Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y42 S1

Isaiah Thompson

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OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Blackthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
11/2040 (21)

Isaiah was excited for another year of quidditch, especially now that he had been made captain. He had always had the urge to win but even more so now. Gryffindor hadn't won the cup in a while and if they managed to do so under his leadership that would be great. At least than he had something to brag about at home instead of being jealous of both his cousins having made their way onto the professional quidditch circuit.

"Alright guys, welcome back to another year of quidditch!" He grinned when the team had come together on the pitch. "We have some new names around but I know we'll all do our best to get them up to speed as quickly as possible." He explained, nodding towards Valentina and Joshua for a second. He knew Genevieve had also taken on a new position but technically she wasn't new, she had already been around last year so he was confident she knew the ropes. "I'm not going to waste a lot of time talking because we're all of way much use up there in the air, so let's get to it! Chasers, no teams this time around. Just make sure to stay active. Pass, steal. Anything you could expect in a real game too. The rest of you, you know what to do so do it well. Let's make this our year."

OOCOut of Character:
No arrivals necessary, let's get as much practice in as we can in this short time!
Flynn still wasn't much of a fan of their new Captain. Frankly, he didn't want to pay much attention to the younger boy, so that was exactly what he opted to do, pretending that Isaiah wasn't even there as he addressed the team. With a huff, Flynn swung a leg over his broom and finally kicked off, determined to get in some practice. This was finally going to be the year they made it to the finals. Finally.
Aurora was barely in the air as a bludger raced towards her, and she was quick to smack it away but it ended up hitting Elara. It all felt a little early to be hitting things but she had.
@Elara Chatelain
Louis was glad there were no teams, he didn't want to work together he just wanted to score. He grabbed the quaffle once it was thrown into play, taking to the air quickly with it under his arm.
Valentina was thrilled to have made it on the team as an alternate, even if the girl ahead of her was only one year older and had tried out for every position on the team whereas she had worked her a** off training to play keeper. All that would be a problem for another day, she would work hard and earn her spot if the opportunity came up. Once practice got underway she jumped on her broom and flew up to one of the set of hoops to wait for things to start.
With his players addressed Isaiah hopped onto his broom himself and started hunting for a bludger. He shot Aurora a thumbs up when she managed a hit straight away but also glanced at El to make sure she was fine. He knew she could handle a bludger or two though.
Zee could not wait to get back up into the air. Quidditch was probably the only way she could deal with everything that was going on in her classes. A great way to just focus on flying and nothing else. She smiled slightly at the captain's speech, happy that it was short. She quickly mounted her broom and flew up into the air. She didn't grab the quaffle right away, which was certainly annoying. But she followed Louis hoping to steal if she could.
Isaiah hit a bludger Flynn’s way but it missed him by a hair.
Louis flew to the hoops and threw the quaffle hard. He scowled as he failed to score.
Flynn continued to fly in circles as he looked for the snitch
Zee watched as the previous goal was missed. If this was a game she would be upset, but this was just practice. Plus she was not the one that attempted it. Now, this was her chance. She quickly grabbed the quaffle as it was thrown back into play, making her way towards the opposite hoops. She had this. She just had to focus.
There was no sign just yet, but it was still early days.
Soren arrived to the pitch with the others, taking off into the air. He followed behind the other chasers, letting them have a go first before swooping in and snatching the quaffle up himself.
Elara had no doubt she'd still be on the team this year, but it was her last year to really hone the skill. As she listened to Zay start practice, it was crazy to think how old they were now, that he was in charge of something. Taking to the air, she'd not even started to hover before feeling a bludger knock her about 6 feet in the opposite direction. She shook it off and started looking for the snitch.
Elara was peeved that she'd already gotten hit by a bludger when she saw something catch her eye. It was far away, and while it was close to the start of practice, it didn't matter because it was all a game of chase. She flew quickly, trying to dodge any hints to Flynn as she grasped her hand around the tiny ball. Holding it up, Elara smiled and released it back into the air.
Soren made it back to the hoops, frowning when he missed. Well, that hadn't worked.
He had just spotted the snitch when a bludger cane out of nowhere, smacking right into him and giving Elara enough time to swoop in and grab it herself. He grumbked, trying to shake off the hit, rubbing at his arm a little where it had hit him.
Isaiah flew after a bludger.
Flynn narrowed his eyes, flying a little higher as he continued to search.
Zay hit a bludger but it didn’t hit anyone.
Evie was ecstatic that she managed to finally get a full position on the team, and this time as a keeper. She headed straight in the air for the first practice, full of plenty of energy for it. She somehow managed to block the first three shots and this definitely kept her motivated. She thought he quaffle back out.
There was still no sign of the snitch, but he just kept looking, flying closer to the stands just in case it was hiding under one of the seats.

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