Gryffindor Try-Outs

Team: Gryffindor
Position trying out for: Seeker
Quidditch Points: 200
Starting position: ground

Ellie swung a leg round her Firebolt and kicked off, flying to the Soth End of the pitch, were Bruin said anyone intrested in trying out for Seeker should go. Stopping at the South end of the pitch Ellie decided she would do a bit of flying before staying there, as most people werent up yet. So turning around she done a fair few laps around the Quidditch pitch before returning to the South end.
Ellie was intrested in being seeker alrite, shed been waiting for try-outs since shed got to Hogwarts and was going to do her best! A knot formed inside Ellies belly, she didnt know why, she hadnt been nervouse at the Exhibition game, but this was real try-outs. Ellie thought to herself, just do the best you can, its all you can do. Try your hardest and youll do fine. Even if you dont get in youll have fun! Just calm down and everything will be alrite Trying to calm herself.

Action taken: Flew to South side of pitch.
Points Used: 0
Points Remaining: 200
Finishing Location: SE
Team: Gryffindor
Position trying out for: Seeker
Quidditch Points: 200
Starting position: ground

Harri kicked off of the ground on her broom. She was torn, she wanted to try out for two positions but had to pick the one she wanted most and it was seeker. She flew up and did a quick lap of the pitch before flying to the south of the pitch were Bruin had told anyone trying out for seeker to go.

Action taken: one lap of the pitch then to the south end.
Points Used: 0
Points Remaining: 200
Finishing Location: SE
Team: Gryffindor
Position trying out for: Beater
Quidditch Points: 200
Starting position: ground

Mike, listened to Bruin, after Bruin had said his piece, Mike mounted his broom,and kicked off. Mike flew to the south end of the pitch. Mike was trying ot for beater.

Action taken: Flew to South side of pitch.
Points Used: 0
Points Remaining: 200
Finishing Location: SE
Team: Kiera
Position: Watcher of Chasers and Keepers
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow

Kiera smiled and nodded to Andy. "Sure go ahead." she encouraged. She knew Andy would do better at keeper today. After all it wasnt fair to judge Andy's ablitiy as keeper yet. She had only missed a Kiera's shot by a hair, plus that had been her first time as keeper and Kiera had been playing chaser for three years. Kiera had faith in Andy. She smiled as she waited to see everyone's skills.

Action: Thinking
Team: Gryffindor
Position: Chaser
Quidditch Points: 200
Starting Location: Ground NNW

The Keeper was in position and kera was ready to score. The Chaser on the NNE side was also ready. She tossed it to Kera for the keep was on her side and Kera flew to try to put the Quaffle through the goal hoop. Her eyes showed she wasn't messing around and her look could send chills down through the marrow of the bones but Kera was a pretty intiminating girl when it came to sports. She loved to win and second place was just the first looser to her.

Kera let the Quaffle go with everything she had aiming for the farthest out hoop on her side. She was confident in it for she did play softball her whole life. The Quaffle moved with speed Soaring through the air, now she could only hope that the keeper wouldn't get to it in time.

Kera leaned back on her boom as her heart raced a mile per minute. It felt good to be back in a competition. Everything around her went into slow mode and no sounds could be herd. Kera watched the Quaffle with great enthusiasm. She just wanted to know weather or not the Quaffle would go through as she had planned.

Action Taken: Throw Quaffle trying to make Goal.
Points used: -20
Points remaining: 280
Finishing Location: NNW

((We are counting points here?..Right?))
(( Can we post our try out RP's of the game yet ? ))
(OOC - What you are doing is fine, but don't feel like you need to wait for other players to RP with you. As I said earlier, you can god mod as you wish. For example, if you were trying out for Chaser you could RP passing to a fellow chaser, receiving the return pass and scoring a goal with some "other" keeper in net.

Same things for Seekers and Beaters. Feel free to make up stuff about the snitch and bludgers and what you do. You don't necessarily have to make your posts match up with what everyone else is doing during the try-outs. Sorry if this is confusing, it wasn't intended to be.)
((I know Bruin said he'd do this..... but he didn't so I shall.... :p)))
Position: Random seeker and beater watcher
Location: Somewhere
Points: A bunch

Hilary noticed that the seekers and beaters were all in position so she flew back down to the ground and realeased one bludger and the snitch. "Okay guys, try and keep the bludger on this side of the field, also I'm just saying if you break my nose you shall not be getting a good word from me." She said this half jokingly floating back up into the air on the South side.
(( Sorry its late, ive been on holiday :p Had it written out ages ago but forgot to post it :p ))

Position trying for: Seeker
Team: Gryffindor
Starting Position: Ground
Points: 200.

