Guess what!

Bailey Walden-Cade

Eldest sister | Protective | Alt Seeker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
01/2047 (14)
Bailey had been enjoying Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Waldgrave and after her most recent lesson she wanted to share what she had experienced with her father. She made her way up to his office after she had finished breakfast and was glad to see there were no students in the classroom, having not checked to see if he had a class, and skipped through to his office door choosing to go straight on in.

“Dad, Dad, Dad,” She shouted enthusiastically as she steamrolled through his office door and walked up to his desk. “Professor Waldgrave cast the imperius curse on me in class, it was so weird,” She beamed at him as his face fell at the realisation of her words she decided to clarify. “I volunteered, you must have done it when you were in school right?” It seemed like the kind of thing her father would have done, it was part of the reason she had decided to go ahead and do it herself.
With three children running around Hogwarts it wasn’t unusual for James’ office door to barge open and for one of his daughters to come charging through to tell him some news about their personal or school life. This time it was the turn of his eldest Bailey, he was half listening as he tried to figure out if it was something he needed to contribute to or if it was just something Bailey needed to get off her chest.

When he first heard the words ‘imperius curse’ he thought he must have misunderstood what his daughter had told him, but she doubled down and told him she had volunteered to have the curse cast on him. James remembered that lesson, he hadn’t been stupid enough volunteer but apparently his daughter was that stupid. James had assumed at the time that it was just a quirk of Professor Styx’s lessons, he never imagined a sane teacher would continue the tradition. “No, actually I didn’t, excuse me sweetheart,” James said quietly, inwardly seething as he moved from behind his desk, out of his office door and across the hall to the office of his fellow Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor where he proceeded to bang on his door with a clenched fist. “WALDGRAVE!”

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