Guess what!

Bailey Walden-Cade

Eldest sister | Protective | Alt Seeker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
01/2047 (15)
Bailey had been enjoying Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Waldgrave and after her most recent lesson she wanted to share what she had experienced with her father. She made her way up to his office after she had finished breakfast and was glad to see there were no students in the classroom, having not checked to see if he had a class, and skipped through to his office door choosing to go straight on in.

“Dad, Dad, Dad,” She shouted enthusiastically as she steamrolled through his office door and walked up to his desk. “Professor Waldgrave cast the imperius curse on me in class, it was so weird,” She beamed at him as his face fell at the realisation of her words she decided to clarify. “I volunteered, you must have done it when you were in school right?” It seemed like the kind of thing her father would have done, it was part of the reason she had decided to go ahead and do it herself.
With three children running around Hogwarts it wasn’t unusual for James’ office door to barge open and for one of his daughters to come charging through to tell him some news about their personal or school life. This time it was the turn of his eldest Bailey, he was half listening as he tried to figure out if it was something he needed to contribute to or if it was just something Bailey needed to get off her chest.

When he first heard the words ‘imperius curse’ he thought he must have misunderstood what his daughter had told him, but she doubled down and told him she had volunteered to have the curse cast on him. James remembered that lesson, he hadn’t been stupid enough volunteer but apparently his daughter was that stupid. James had assumed at the time that it was just a quirk of Professor Styx’s lessons, he never imagined a sane teacher would continue the tradition. “No, actually I didn’t, excuse me sweetheart,” James said quietly, inwardly seething as he moved from behind his desk, out of his office door and across the hall to the office of his fellow Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor where he proceeded to bang on his door with a clenched fist. “WALDGRAVE!”
Noel Waldgrave was working on grading his students. It was always an hectic and busy period when the year came to an end. But he wasn't new to it anymore, so it went easier every time. He enjoyed teaching here a lot and really believed he had found his dream job. When leaving the school as an student, he never would have guessed going this path. But here he was. He almost jumped up when someone actually almost screamed his last name and knocked on the door. If it wasn't almost breaking through it. He frowned, wondering who it might be. And opened the door with an movement of his hand. Seeing his colleague Professor James Cade standing there. He wasn't easily frustrated, although an certain caretaker always worked on his nerves. But even about him Noel had more patience than he had as an student. Although he didn't liked the way James tried to get his attention. '' James? What is going on?'' he asked with an suprised face.
His subject colleague was probably quite surprised by James’ outburst and subsequent thumping on his office door. James knew he needed to collect himself a little before he unleashed his anger on Noel. He stepped into the mans office and closed the door behind him, he didn’t want this to be overheard though if his voice travelled, there wasn’t much he could do about that. “My fourteen year old daughter just informed me you cast the Imperius curse on her during a lesson with nothing more than her consent?” It was posed as a question but they both knew the answer, James remembered the curriculum well and Noel was the one who did the casting. He was horrified that the practice was still going on, he thought Noel might have had more regard for student welfare than Professor Styx, who was a lot of things but caring was not a descriptor he’d ever apply to him. “I’d assumed that barbaric practice was a relic of Professor Styx’s tenure but apparently I was wrong, care to tell me what possessed you to perform illegal curses on minors without so much as their parents consent? And I swear to Merlin if you tell me its because ‘its how its always been’ you and I are going to have problems,”
As James entered his office he stood up, the door was closed by him too. Noel tried to think of what could possibly make someone enter his office this way. He hoped it was just an bad night of sleep which made James behave like this. James started right away with explaining and spoke of his daughter, which Noel had teached last year. He sat down again to just hear him out. As he started to see where this was going too, he sighted shortly. Before he could answer he let James finish. He at least liked honest people, but they had to be respectfull too. He found it a bit strange, he knew the subject was heavy. But so was the class they both teached students. He let James finish, but didn't liked his last words. So that made him raise his eyebrow for a moment.

