of rascals/besties, and would love for them to RP again. How much has changed/not changed since they're 15? *gulp* OWL year!!

I think Elvera sounds awesome, and I'd definitely like to try RPing them together.

For both of these, would you like to start them, or should I?

Thanks Mia!! :hug:
Do you want me to start the Briar/Siddalee one, and you start the Charlotte/Elvera one.
As for Briar, she hasn't changed that much, her wildness has been tamed a bit, and she has become a bit more responsible, especially this year since she became a prefect this year.

as for Elvera and Charlotte maybe the inner eye would be a good place.

I have started one Here It is in the forest and is called up a tree
Have replied to that one and will start the other one shortly.
Okay i have replyed to it.

dont stress about posting. just take your time. I am sorry that you have to go to a funeral. I hope it is not to hard on you.
Patricia Styx said:
Could you, please?

And thank you...he's quite the dish :wub: xD
Sorry I haven't started it yet, I just had a question - would you like them to be just friends, friends flirting a little, friends teetering on the brink of something more, or...? I didn't want to just go ahead in case you thought that was not right. Accordingly, would you like them to be at a stage of friendship where they make plans to hang out? Because that will influence how to start it.
Sorry if I sound like I'm asking too much - I just don't want to assume things incorrectly, because that can be annoying. ^_^
Charlotte Bouvier said:
Patricia Styx said:
Could you, please?

And thank you...he's quite the dish :wub: xD
Sorry I haven't started it yet, I just had a question - would you like them to be just friends, friends flirting a little, friends teetering on the brink of something more, or...? I didn't want to just go ahead in case you thought that was not right. Accordingly, would you like them to be at a stage of friendship where they make plans to hang out? Because that will influence how to start it.
Sorry if I sound like I'm asking too much - I just don't want to assume things incorrectly, because that can be annoying. ^_^
No worries ^_^

I think somewhere between 'a stage of friendship where they make plans to hang out' and 'friends teetering on the brink of something more'. But if you had something else in mind let me know, I can work with whatever is easiest ^_^
Patricia Styx said:
Charlotte Bouvier said:
Patricia Styx said:
Could you, please?

And thank you...he's quite the dish :wub: xD
Sorry I haven't started it yet, I just had a question - would you like them to be just friends, friends flirting a little, friends teetering on the brink of something more, or...? I didn't want to just go ahead in case you thought that was not right. Accordingly, would you like them to be at a stage of friendship where they make plans to hang out? Because that will influence how to start it.
Sorry if I sound like I'm asking too much - I just don't want to assume things incorrectly, because that can be annoying. ^_^
No worries ^_^

I think somewhere between 'a stage of friendship where they make plans to hang out' and 'friends teetering on the brink of something more'. But if you had something else in mind let me know, I can work with whatever is easiest ^_^
Here ya go, Pattycakes. Sorry if it's sucky:
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