Swinging her leg over her firebolt, Ellie took to the skies and thought off the knought in her stomach. It would do her no good to be nervouse today. Flying to the South side of the pitch, were Bruin said anyone intrested in seeker should go, she stopped, hovering over the middle of the pitch. Ellie was intrested in trying out for seeker alright, she had been since shed got to Hogwarts. She knew she wasnt the best but she was going to give it her all!
Tying her hair up in a high ponytail she waited for the try-out game to begin.
As Bruin blew his whistle Ellie flew higher over the SE quadrant of the pitch, so she could pretty much see everything and everyone. Once the game was in action she kept her eyes peeled for the snitch, she knew it would proborbaly be ages till she seen it, but she didnt want to miss anything!
After hearing a speeding noise behind her, Ellie turned just in time to dodge a Bludger, then turned back around, not knowing it had come back for a second shot.
Whining a little, she rubbed her sore thigh and continued to look for the snitch, while giving the bludger a nasty look as it sped off, looking for its next victim.
It was 15 minutes into the game and Ellie still hadnt spotted the snitch, she looked nervously over to the other seeker and was relieved to see he looked just as clueless as her.
Her eyes sweeping over every corner of the pitch Ellie did a double take as she spotted a shiny gold glint. Gasping she flew towards it (SW), lifting her left hand off her broom.
As she got nearer to the snitch she seen out the corner of her eye the other seeker following her.
Ellie forced all her concentration onto the snitch, she wasnt going to let him beat her!
As the snitch flew out of her reach she dipped and turned, coming very near to it.
Streaching out her fingers she flew nearer and nearer, pushing herself further to the front of her broom. As the snitch dodged her fingers, again she dived, and holding her breath, closed her fingers around the cold, golden snitch!
Grinning she held it for a second, feeling its wings beating against her closed fingers before they stopped, defeated.
Holding the snitch high abover her head, Ellie flew towards the ground and landed lightly, still grining and the happiest she had been in a long while.

Action Taken: Was hit by bludger and caught snitch
Points Used: 150
Points Remaining: 60
Finishing Position: Ground.
Team: Gryffindor
Position trying out for: Keeper
Quidditch Points: 200
Starting position: NSA

Andromeda smiled now as the would be chasers infront of her began to pass the quaffle amongst themselves. They seemed to be muttering as to what to do, when the chaser on the NNW side of the pitch made a play and flew directly into the scoring zone. Andromeda gripped tight to her broom ready to pounce which ever direction she tossed the quaffle to. Yet as fast as lightening, the chaser veered right to the NNE side of the pitch. Andromeda saw the quick pass as another chaser caught the quaffle and zoomed into the scoring zone again. Momentarily dazzled by the smart play from the chasers, she relaxed her grip but kept a firm focus on what was happening.

The chaser flew in closer, veered towards the far post then with a last minute volley threw the quaffle into the centre hoop. Andromeda rushed at it and with the end of her broom managed to swerve and slap it out of play. Kiera caught the quaffle and passed it back to the chasers again. Andromeda didn't even leave a smile play across her lips, it had been a flukey save and she knew it. She was more determined than ever to prove she could do this. The chaser on the NNW side of the pitch tossed the quaffle to the centre postioned chaser who in turn passed it to the chaser on the NNE side. Back and forth they tossed it then they began to duck and dive between one another like a human game of 'where's the lady'. Andromeda kept her eye the whole time on the ball.

The three chasers flew at her at some speed with last second timing, the chaser with the ball tossed it but kept flying toward Andromeda. She looked from her to the other chasers who were flying just as fast. When all of a sudden the chasers without the ball did a swift maneuver away from the scoring area so they wouldnt' be called on for a foul. The other chaser sped up and raising her arm high, lobbed the quaffle. Andromeda was convinced that at the speed she had been flying and the throw of the ball, it would go for the far right hoop. She flew as quick as she could her arm outstretched but suddenly the ball seemed to curve and was heading for the centre hoop. Andromeda spun about and pulled her broom up hard to turn about. No matter how fast she sped after it, there was no way she could reach it in time. The quaffle went in and the chasers cheered.

Andromeda waited for the quaffle to be passed back again to the chasers. She breathed deeply, gripping her broom tightly and leaning low to prepare herself for anything. She focused herself and kept her eyes on the three infront of her. They zigzagged again between the different zones, passing the ball as if it didn't matter who had it. Then Andromeda spotted the sudden change in facial expression, the tighter grip on the ball, the sudden lurch on the broom and she knew that this chaser was going to make a play for a goal.