Than he felt it was time to react to it. '' Bailey volunteered with her consent indeed. Does she regret it?'' Noel than reacted. Just like Bailey his cousin June had last year and others too. His previous professors worked the same way, and although he had looked at the curiculum from the classes and didn't liked the casting part himself. He did saw the importance of learning to the students in this subject. '' James.. I trust my students who are 14 years old, that they make a choice for themselves. I have faith in them, and also in your daughter that she can make decisions for herself and think them through.'' Noel would never force anyone or let someone else force someone to sign up for something like this. And if he didn't trusted something he would have an chat with his students. '' If I doubt someone can make that choice for themselves. I don't go through with it. But have some faith in your daughter, that she is a intelligent young woman who isn't eleven anymore.'' Noel than reacted. He didn't had children of his own, but wanted one day. And perhaps it was just James here who saw his daughter growing up, and not having too much control about her decisions in this. '' You and I both know, our class we teach isn't the most light subject. But neccesary for the students to learn about and recognize how wrong it is to use dark arts.'' He than explained. He than shook his head. ''I'm glad you came to me and just explain how you feel about it. But I don't appreciate some parts, that's not neccesary.'' He than wanted to make clear, that he wasn't just gonna be spoken like this to, without any reflection.
Noel’s response did nothing to calm the growing frustration within James. His subject colleague seemed to zero in on the idea that Bailey had consented to the curse being cast on her, completely ignoring the fact she was a fourteen year old child and couldn’t consent to anything. How was that lost on him? “You trust them to make decisions? That’s funny because the ministry of magic doesn’t, they can’t use magic during the school holidays, they can’t learn to apparate and they can’t own certain magical creatures, if the ministry deems children too young to do these things, why do you think they are old enough to have unforgivable curses cast on them? What gives you right to decide they can consent when the ministry and magical law doesn’t agree?”

James felt like he’d been talking, ranting even, for a while and he suspected his words will not have moved Noel at all. Perhaps his colleague had more of a benefit of the doubt from him, but at that moment he was the man all his anger was directed at. “You talk about wanting to prepare students for the outside world, to show them what they’re up against, you don’t know whats out there, you worked as an assistant to the Minister, I’m not sure what scheduling Victoire’s meetings and getting her coffee qualifies you to prepare students to face dark magic? You don’t have a clue what’s waiting for them,” James exhaled. That might have been a little harsh on the younger man, but he was filled with the righteous fury that only being a parent could give him. “Have you ever had an unforgivable curse cast on you Professor Waldgrave? Outside the sterile setting of the classroom,” James wasn’t sure if he would have volunteered for it back in his day as a student, or if he might have had it done by a colleague as preparation for teaching it, but he was fairly sure he knew the answer, there was no way anyone who had it cast on them in the real world would be so quick to cast it on students.
There could be different opinions about stuff and Noel was open for discussions. But he wouldn't let someone walk over him and tell him what to do. He was younger than most professors, but he didn't felt that. Perhaps he even felt more adult than James was acting now. But he respected his fellow professors. But it seemed that James wasn't done yet. And Noel folded his hands overeachother. He didn't answered his questions or listend that well it seemed. He could understand this reaction if Bailey was upsad, but he didn't got the impression that was the case. As James finished he sighted. '' I trust them to make this decision we are talking about.'' he than replied calmly. '' The previous professor after Styx worked like this too for many years. And ofcourse it's good to look critically to parts and change them in case they need too.'' he replied. He didn't felt like going into the rest. Hogwarts didn't teached illegal stuff. It was part of the teaching program. And they had some freedom in how they filled in the lessons. But Noel followed the rules, he liked that. ' But really what bothers you the most? Is it the part we demonstrate this spell in class, or that parents like yourself don't have a say in this?'' Noel still thought James could have an bit of more faith in his daughter that she could make decisions for herself, she was intelligent. '' Because I'm happy to think about your suggestions, but that doesn't change the fact that I trust my students.'' The man said. '' And we can disagree on that part.''

He shook his head as James got personal, that was not professional in Noel's eyes. It was the Gryffindor fire it seemed which came over James. But they weren't students anymore, they were adults. And to talk low of his previous work was just disrespectfull. Ofcourse Noel was no auror like he had been, but that didn't ment he didn't knew what he was talking about. In a way Noel wanted to react to it, but he just let it go. There was no point in this. Noel would be the bigger person. '' Thank god I haven't. But I'm sure half of the professors of this school haven't.'' He answered confidently. His uncle had casted one on his cousin, and he knew how that went. But he didn't felt like sharing such a personal thing. '' But if you like to host an guest lesson with all your experiances you are welcome in my lessons.'' Noel than added. If James just wanted to brag about his auror experiances he could. But it wasn't impressing Noel. And it annoyed him a bit that he moved this conversation in an personal direction. He was kind of done with this conversation, it made him think of some parts obviously. But he was doing it at his own terms.

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