Raawhiti Te Rangi

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (18)
After the disaster of his first year as captain, Rāwhiti was relieved to have rallied last year. He had considered resigning in disgrace at the end of fifth year, but looking back he was relieved to have hung on to redeem himself. With one final year on the team, he was determined to work harder than ever and end his time at school with the cup in Gryffindor's hands. And that meant putting together the best team possible. Milo's personality aside, he was pleased with how the team had played last year, and hoped he would be able to fill the open spots with players who would carry Gryffindor forwards to victory.

As the current and hopeful players filed into the pitch, Rāwhiti cast his eyes over them, assessing what his potential new team might look like. He had high hopes given how strong the tryouts had been last year, and it was with a far more optimistic tone than in the past as he addressed the group. "Whakarongo mai, everyone!" He called out, looking out over the expectant faces. "Thank you all for coming out today, I'm really pleased by the group here. I want as much time as possible to assess you, so I'll keep it brief. Gryffindor is a team that works hard and aims high, so I'm looking for the best of the best to join our ranks this year. If you sign up, you're signing up to give this team a hundred and ten percent, to give everything you've got every single practice. We're going to end the year with a cup in our hands, but we have to earn it first, and the only way to do that is to put everything we have into this team. I expect complete dedication, so if you're not willing to give that you'd be best to leave now." He paused a moment to let his words sink in. "Alright, when I call your name let me know what position you're going for, then show me what you've got. Everyone already on the team, up in the air, help the newbies with their tryouts. No mercy." He added, knowing that whatever he might think of his personality, he would at least be able to count on Milo for that. He gave the whistle around his neck a sharp blow and got ready to observe the new batch of hopefuls.

*Whakarongo mai - Listen up. Common knowledge phrase for any characters living in Aotearoa.

SeekerRāwhiti Te Rangi (Captain)
BeaterSantiago Torres
ChaserJoshua Lynch
ChaserFraser Fergusson
KeeperTeddy Pirrip

OOCOut of Character:
Returning team members must post to keep their spot on the team. Alternates must try out again!

First years are not allowed to try out unless there are still spaces that need to be filled. If you have a first year that's interested shoot me a PM.
The previous Quidditch season had been a disappointment to Veronica for two reasons, one was because they hadn’t won the house cup, that honour had gone to Ravenclaw. The other was that Veronica had only made the team as an alternate, worse she had done so as an alternate to someone in their year, unless Teddy left the team for another reason she’d never win the spot from him so Veronica had decided that she would try something else. It was risky, but there was no guarantee she’d win her spot back as an alternate anyway so it was worth being bold if it meant she could make the team.

She waited with the other hopefuls who were trying to make the team, she hated it. Veronica had been on the team the previous year, she’d been in the yearbook, now she was just another hopeful trying out while Teddy got to waltz back onto the team like nothing. She was really starting to dislike him, even if she had absolutely no reason to do so.

When it was finally her turn, Veronica stepped in front of the captain, who should have known her well enough to know what she could do. “Veronica Walden-Cade, trying out for chaser,” She sounded almost bitter about switching positions, but she had a better shot at making the team in the long run, if she could prove herself good enough to first make it as an alternate chaser.

Veronica climbed onto her broom and caught the quaffle when it was thrown towards her and made her way up into the air. She began to make attempts at goal, she missed the first one which annoyed her and hoped Raawhiti hadn’t been look at that one. The rest of the shots she attempted she scored on, one shot going just past the fingertips of the kid in goal and dinked off the inside of the hoop as it fell through, but they all counted. Not all of her shots were pretty, but they had gone in and she was happy with that. She hoped her tenure on the team so far and her flying ability would put her above anyone else trying out who might have been a more ‘natural’ chaser.

She returned to the ground and passed the quaffle off to the next person trying out, nodded to the captain and waited with the others for the try-out to finish.
Miro had taken a few bludger hits throughout the previous year, but regardless he loved playing quidditch and couldn't wait until he returned for his third year so he could try out for the quidditch team all over again. Miro had been trying to practice throughout the holidays much to his dad's dismay and he thought with his experience the previous year he could play even better that year. At least that was what Miro entirely believed as he arrived to the quidditch pitch that day, wasting no time to approach Rāwhiti when his name was called out. "Hey! I'm Miro Morales-Albertson and I am trying out for beater again!" Miro exclaimed, smiling wide at the captain. Miro then mounted his broom and flew into the air as try outs began, keeping a strong grip on the beater bat in his right hand.

