Raawhiti Te Rangi

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (18)
Rāwhiti felt almost like he was going to burst with pride, standing on the pitch with his Firebolt in his hand and his shiny new captain's badge gleaming on his Quidditch uniform. He had been envisioning this moment for what felt like his whole life; Gryffindor captain, ready to guide his team to cup after cup. The fact that Louis and Zephryn had seen it in him too made his heart skip a beat. They'd given him the chance to find his place in Hogwarts Quidditch history, and he wasn't going to squander it.

And the first step was making sure he assembled a perfect team. There were big shoes to fill this year, and he knew he had to choose carefully. So Rāwhiti was doing his best to stay neutral and focused as the old team and new hopefuls alike gathered on the pitch, hoping to make this as easy as possible. "Alright, listen up!" He called out for attention once the group had fully gathered, heart racing a little. His first speech as captain. "I know most of you, but if haven't met, I'm Rāwhiti Te Rangi and I'm the new Gryffindor captain. We've had a rough few years, but this is gonna be our time to turn things around, and that means we need to be the best. I want to see everyone bringing their A game today, so stay focused and show me what you've got." He looked over the new hopefuls, eager to see the talent he would be working with this year. "Right, let's get started. When it's your turn step forward, say your name and the position you're trying for, and then get up there and show me what you've got."

SeekerRāwhiti Te Rangi (Captain)
BeaterAurora Archer
BeaterSantiago Torres
ChaserSoren Gates
KeeperGenevieve Fuentes
Alternates3 Slots Open

OOCOut of Character:
Returning team members must post to keep their spot on the team. Alternates must try out again!

First years are not allowed to try out unless there are still spaces that need to be filled. If you have a first year that's interested shoot me a PM.
Aurora had been a bit disappointed to not be asked to be captain of the gryffindor team, even if she wouldn't exactly have had the time to do it. she listened to the captain and then got on her broom and into the air the moment that she could, ready to practice and hopefully help them win this year.
Fraser was nervous, he knew that his chances for becoming a professional quidditch got slimmer and slimmer with each year that he didn't make the team. But Fraser knew he had to keep trying. He arrived on the pitch with a wide smile, looking towards the new captain and hoping to show what he was made of. Fraser knew if this went badly he was going to need to find a new hobby that he might then use. Fraser had his broom in hand, and was trying to not look around too much. He just needed to stay focused on it. He stepped forward when he was able to. "Hey! Fraser, for chaser," he said with a wide smile, trying to not give away that he was nervous.

Fraser flew up into the air, and began flying around and immediately became at ease. Flying and quidditch were just things he loved so deeply. He immediately got back into it. His flying had improved again, though he still lacked some of the cohesion as he spent time practicing alone or with one person and not on a team. His throws were stronger, his aim better, but he still wasn't the best at passing, not generally needing to. Fraser was even happy when he actually managed to score once within the try-out. Fraser was very happy with how it went. He always remembered how good this sport was, how much fun it was to fly around. He flew back to the ground and smiled easily. God, he loved quidditch.
Senna wasn't entirely sure why she was trying out for the team today. She had tried out once, a few years ago, but after that the chaser positions had been filled and she didn't try again. It was why the whole idea of a quidditch club had popped up into her head, so kids who didn't (and those who did) could still enjoy quidditch together. With everything going on in her head, however, she felt like she needed a distraction. A bigger one. One that would actually distract her without having to try too hard herself. So here she was three years later, trying out again.

She thought it was cool to see that Rāwhiti had made captain, smiling when he finished talking. "Senna Overby, trying out for chaser." She said with a small nod before hopping onto her broom. Just the idea of being out on the pitch and getting to actually toss the quaffle around made her heart happy. It was almost as if she had temporarily forgotten how much she actually liked playing quidditch. Not just listening to the radio or watching a game. Actually being part of the action herself. Sen tried her best to get her hands on the quaffle, grateful when it was passed to her and passing it along as to not seem selfish. Although she also tried to steal once or twice, without much success, just to see how she'd go. With some teamwork she got to try her hand at scoring thrice, a little surprised one of her shots actually made it through. When time had eventually ran out she made her way down to the ground, happy she at least got to be up on the pitch with others for a change.
Josh had been an alternate for the Gryffindor team for a bit now, and so far he had liked it. He didn’t mind he wasn’t on the front lines for games. But he knew he wanted to try-out again this year, even if it ment he might be an alternate once again.

