TEAM NAME: Southern Super Stars
Bruin had spent countless hours on the pitch and could almost sense when something was going to go wrong. He had experienced a number of bludger related injuries and accidents and was starting to believe that this game had been a mistake when he watched several rather tentative plays on the bludger. He was just about to call the game when Andy was knocked from her broom and began to free fall.
Instinctively, Bruin discarded his bat and sent his own broom into a nose dive, hoping that he would be able to beat her to the ground and at least cushion her landing in some way. He watched as his teammates made valiant efforts to slow or prevent her descent, closing the distance between he and Andy effectively as each of them provided him with prescious seconds to do so. At several points, it appeared that they had done enough to save her only for another mishap to occur and Andy to resume plummeting toward the ground.
As Ellie's attempted catch failed, Bruin realized that it was now or never and he pressed himself even tighter to his broom until he was about 10 or 15 feet above the ground speeding towards the point where Andy would land unless he got there first. Time seemed to slow down as the final few feet between them narrowed and Bruin found himself reaching for her with his right arm just as the broom Hilary had summoned careened into his leg. With a final lunge, Bruin managed to grasp hold of Andy's waist and pull her towards him.
Unfortunately, Bruin was unable to regain much control of his broom due to his awkward posture and the unbalanced weight of the two of them hurtling through the air together. The broom gave one final lurch and they angled downwards and crumpled to the turf together. The impact knocked the wind out of Bruin and he felt himself tumbling across the well manicured lawn like a ragdoll, finally coming to rest on his back and staring up into the blue sky above and his arm resting on something warm beside him.
Please let her be okay! Bruin thought to himself as he tried to catch his breath.
ACTION TAKEN: Making a rather clumsy attempt (godmod was approved, mind you!)

all of them
FINISHING LOCATION: in a crumpled heap on the ground somewhere in the SW