Miro began by flying around the pitch, keeping an eye on his surroundings and trying to spot any bludgers heading towards the other players. Miro soon spotted a rogue bludger and swerved to follow it, reaching to hit it with his bat as far away from the pitch as he could. He then sped around the pitch again, keeping an eye as the same bludger turned back and began to head for another player. Miro tried his best to chase after the bludger, managing to fly fast enough to hit it away from the other players again, and trying his best to keep the other flyers safe from possible bludger hits. Miro spent the remainder of the practice trying his best to keep up and fly his best so he could play for the team again. He touched back to the ground when try outs were over feeling accomplished and hopeful he would be good enough to be chosen for the team for another year.​
It felt nice to have to try-out for his position. He had his now. He was on the team, a full member, and that was all he'd ever wanted. The teen was pleased to make the try-outs to see what other people were about and eagerly. He listened to the captain and then got into the air to help the newbies out as they needed it.
This was Teddy's third Quidditch season and his first year without the stress of tryouts, as he already had a secure spot on the team. While it was reassuring that his position was safe, it also meant he had to work harder to challenge the chasers and make scoring as difficult as possible for them to score and help set the bar for new teammates.

After listening to Rawhiti's speech and agreeing that this should be Gryffindor's year, Teddy flew up to the south hoops to defend them. He spotted Miro trying out and really hoped this would be his year to make the team. He also kept an eye out, hoping to see Aroha trying out again this year. When it was time for the keepers to have their turn, he drifted away from the hoops to let them show their skills whilst giving a little advice when necessary. He was not surprised to see Veronica trying out for a different position this year he would have done the same in her situation.
Santiago didn't feel great about his performance last season. He had been distracted. Things hadn't changed much for him but he wanted to be better. He was now the oldest beater with Aurora gone and he wanted to fill that roll. He listened to the captain speak and almost tried to pay attention. But the 'no mercy' comment caught his attention and he grinned. After the break he had he was read to hit things. With his bat in hand he took to the air searching for bludgers. No one was safe and he made sure to aim for his team mates and newbies a like. By the time they were back on the ground he was feeling a bit better and was cautiously optimistic with their chances.
Aroha was determined to make it this time (third time's the charm), though in all honesty there was a prick of doubt. Not in her abilities themselves, but more in the ability itself to demonstrate why she had to make the team. She knew she could help guide them to victory. She recognised Teddy and Miro, giving them both a little wave as she lined up before putting her game face on. This was serious after all. "Aroha Blenheim, and I'm trying out for beater."

She lifted off onto her broom. She'd been practicing all break long but the pressure was on as she scouted for bludgers to hit. Aroha spotted one, zooming to meet it. She lined up her bat and swung hard, hitting the bludger and oddly enough the bludger went flying straight through a hoop. Not exactly what she'd intended on doing but it looked cool. But Aroha didn't stop. She swerved, dodging an incoming bludger that someone had swung, before Aroha looked for another to hit. This time she actually did manage to hit it in the direction of someone but they moved out of the way just in time. It was close though, and Aroha felt confident she'd done well enough as the time wrapped up and she came back down to the ground.
Josh couldn't believe he was in his final school season with Quidditch. The boy was excited for Quidditch this season and was excited for who were going to tryout. The seventh year arrived at the quidditch pitch where the rest of the team and those who were trying out this year. Joshua listened to what the captain had to say and then it wasn't long before they were in the air, ready to try out and practice. Josh was instantly in the air and decided to practice himself before helping out those who were trying out with passes and such.
today was quidditch trials day. And Ivy was excited. She had spent a lot of time over her holiday on her broom practicing. Dragging her siblings up with her at any chance she got. Even if it was pouring with rain after all quidditch flies ahead rain or shine. She had borrowed some of willows training snitches. And practiced throwing and passing at a target. As well as flying with a bat and hitting apples that her dad threw for her. She didn’t mind what position she got. She just wanted on the team. She had tried out last year and while she had been disappointed she hadn’t got on it wasn’t too bad as first years never got on. Except of course a couple of her slytherin classmates had and she had been so jealous when she had found out. But this year. It was going to be her year. And she was sure about it.
Sue entered the pitch as confidently as she could and listened as the captain introduced try outs. His speech was motivating and got her all pumped up. She would do anything to get on the team.
She joined the queue hello. I’m Ivy Cullen. I would like to try out for the gryffindor team. Any position prefereably not keeper. But if that is all you’ve got I’ll take it. ” she said.
She took her broom and took to the sky. She loved the sport and wanted to play it. When she was younger she had wanted to play as a beater the only position no one in her family had played. But growing up she had realised it may not be the best fit for her light build although it still would be fun. it didn't matter Willow always made being a seeker sound like fun. and she could tell from the way she talked about it and how her classmates talked around the teams you would always be popular if you were your house seeker. Or she could follow in her mum's footsteps, footsteps that had taken her to the pro leagues, as a chaser. though it was a shame she had left after only a couple of seasons to have willow and join the ministry full time. Keeper had been her brothers positon, and it did sound boring. which had even caused easy going linden some issues on the team. so she would rather stay away from it. but if it got her foot on the broom. she would play in the role for a year make the most of trainings and try out again for a different position next year
She mounted her broom and took to the sky. she did a couple of laps at speed before catching an ball and demonstrating that she could fly carrying a quaffle before throwing it on. somehow she fell in line with the rest of the chasers trying out she had fun flying with them passing there ball. she even had it one time as she got close to the hoops and managed to score a goal though she wasn't sure if the keeper was just being nice for her.
after a while with the chasers she broke off and spent a little while flying around looking for a snitch, which was mostly unsuccessful except fo one time when she had to dive to get it but it flitted away last second and she had to quickly swirve to avoid a collision with another player "sorry" she said as she doubled back to try and find the snitch though it seemed to have vanished in the confusion. Soon the trials were over and she packed up her kit before heading over to Raawhiti "Thank you for the try out"[/B] she said before making her way up to the castle and a shower.
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One of the downsides of switching schools was Quididtch, which Alicia had been aware of but hadn't let herself think of too much. At first, she had sort of assumed she'd make any team she tried out for, but after being sorted into Gryffindor she had realized Quidditch was pretty popular in this house, and her old position on the Beauxbatons team was no guarantee. Still, she figured it was good to mention. So when it was her turn, she did. "Hi, I'm Alicia Richelieu. I was chaser on the Quidditch team at my old school too." She said, just in case it gave her an edge. She got to the air and grabbed the quaffle with practiced ease, passing it to another chaser and flying next to them until they passed it back. She managed to score and then repeated, showing off that she could do difficult passes and also didn't mind letting others score. Teamwork was key with chasers, she knew. In the end, she felt like she had managed to show what she could do. She had scored five times but also had given others the opportunity to do so. When she returned to the ground, she watched the rest of the tryouts.;
Milo had spent half of the school holidays eying the Gryffindor roster, talking himself in and out of switching positions again. If he stuck with beater he'd have a proper spot on the team already like teddy and Fraser no issue but no. Despite what Raawhiti probably thought, Milo did actually want the team to win, which meant he had to stick with his plan and prove to the captain that Milo was Gryffindor's path to victory.