Josh happily made his way down to try-outs. His roommate had made it as the captain which Josh thought was awesome. Josh waved at Senna as she had been at try-outs too. Josh listened carefully as Rāwhiti spoke. It wasn’t long before they were able to fly in the sky and do their usual thing. “Joshua Lynch, trying out for chaser” Josh said with a smile before he flew in the air. He made sure to pass the quaffle to the other chasers. Josh was able to make a few goals. Josh tried to steal a couple of times, only managing to do it once. Overall he thought his tryout went okay. It wasn’t long before it was over and he was on the ground again.
Teddy had dedicated time to preparing for these tryouts over the holidays. Audrey had offered nuggets of advice too and Teddy felt as prepared as he ever would be. Though he was aware that the desired position of seeker wasn't currently available, he embraced the opportunity as backup for the team. "Teddy Pirrip, trying out for Seeker," he proudly declared, mounting his broom and kicking off from the ground. In the air, he demonstrated his agility and precise speed control, all while keeping a keen eye out for the snitch. Before long, a glint of gold caught his attention, and he darted toward it with unwavering determination.

With outstretched hand and lightning reflexes, he closed his fingers around the elusive golden ball. "Yes, I caught the snitch!" Teddy was elated with how the tryout had unfolded, regardless of whether or not he secured a spot on the team.
Soren headed down to the pitch. He was feeling a lot better about things this year. He gave Aurora an easy smile, throwing a playful wink to the captain before taking off into the air. He hung back a little but still did his best when he did have the ball- had to keep the keepers on their toes, after all. By the time they were done, he was humming happily, having scored a few goals himself and ready to shower and relax back in the towers.
Santiago wasn't feeling as sour as the school year started yet again. He was surprised how much he had enjoyed quidditch last year and even more surprised how much more bearable school seemed with it to look forward too. Thankfully he didn't have to try out again with his spot on the team secured. He got to the pitch and listened to the captain even if none of the information was really for him. When it was time he took to the air with his bat and started to look for bludgers. He focused on aiming for the returning players but didn't spare those trying out too much. They'd have to learn how to dodge one way or another. Try-outs went by rather quickly and he was looking forward to their first actual practice soon.
Evie was looking forward to her last year of quidditch. It would be sad to play her last game at some point this year, but quidditch made her happy, and she wasn't sure if she would've been able to survive Hogwarts without it. The teen promptly made her way to the quidditch pitch for the tryouts. As she gathered around to listen to their captain, Evie eyed the new faces that were going to try out. They seemed to just get younger every year. When they were eventually allowed to head into the skies, Evie quickly mounted her broom, positioning herself in front of the hoops so that she could block the shots that came her way. She knew that a few people would want to try out for the chaser position since a couple of spots were open, but she was soon becoming a little overwhelmed with the amount of quaffles heading towards her. It was hard work and she was tired by the end of it by the end. She then headed back to the castle so she could clean herself up.
Aroha loved quidditch - she loved backyard quidditch, at least, and she was sure she'd love regular quidditch too. Flying was one of her favourite things to do, so even though she was a first year she just knew she needed to at least try out. Secretly Aroha hoped to impress despite her age, and in her mind's eye she could picture everyone super impressed with her skills, lauding praise over her for her skillful abilities. It made her feel more confident. "Aroha, trying out for beater," she said. Taking to the air, she took a moment to adjust to a broom that wasn't strictly hers. Soon she caught sight of a bludger, and with bat in hand zoomed over to it. With a target in mind, she swung her bat, colliding with the bludger and sending it flying off. A bit too enthusiastic, she hit it a tad too hard and it got sent far afield. It probably wasn't the best of looks. Aroha made a second attempt, this time hitting at a more measured amount. All in all, her attempt wasn't the mind-blowing show she'd been imagining, but it showed at least some skill.
Genesee was well prepared. She had a new broom in hand that her Uncle had given her at the start of summer. Quidditch was in her blood, she was certain everyone who followed professional quidditch would know where she came from. Her mother was the coach of the successful Woolongong Warriors, before that she was a pro player as a Keeper. Uncle Kayden had been a pro chaser for years before coaching Kaikōura Kea here in New Zealand and of course, her Aunt Indiana was also a pro chaser. The Nights dominated the southern hemisphere. While Genesee knew she was technically a Carter because of her father, she couldn't help but be drawn to the sport that was so fruitful as a career path on her mother's side. She wanted to be just like her mother. Even her father had been on the Quidditch team at Ilvermorny! Her cousin Charlotte Owens is currently a chaser on the Holyhead Harpies team. It was hard for Genesee to not feel as though her destiny was to be on her house's Quidditch team.