She kept her eye on the others as well but she was now more concerned with this chaser, who didn't seem to want to pass the quaffle to her team mates anymore but wanted to try this one on her own. Closer and closer she got, Andromeda hovered high over the centre hoop. When the chaser finally made her way into the scoring area, she seemed not to have any strategy in mind but a plain shot. She hurled the quaffle into the hoop nearest to her and Andromeda was after it in seconds. Her gloved hand outstretched she easily caught it before it went any way near the hoop. Andromeda smiled and tossed the quaffle to Kiera. Breathing through the adreanaline rush as they all descended once more to the ground.

Action taken: Saved two goals - one got in
Points Used: - 100 for saving and +10 for missing
Points Remaining: 110
Finishing Location: ground
Team: Gryffindor
Position: Chaser
Quidditch Points 130
Starting Location: NNE

Kera smiled her Throw was the only one that made it thew! Kera would have sat back on her broom for a second if her mind wasn't too far into the game like it was. Kera had the quaffle many time but passed it around to other chasers giving them a fair chance as well. Kera's turn came up again. Her thrown to the quaffle was caught with one hand as the throw was a little off.

Kera kept the game face on running the play in her head of what she would do and how she would make it threw the goal. She knew she may not be the biggest one out there but she played just as big and went just as big as the others to keep up with there skills. Kera was always this way a fighter at heart though she wouldn't let it show through on anything but the field.

Kera looked around. Seeing no one was there to pass it too and the keeper on her side she had to make a quick decision. Kera stopped in place for a second taking in her surroundings before going again. She pretended to throw the Quaffle to a non-existing player and as the keeper looked over Kera tossed the ball in with everything she had.

The keeper was fooled and was too late to save the already through the hoop quaffle. Kera smiled lightly at her small victory hoping more would come in the real games, for that is where it truly counted.

Action Taken: Threw Quaffle made goal
Points used: -20 -50
Points remaining: 60
Finishing Location: NNE
Team: Gryffindor
Position: Beater
Quidditch Points 200
Starting Location: SE

Cyndi saw that Hilary had released the bludger and knew that tryouts were now officially on. Cyndi was pretty high up when the bludger got released so she had a good bird's eye view of it. She watched as it immediately began to target Ellie who was flying around looking for the snitch. Cyndi did not know if she saw the bludger hurtling toward her and knew that she had to get to the bludger before it got to Ellie. Cyndi sped down toward Ellie with her beater's bat in hand. She cut in front of the bludger and with a big swing hit the bludger in the opposite direction.

Cyndi decided that she had better follow it. She didn't think it would be a good tryout if she allowed anyone to get hit with the bludger.

Action Taken: Saving Ellie from bludger
Points used: -15
Points remaining: 185
Finishing Location: SE
Team: Gryffindor
Position : Seeker
Quidditch Points: 200
Starting position: SE

The time had come for Harri to show that she could be a decent seeker. She held her breath and calmed herself down and when she opened them she saw the game was about to start. She knew she could do it and she would. She had a few tactics in mind and was going to make sure she used them. She stayed in the middle quadrants of the pitch and circled around looking for the snitch. She could see the chasers in beaters flying around. Suddenly she felt a terrible pain in the back of her head and looked round in time to see the bludger flying off looking for it's next victim. She rubbed her head and thought now was the time to use her tactic. She looked around and saw the other seeker also looking for the snitch. She held her breath and went into a nose dive, she flew down faster and faster acting like she had seen the snitch, she was aware that the other seeker was now following and so she dived deeper and deeper when she was just inches from the ground she quickly pulled out of the dive, the other seeker wasn't as quick and smashed into the ground, clearly aware now that Harri had never seen the snitch. Harri quickly flew into the air higher and higher and took the time while the other seeker was still on the ground to look for the snitch. She circled and circled not seeing any evidence of the snitch being on the pitch. She stared down squinting slightly sure she had missed something. It must be there she just couldn't see it at the moment. She circled faster and faster trying to catch a glimpse of it. She turned round and saw the other seeker was taking off from the ground and when they looked at her they didn't seem happy. But she didn't give it a second thought the snitch was much more important then a member of the other team. She squinted and suddenly she caught sight of the snitch she quickly flew after it hopeing the other seeker hadn't seen. But she was out of luck he had seen her diving again but clearly thought she was feining again. She smiled as she saw it again. It was definatly the snitch and she was simply inches away from it. She streatched out almost touching it but she knew from previous experience that it wasn't going to be that easy. Just as she was about to grab it the snitch flew faster and now she was aware that the other seeker had seen and was following. She tried to speed up and willed her battered broom to move faster. Now she was inches, even centimeteres away from it. She stretched her fingers making contact with the cold metal she speed up and suddenly she had it. The snitch was in her hand, cold and shiny it's wings started beating slower and slower. She grinned from ear to ear. She had done. She had caught the golden snitch! She flew down to the ground still clutching it firmly in her hand.