"Milo Frogg, trying out for seeker," He announced loftily, pointing at Raawhiti for extra emphasis as he swung a leg over his broom before taking to the air. Try-outs were crowded as usual but it didn't seem like he had much competition barring perhaps one over enthusiastic 2nd year who nearly collided with Milo as she took a dive after the snitch. She seemed to give up chase after that but Milo wasn't scared of a little commitment, it was all part of the plan he reminded himself as he lost more ground despite his dogged pursuit as he had to duck around another bludger. It wasn't the cleanest catch when Milo finally wrapped his fingers around the snitch, try-outs were winding down and Milo had nearly lost his balance reaching for it, but it was a catch and he had two years on the team already behind to back him up. "You know I'm the right choice!" He called to Raawhiti before exiting the pitch as try-outs ended, pointing at the captain again.
Last chance! Tryouts will be closing in approx. 24 hours 🦁
* With permission

Rose still wasn't sure how she felt about everything, she didn't really think she'd made any friends yet, her siblings were in other houses, her dad was here and to top all of it off, she wasn't sure how she felt about Quidditch. No, that wasn't entirely true, she loved Quidditch, she just wasn't sure it was really what she wanted to do. Still, she would try out, because she was expected to. She wasn't expected to make the team, not yet as a first year, but she had to try, her mum expected her to try at least. Her dad was probably somewhere in the stands watching her. She couldn't fail! She took a deep breath as she walked onto the pitch, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves. She loved flying, she'd always loved being in the air, that would never change. She knew she had the agility and the reflexes for this, that was never in question.

Rose was nervous, but she stood with her back straight and her head held high as she listened to the current Captain. He seemed a little imposing, but that might have been entirely because she was a first year and he was in his last. So many years separated them. The pitch was already bustling with activity as the current and hopefuls gathered. Rose listened intently, feeling a bubbling in her stomach at the thought she might one day join the team. Flying was a great love, she would hate to lose that. She nodded to herself, silently vowing to give everything she had.

Finally it was time, and Rose stepped forwards, her Gryffindor spirit shining through despite her nerves. “Rose Edogawa, trying out for Keeper,” she announced, her voice steady even as she tried desperately to ignore the flutters of her stomach. She couldn't understand why she was feeling this way, this was a family legacy! It shouldn't be this hard. The Captain signalled for her to begin, and Rose mounted her broom with practiced ease. As she soared into the air, she focused on her role and the skills she had honed over the years. The Quaffle was tossed into play, and Rose’s eyes narrowed in concentration. She moved swiftly across the pitch, positioning herself to intercept the ball.