It had been a goal for her ever since she got her acceptance letter, whatever house she was in she'd make the team. And here was, standing possibly in the same exact spot as her mother had when she came to try out for the Gryffindor quidditch team ages ago. Listening to the instructions Genesee noticed all the older students get called up before her, which made sense. Usually first years don't make their teams, she'd be lucky to get a spot in the alternates this year. She debated in her head what position she really wanted to try out for while she waited. Most of her family were strong chasers, but her mother had been a keeper. Beater would be fun, but looking at the two who were already in that position on the team Genesee thought she might be too small and not strong enough to really hit the bludger well enough.

Finally, it was Gen's turn, huffing out a breath she squared her shoulders and walked forward. "Genesee Carter, trying out for chaser or keeper, as I think it's important to be flexible and do both sides so you learn your own weaknesses and new skills to succeed in." After that, she took to the air to do the chaser tryout first. She got to fly higher than she had ever been allowed at home which felt thrilling. She passed the ball between the other chasers who were paired with her before taking turns trying to score. Genesee being small and quick on her broom had been successful in stealing the quaffle from others about 3 times but in comparison, her scoring was lacking as she wasn't used to facing an actual keeper in the hoops. She managed to score once before switching to the keeper side. The ball flying right at her was a little nervewracking but her mom had taught her some tricks to get her broom moving fast in a sprint-like fashion. More went in than she managed to stop but she kept herself positive on the outside throughout the tryout for keeper knowing she was still so small and that made it hard to cover the big space. In the end, she didn't want to land on the ground but had no choice and did so. "Woo, that was impressive, thank you," she said to the captain as she made her way off the pitch with all the people. For the moment it felt cool to her being involved in a team atmosphere and participating in it rather than just watching her mother coach a team and sitting in the stands watching.
he had failed to make the team the previous year but that wouldn't stop her from trying again, the seeker spot was open after all so she would go out for it and let the chips fall where they may. She stepped out onto the Quidditch pitch with her broom in hand and waited for her turn. "Astraea Kuya-Jenkins, trying out for seeker" She announced when it was her turn to go out and look for the snitch.

Astraea had to shake the cobwebs loose from standing in one place too long before climbing on her broom and darting off into the sky. As she was trying out for Seeker there was a lot less structure to her tryout, she essentially had to stay in one spot and keep an eye out for a golden glint while everyone else was scoring goals and hitting bludgers. It took everything in her not to watch her housemates during their tryouts and instead keep an eye on the skies. She was determined to catch the snitch during her tryout no matter what, or how long it took.

Astraea didn't know how long she was up on the air for, only that the faces between the hoops had changed at least twice and a handful of bludgers had shot past her usually with an enthusiastic beater chasing after it, one even called out an apology as they passed. It was shortly after that overzealous beater had passed her that she saw it, a speck of gold out the corner of her eye. Astraea had no choice other than to immediately dart in the direction of it without a second to even try and get a letter look, there was no time to second guess herself. As luck (or skill?) would have it she had been right and seconds after leaning forward on her broom to dart forward she began to see the snitch coming into view, she had to get closer if she would have any chance of catching it. Astraea leaned forward with all her weight and held out her hand to try and grab the snitch but it was just out of reach of her arm. She was too close only to go and fail, she had to catch it but it seemed the snitch had other ideas. The little gold ball changed directions without warning and shot past her eat. Astraea grabbed her broom handle with both hands and rolled backwards and shot forward hoping she was following the right path. The snitch didn't escape her long and soon enough she was back with a little gold ball just slightly out of reach and her arm out in front of her desperately trying to get her fingers around the elusive little thing. Astraea wouldn't be outwitted this time and she gave her broom one last push forward and could feel the metal brush against her fingertips, she repositioned herself slightly enabling her to grab at the air in front of her and could feel the weight of the snitch in her hand. She let out a sigh of relief as she pulled up her broom and let herself relax for the first time while she had been in the air.

With the snitch in hand, Astraea returned to the ground to prove to the captain she had caught the snitch, and with that, she fell back in with the group until the tryouts were over. Even if she didn't make the team she was happy with her work.
Quidditch ran in Veronica's blood so trying out for the house team as soon as she was able to without special permission had been a given. She had worked all winter long to prepare for the tryouts at the beginning of the new semester and headed down to the pitch eager to show off her skills and earn her place, even if she had to start as an alternate, her dad had been an alternate after all and things had worked out pretty well for him.

