Grounding you is overrated

Devlin Maxwell

Marques of Donigael | Member of Parliament
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Unyielding 12 1/2" Alder wood wand with Magaul Feather core
Saturdays are suppose to be everyone's rest day but for Devlin, and having two jobs to conquer, he was swarmed up to his neck of paper works from reviewing bills from the parliament and another trial at the Ministry of Magic will happen. He could ask his mother for help but the woman is busy with her own job as a teacher. Pacing himself by the foyer , television on at the family room. Devlin could hear the morning news when he got a glimpse of the monitor flashed a picture of his sister, Ainslee. The picture was old, taken from one of the polo matches they attended 3 years ago.

Then there were more pictures slowly came up, this time they were recent, at a zoo. "What did you do now?" Devlin muttered to himself. Hands on his hips, he sigh. But the man noticed the 2 men with her on the pictures, the caption read 'Not Miss Sunshine anymore' and the reporter somewhat made fun of Ainslee, though, Devlin didn't hear it. He paced yet again, this time he rub his face vigorously in frustration.
Half of her day was rather exhausting, it was suppose to be just her and Arnaud and the zoo but even that was tricky. Ainslee smiled at the receptionist of the hotel she was staying at and asked if she has any mail. The receptionist gave her stacks of legal envelopes with the seal of the Marquissate of Donigael in it. The woman sigh but thanked the receptionist anyway. Ainslee wiped her eyes as she waited for the elevator to come down, she had been crying all the way here thinking if the situation had been worst. She's not blaming Arnaud for what happened, he has the right to get angry and plus, that ding-bat Caden provoke him.

The elevator finally came down and the doors opened. Ainsley rode it when it finally came to her floor, the doors opened again and an empty hallway greeted her. Looking from her left to right, she sigh again, she doesn't want to be alone right now and decided to apparate right there from the empty hall way to their Front porch in Whitecross, Northern Ireland. Ainslee was immediately greeted by the gardener, a half blood wizard. She waived at him and greeted him back. All their workers from centuries ago till now has magic in them, no muggle has worked for them, it may sound racist but this is how the Maxwell's continue to do magic inside their property as well as keeping the secrecy.

The woman was yet again greeted by their footman at the door, a seer. Ainslee commented how creepy that was but the footman smiled anyway and let her past. Ainslee doesn't enjoy servants because she thinks that they're being spoiled and such but her sister-in-law suggested that tradition should stay, a tradition long gone now. Thus the household contains an array of servants; 1 butler, 2 footmen, 4 lady's maid, 2 cooks, 1 housekeeper, 2 house maids, 1 valet, 2 gardeners, 1 groom and 2 game keepers. Though, only her sister-in-law's friends and family are the one using them when on vacation.

Ainslee walked into the foyer and glanced at the family room where a television was open, her face in it. Her jaw dropped and stared at it for a couple of minutes, then Ainslee read the headlines. Confused she called out to her brother, "Dev! Your lordship?" she had a feeling this will not end as she thought it will.
Devlin had to man the media or it will spread more like a wild fire. He paused the telly and made a call from his study across the family room. Devlin has expected the worst when he found out that the news has gone up everywhere. Her sister was always careful with things like these and now that she's out in the world full of criticism, he's bothered that Ainslee can't handle it. The man finished his conversation with the head of a local TV station and tossed gently his cellphone on his table. Devlin knew his best friend wont hurt his sister no matter what. In fact, Arnaud is perfect for Ainslee. Simple, smart and a gentleman. An aristocratic man should be, except, Arnaud wasn't born into the world they grew up in. Nonetheless, he doesn't care.

Devlin's thoughts were interrupted when a familiar voice called out to him. Before meeting the person, he rang the kitchen for some tea. Devlin walked out of his study and met his sister at the foyer. Ainslee was staring at the telly, still paused from earlier. "Carrigan, what have you done?" He asked concern but he could see the young woman is tired. Devlin sigh and walked nearer his sister. "I know it's not you or Arnaud's fault but please, be careful next time." Devlin stated, his tone calm and collected. The marquis can't seems to get mad at his sister, it was far to long for her not to be with someone.

Then a footman appeared with a tray of tea and sandwiches. Devlin asked the man to put it in the family room. The footman later went down to the kitchen again, leaving them alone. "Although, I can't stop the spread of the news. It was too late." He apologize. fame has its consequences, life has its consequences and no one can ever stop that. He sigh and said, reassuringly to Ainslee "I'll talk to Caden about this. For right now let's have tea so you can eat properly." The man was worried that his sister wasn't eating well back in New Zealand. Since she parted from them, he barely saw her visit. Devlin lead the way to the family room, grab the remote for the TV and changed the channel to something appropriate. Cartoons.

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