The first few attempts were smooth as Rose demonstrated her solid blocking skills and quick reflexes. She dove and twisted to catch the Quaffle, showing off her agility and determination. Her movements were fluid, a blend of practiced precision and instinctive flair. She had practiced with her Aunt many times, and just hoped it was enough. Despite the pressure of the watching eyes and the formidable chasers ready to test her limits, Rose remained focused. She knew this was her chance to prove that she had the dedication and skill to be a vital part of the team. With each successful save, she felt her confidence grow, driven by the desire to make her mark and secure a place on the team.

When the try-outs concluded, Rose dismounted her broom, breathing heavily. She couldn't tell how that had gone, not really. There had been no terrible flyers and most of the people here were clearly ready for the commitment, whereas she'd only just got here and was still trying to work things out. Maybe it was enough. She had given it her all, and now all she could do was wait for the final decision. Either way, her mother couldn't be mad at her for that display, right?
William didn’t expect to make the Gryffindor Quidditch team, not as a first year but that wouldn’t stop him from trying out anyway. He nodded at the captain who had allowed him to try out but introduced himself anyway to follow the procedure that everyone else had. “William Potter-Cade, trying out for Beater,” William mounted his broom and went into the air with a bat in hand and began to circle the pitch watching everyone else do their thing while he kept an eye out for bludgers.

He managed to find and hit one in the direction of one of the students trying out for seeker but he didn’t stop to see if it hit. They were older and likely more experience than him so he was sure they managed to dodge it, but that wasn’t the point. He flew off and continued to look either for bludgers to send in someone's direction, or to stop a bludger from hitting one of the other players. He managed to get between a bludger and the girl trying out for chaser, as well as send a bludger at @Rose Edogawa (sorry rose) while she was trying out for keeper. When his try out was over William returned to the ground, nodded to the captain and left the pitch.
Felix hadn't told anyone he'd wanted to try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, in case with it came ridicule; primarily from his sister and aunt. Ten had no interest in playing the sport, but Felix felt like it was important to be part of a tradition in his family, both his mum and his aunt Leda had been on their respective school teams, and both of whom had played seeker. Ridicule or not, he wasn't going to let Ten and Ned stop him from trying to do something for himself for a change, and something that was important to him too no doubt.

"Felix Layton-King, trying out for seeker," he told the captain when the time came. He doubted he'd make it on the team this year, although spotting William across the field put his mind at ease that he wasn't the only one with Quidditch ambitions as a first-year. Mounting his broom, Felix kicked off from the ground in search of the snitch.

He knew it would be difficult, that was the point, but he hadn't expected it to be this hard. It took him ten minutes just to find the thing, hovering around in the air while trying to avoid the bludgers. He hoped William would keep them off him too, as he finally darted after the shiny ball. It was a precarious flight, but after a little time, Felix caught up with the snitch, wrapping his fingers around it before it could fly away, unable to stop the grin appearing on his face at the accomplishment. He released the snitch, letting it mingle on the pitch once more before he repeated the attempt. the second time he almost fell into the path of some chasers, but managed to duck at the last second.

Once the practise was over, Felix flew to the ground once more, glad that if nothing else he'd had the chance to prove to himself that he was capable of doing things others in his family had. Team or not, he hoped his mum would have been proud of him for trying.
Fiona had tried out last year and hadn’t made it on the team, which disappointed Fiona if she was being honest. But she knew she had to try again. She practised a lot during her school break. She knew she had to try and practice as much as she could. The third year made her way to the quidditch pitch, and listened carefully to what the captain had to say. It wasn’t long before they had to introduce themselves and then they were able to show off their skills. “Fiona Burke, trying out for chaser” Fiona says with confidence and a smile. She quickly made it into the sky and instantly started to show what she had. She made sure to pass to other chasers when she could as well as made a couple of scores. She did this a couple of times, flying with other chasers and such.
Apologies for the delay in posting lineup, this was an incredibly difficult decision, and I wanted to take the time and seek outside input. Thank you all so much for trying out, and to those who didn't make the team I strongly encourage you to try again next year!

SeekerRāwhiti Te Rangi (Captain)
Beater@Santiago Torres
Beater@Miro Morales-Albertson
Chaser@Joshua Lynch
Chaser@Fraser Fergusson
Chaser@Ivy Cullen
Keeper@Teddy Pirrip
Alt. Seeker@Milo Frogg
Alt. Chaser@Alicia Richelieu
Alt. Chaser@Veronica Walden-Cade

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