Veronica stood among her peers with her broom in hand, she hated waiting and began to bounce with nervous energy. She wanted to start, she wasn't nervous about how she would perform, she knew she would do well once she eventually got her chance. "Veronica Walden-Cade, trying out for Keeper," She announced when it was finally her turn.

Mounting her broom, Veronica made her way up to the set of hoops she was assigned and waited for the chasers to start taking shots at her. She was glad to finally get to stretch her muscles and show just how good she could be. She went early when the first chaser took a shot and she initially went the wrong way but she was just quick enough to recover and get her fingertips to the quaffle, unable to catch it, it tumbled to the ground but that wasn't her problem, it hadn't gone through the hoop. The second shot went through the center hoop after a very convincing fake from one of the more senior chasers, well she was exceptional but not perfect. She was however able to save the remaining three shots that were thrown at her and Veronica felt very good about her efforts when she returned to the ground and thanked the captain.
Basquiat had always loved flying but as he had been home schooled, it wasn't as if there was a team he could join. Instead he had a quaffle a friend of his from Australia had given him as it was old and misshapen from being hit with bludgers from time to time and just general wear and tear and his dad's old broom from years ago. He had played one on one with Zora since moving to New Zealand but she was a far more nervous flier than he would've liked so it had been hard to practice on broom. Instead they had often resorted to throwing it on ground between one another and using things they had around their home as goals and then Basquiat had flown independently.

Now that Basquiat was a Hogwarts student, he really did want to try for the team. Now if he was successful or not he wasn't sure. He didn't even know if Gryffindor was a good team or not. He hoped so as that would be embarrassing to try for a team that was a poor performing team - even more embarrassing if he wasn't accepted onto the team. Basquiat walked onto the pitch with a borrowed broom in hand from the broom closet as he knew his own broom would pale in comparison to the ones Hogwarts had and he was right to say that. He listened to the talk the boy Captain made. Upon his turn he said, "Basquiat Jackson for chaser." The boy mounted his broom and flew up quickly, he noted the other chasers and beaters both on the team and trying out. Ultimately his main focus was getting as many goals, avoiding a few Bludgers and being the star of the show even if sometimes that fell to the seeker. Bas knew that while it ended the game, it could still lose the game so there wasn't that much glory in it, as far as he thought.

During flight, he had cut off a chaser mid flight to catch the quaffle from them and swiftly flew in the direction of the goals. He extended his left arm and though it might have looked he was aiming for the left goal he threw it behind the center hoop and scored. Not taking any time to celebrate he continued on, he had made a few more scores, had begrudgingly passed for an assisted score and had the quaffle taken from him all but once. Ultimately he felt he performed very well and when he touched down to the ground he said,
"That was fun."
Last call - tryouts will be closing in a bit more than 24 hours!
Milo had spent so long fine tuning his broom and making mental plans for today's try-outs he'd nearly missed it, out of breath as he sprinted down to the pitch, hurriedly wiping off a grass stain on his robes from where he'd slipped on the way across the lawn. He spotted Teddy and Fergusson both in the crowd of hopefuls and frowned at them both, gripping his broom tighter. If they both made the team and he didn't and had to watch Gryffindor lose again then Milo was going to eat his broom.

"Milo Frogg, trying out for beater," he said confidently, swinging a leg over his broom and kicking into the air. He'd spent all holidays practicing flying with his hands free whenever he could to get his balance. After that he'd done his best trying out the different positions, finding he had a knack for beater, at least when he got Marnie to throw basketballs at him while he knocked them away with a cricket bat. The beaters bat in his had today was a lot shorter and it admittedly took Milo a little while to adjust to the change in size and weight, he kept finding himself missing or drifting as he tried to pin down a bludger.

Finally, after flying laps and watching the team beaters, Milo zeroed in on one, smacking it clear into one of the people trying out for chaser. He'd been aiming for Fergusson but he'd still hit someone and Milo let out a whoop. He managed a few more glancing hits, some coming very close to hitting players he'd been aiming for even, though he didn't manage any more clean hits until it was time to set back down, his shoulders and arms aching as he flexed his fingers, heart beating from exhilaration and nerves even as he assured himself there was no way he'd messed that up.

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