Action taken: caught the snitch
Points Used: 140
Points Remaining: 60
Finishing Location: ground
Bruin sat back and watched the furious activity in the skies above. He was glad that Kiera and Hilary had agreed to help out as he was having difficulty with the whole evaluation thing. Everyone looked so good that it would be a very tough decision and one that he would not be taking lightly. On the plus side, he knew that he could take several alternates and that practices would give him an even better idea of who might work well with each other.

Bruin looked around to make sure that everyone had been given a fair turn to try-out, but wanted to make sure that people knew they could try-out at more than one position if they wanted to as some of them had already done. "Looks great everyone. If you're done, feel free to come and join me down here...if not, then finish up your try-out.", he yelled up to the group, happy to have the big booming voice he did on such occasions.
Andromeda flew down to the side of the pitch where Bruin was and dismounted. A big beaming smile on her face.
"That was so cool. I don't think I'm going to try out for any other position. I'll stick with Keeper, if I get it great if I dont' well you can have me in reserves".

She knew she would be gutted if she didn't get it but also knew there were so many really good players out there. Andromeda would just have to wait and see.
kera herd Bruin and flew down quickly to him. She hovered for a second before jumping off. "That was sweet." She smiled lightly and held her broom. "Your good at keeper Andromeda." Kera said with a small smile. Her tone was warm and her heart still racing from the chase. She looked to Bruin and flashed another smile. "Can't wait to see who makes it this year" Kera said looking at both of them. She was excited but tried to keep it down.
Harri landed lightly on the pitch, still abit out of breath she watched as the others continued there flying. She smiled at the others, she hoped that she had made the team but wasn't going to be a bad sport if she didn't. "That was great!" she said and beamed at the others who had already landed.
Team: Gryffindor
Position : Beater
Quidditch Points: 200
Starting position: SE

Mike, looked around, his eyes scanning for any sign of a bludger. Bingo Mike thought, and zoomed off. Mike has spotted a bludger chasing Harrriet. Mike sped up towards it, and quickly cut in front of the beater, and swung his bat, connecting with the bat. The bludger was blasted to the other side of the pitch. Mike made eye contact with Harriet and smiled at her. Mike sped off in search of another beater. Mike then heard Bruin call, and Mike flew down to the ground to meet him.

Action taken: Saved Harriet
Points Used: 15
Points Remaining: 285
Finishing Location: ground
Andromeda smiled at Kera, she had never had much of a chance to talk to her through out the last few months but she liked her all the same.
"I had some job trying to keep up with you. Nice flying up there" she told her trying to catch her own breath.
Ellie flew towards the ground, hearing Bruin say i they were finished they could join him, and landed lightly on the ground.
Jumoing off her broom she joined the others, grinning.
She hoped she would get in, but if she didnt she wouldnt be a bad looser, she never had been and wasnt going to start now!
Cyndi heard Bruin ask those who were finished to land so Cyndi flew over toward him. She hoped her flying had been enough and that she would make the team. She joined everyone else and waited to see what happened next.
Bruin looked around at the assembled group and smiled. They were all amazing quidditch players and the way that they followed instructions, built off each other's successes, and encouraged each other was making this a very difficult decision for Bruin. In the past, it had been simple...find anybody in Gryffindor with a pulse and they made the, Bruin had to start awarding starting positions based on merit and he knew that deep down there weren't enough spots for the individuals who had tried out.

"I just wanted to let everyone know that you were all amazing. As I said earlier, everyone who wants to be on the team is part of the team, but we may have to split time at different positions and that kind of thing. If I have to make a decision between two players for one spot, then I'll try and get the input of Hilary and Kiera who I would consider to be our Alternate Captains and will be in charge of the team should I not be available for a game for whatever reason. I'll be chatting a little with them in the lead up to each game so that we can pick our best line-up. Great job again everybody. Are there any questions about what to expect?" Bruin hoped that this was as clear to him as it was to him.
Kera smiled lightly. "Yea I'm the type that dose the un-expecting" Kera giggled lightly not bragging but really being truthful. She then looked to Bruin. "Na I'm all good" Kera smirked lightly. She giggled again excited.

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