Grownups need friends too.

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Gabriel Blume

tattoo artist | friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
3/1997 (64)
So, Gabriel's been feeling a bit lonely with a big ol' flat all to himself, and there's all this space he's not using... if there's anyone out there who doesn't mind being absolutely blinded by the most colourful flat known to man, he's got a spare room for a flatmate... who would be welcome to contest his ridiculous love of mega bright colours, of course :)

Also, friends/enemies/whatever are welcome ^_^ Gabriel loves meeting people, and a crush definitely wouldn't go astray - Gabriel's bisexual, and I'm completely open to any plots anyone wants to suggest :)
He and my character Wallace Montgomery III would get along soooooo well. :lol:
:lol: awesome! D'you wanna do a RP with the two of them?
Cloe can she doesn't have very many friends
:D I replied in the thread you pm'd me ^_^
Eddie is bi too! Just felt like pointing it out. If you haven't got a flat mate yet he'd be up for it, he's still living with his parents at the moment.
He is generally bouncy and fun and flirty, unless around family where he is reserved and quiet.

What d'you say??
Hah, I only just realised you'd actually replied to this thread as well as PMing me XD oops! Hehe xP

Anyway, as I said via PM, totally cool :]
Heya, dunno if this be still open but Candice sounds cool for him.

She is a bit excantric on the clothes front, likes neon tutu's and mismatches converses. She enjoys art and drama, she is a drama queen. She also has three tattoo's and a few ear piercings.

:lol: She and Gabriel are like twins x)
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